The Organic Prepper

Have you ever heard anyone utter some variation of one of these comments?

“I’m going to start prepping as soon as I can move.”

“I can’t prepare because I live in a tiny apartment.”

“Well, once we are able to get moved to our farm in two years I’ll start prepping hardcore.”   Continue reading “Bloom Where You’re Planted: Prepping to Survive Where You Are Right Now”

Boing Boing – by Cory Doctorow

GM has joined with John Deere in asking the government to confirm that you literally cannot own your car because of the software in its engine.

Like Deere, GM wants to stop the Copyright Office from granting an exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that would allow you to jailbreak the code in your car’s engine so that you can take it to a non-GM mechanic for service, or fix it yourself. By controlling who can service your car, GM can force you to buy only official, expensive parts, protecting its bottom line.   Continue reading “GM says you don’t own your car, you just license it”

Yahoo News – by Margery A. Beck

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A Nebraska man opened fire Wednesday on officers who were trying to arrest him for a previous shooting, prompting police to return gunfire in a shootout that left one officer and the suspect dead, Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer said.

Officer Kerrie Orozco, 29, died at Creighton University Medical Center shortly after the 1 p.m. shooting, Schmaderer said at a news conference. Schmaderer said the suspect, 26-year-old Marcus Wheeler, also died at the hospital.   Continue reading “Police officer, suspect killed in Omaha shooting”

classroomThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

If you thought the loss of parent’s rights over what level of government brainwashing their child is subjected to within the regular public school system was bad enough in this country, check out the new idea radical Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan was throwing around last week while speaking at the National Summit on Youth Violence Prevention: public boarding schools.

He was quoted as saying, “That’s a little bit of a different idea — a controversial idea — but the question is do we have some children where there’s not a mom, there’s not a dad, there’s not a grandma, there’s just nobody at home?”   Continue reading ““There Are Just Certain Kids We Should Have 24/7″: Obama’s Education Secretary Wants Government Boarding Schools”

AP Photo/Michael JohnsonBreitbart – by Caroline May

Thirty-seven MS-13 gang members have been indicted in Charlotte, North Carolina on numerous offenses including murder and attempted murder, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of North Carolina announced Wednesday.

Wednesday morning, a law enforcement dragnet rounded up 16 of the alleged gang members. While five remain “at large” the remaining 16 are in state custody.   Continue reading “37 MS-13 Gang Members Indicted in Charlotte, NC”

classroomThe Daily Sheeple

No, that headline isn’t a mistake.

Sex education is one thing but this… actually… happened.

A 25-year-old Atlanta-area math teacher named Quentin Wright has been arrested and charged with four misdemeanor counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor after it was alleged he was not only allowing his middle school-aged students to have sex in his classroom, but handing out condoms to the kids to boot.   Continue reading “Georgia Teacher Arrested for Allowing Middle Schoolers to Have Sex in His Classroom”

Reuters / Lucy NicholsonRT

Some 1,000 anti-low pay protesters have delivered a petition with over 1 million signatures to McDonald’s headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois. Ten workers from the crowd were permitted into the fast food giant’s compound to hand it over.

The “Fight for 15” group, which is demanding the multi-billion dollar empire pay its workers a minimum of $15 per hour, marched toward the McDonalds’s offices Thursday morning.   Continue reading “‘Fight for 15’ protesters hand over 1mn-signature petition at McDonald’s HQ”

Joshua E.

HONOLULU (AP) — The military on Wednesday said a second Marine has died of injuries he received after an Osprey aircraft crashed during a training exercise last weekend in Hawaii.

Lance Cpl. Matthew Determan of Maricopa, Arizona, was among several people who were injured when the MV-22 Osprey went down at Bellows Air Force Station outside Honolulu on Sunday. The military said in a statement that Determan, 21, died on Tuesday.   Continue reading “2nd Marine killed in Hawaii crash identified as Arizona man”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Yesterday China’s richest man, Li Hejun, lost more than half his fortune when his solar company stock suddenly crashed over 50%. Overnight it happened again, and Hong Kong’s securities regulator, warned other investors to exercise “extreme caution,” as Hong Kong’s best-performing stocks this year are crashing in a serial, tulip-like manner. And another billionaire was promptly wiped out: Pan Sutong started the day engorged with wealth after his companies Goldin Financial and Goldin Properties had risen 300% this year. By the close he had lost 60% of his wealth!   Continue reading “Crash Contagion: Second Chinese Billionaire Wiped Out In Seconds After Stock Instacrash”

Narcotics cops ordered to stop arresting suspects over 40New York Post – by Daniel Prendergast, Shawn Cohen and Jamie Schram

The city’s narcotics cops are being told to stop arresting suspects over the age of 40 — a major strategy shift designed to target younger dealers, who are more likely to carry guns and use them, The Post has learned.   Continue reading “Narcotics cops ordered to stop arresting suspects over 40”

KDRV – by Chuck Hickey

DENVER — A video posted to Facebook by a Denver mother has gone viral after she shamed her 13-year-old daughter for posing as a 19-year-old and posting suggestive photos.

Val Starks posted the video Sunday and it has been viewed more than 9 million times and shared nearly 300,000 times.   Continue reading “Denver mom shames daughter, 13, for posing as 19-year-old, posting suggestive photos”

rand_paul5Shark Tank – by Nicole Sanders

Senator Rand Paul (KY-R) started filibustering at 1:18 pm on Wednesday and as soon as he started his campaign team jumped on social media urging people to Stand with Rand and to donate to his campaign.

After 10 hours Paul was done. He said it was because he was tired but others speculate he probably raised his campaign quota for the day.   Continue reading “Rand Paul Tries to Win Over Voters With Fillibuster”

Spectator – by Ron Ross

Currently the average price of regular gasoline in California is $3.81 per gallon. That is $1.11 above the national average ($2.70). What are the reasons for this 40 percent higher price? There’s a witch’s brew of factors, but in a nutshell it boils down to the fact that California’s Democrat politicians have taken on the responsibility of saving the planet. That, of course, is a quixotic endeavor. Californians are wasting billions of dollars and getting nothing in return.

Individually California consumers spend about sixteen dollars more than necessary each time they fill their gas tanks or about $600 a year on average. Collectively California consumers purchase 14 billion gallons of gasoline each year. In other words, we’re spending $15 billion a year more than what we would if gasoline prices equaled the national average. The benefit-cost ratio of those expenditures is as close to zero as you can get.   Continue reading “California Gasoline Prices: The Damage Done”

WTOP – by Rick Massimo

WASHINGTON — The recent discovery of a person with measles visiting the D.C. area, as well as an outbreak in California that began late last year, highlight the importance of getting children vaccinated.

Dr. Fauci says that the main reason for outbreaks of the disease, once thought eliminated, is that “not everyone who could and should be vaccinated is getting vaccinated.”That’s the word from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, who spoke with WTOP on Thursday.   Continue reading “Expert: The lesson from recent measles case? Vaccinate”

Photo - (Image via screen shot)Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Jorge Ramos, the influential host of Univision’s Noticiero Univision, said the Latino vote will decide the 2016 presidential election and that Hispanics could see a reward for providing the margin of victory.

In an interview with Harvard University’s Institute of Politics following a speech to students, Ramos predicted that about 16 million Hispanics will go to the polls, likely to vote Democratic based on past trends.   Continue reading “Univision host: Hispanic vote to jump from 12 million to 16 million, will decide presidency”


Drunk driving has decreased by one-third since 2007 and three-quarters since 1973, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) 2013-2014 Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers.

The NHTSA used FORCIBLY collected oral fluid or blood samples from 11,100 drivers at 60 locations across the country to make the determination that drunk driving is decreasing.   Continue reading “Homeland Security is paying police to set up DUI checkpoints”

Authorities investigate a shooting in the parking lot of the Twin Peaks restaurant Sunday, May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas. Authorities say that the shootout victims were members of rival biker gangs that had gathered for a meeting. (AP Photo/Jerry Larson)Western Rifle Shooters

Will Grigg:

…The bloody incident at Waco’s Twin Peaks restaurant was not a “biker shootout.” At present there is no evidence that any of the nine victims were killed by fellow bikers, rather than being “taken out” by the scores of police — including snipers — who had effectively turned the parking lot into a kill zone…

Then from over the transom:   Continue reading “First They Came For The Bikers…”

Blood PressureDr. Mercola

Hypertension is dangerous if uncontrolled, increasing your risk for heart attack and stroke. But using drugs to lower your blood pressure may shorten your lifespan instead of extending it, according to the results of a University of Florida study.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association,1suggests that when it comes to blood pressure medication, less is more.   Continue reading “Lowering Your Blood Pressure Using Drugs May Increase Your Risk of Death, Study Shows”