CNBC – by Everett Rosenfeld

JPMorgan Vice Chairman Jimmy Lee unexpectedly died on Wednesday, the company said. He was 62.

“It is with deep sorrow and a heavy heart that I inform you that our beloved friend and colleague, Jimmy Lee, unexpectedly passed away this morning,” JPMorgan Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon said in a statement. “Jimmy was a great friend, leader and mentor to me and so many others.”   Continue reading “JPMorgan Vice Chairman Jimmy Lee has died: Company”

Former Marine to Open 'Cuddling' BusinessColumbia Patch – by Elizabeth Janney

Have you ever felt like you just wanted someone to hold you? There could be a place in Columbia for that.

Robert Andrews and his wife, Tiffany, are starting a cuddling business called Tender Embrace, and they’re looking to settle down nearby.

“Columbia is a perfect location demographically and geographically, as it hosts a number of corporate headquarters and business-oriented people,” Andrews told Patch.   Continue reading “Former Marine to Open ‘Cuddling’ Business”

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

A police officer in Barstow California who was caught on video attacking a pregnant black woman has now reportedly begun stalking the victim, driving by her house and waving at the woman when she is on her front porch with her kids.

In the original incident, Charlena Michelle Cooks had dropped her daughter off at school when police approached her and demanded her ID. Since she had committed no crime and there was no probable cause, Cooks knew she was not required to show ID and refused, at which time the officer launched his viscious assault, which went viral as soon as the video was released. (The video is below.)   Continue reading “Creepy Cop Who Attacked Pregnant Black Woman on Viral Video Now Stalking The Woman At Her Home”

Yahoo News – by Liz Peek, The Fiscal Times

Bam! That’s the sound of President Obama smacking head first into our nation’s system of checks and balances. It turns out that you actually can’t run the country all by yourself, even if you’re the smartest fellow in the room. That’s proving quite a shock to our legacy-hungry commander in chief, who is responding to various setbacks with increasing indignation and hauteur. But, never, ever, moderation.   Continue reading “Obama’s Unilateral Presidency Crashes Into the Constitution”

_media_2015_06_16_Cincinnati_Cincinnati_635700592799943800-pool1.jpgDetroit Free Press – by Keith BieryGolick and Michael D. Clark

CINCINNATI — An altercation between Fairfield, Ohio, police and patrons at the Fairfield Aquatic Center last week has yielded two versions of what occurred, with each side claiming unnecessary and inappropriate, even injurious, actions were taken to calm the situation.

Both sides claim there is videotape to back their statements.   Continue reading “Ohio pool incident escalates into patrons versus police”

no-boys-or-girlsLiberty News Now – by Candice Thomas

One of the largest school districts in the country is going to start teaching children that there’s no such thing as boys or girls.

Fairfax County Public Schools, just outside of Washington, D.C. in the Northern Virginia suburbs, has more than 180,000 students. It’s the tenth largest school district in the country.   Continue reading “Teachers To 7th Graders: There’s No Such Thing A Boy Or Girl”

Tens of Israeli, Saudi Officers Killed in Yemen Missile AttacksFars News

TEHRAN (FNA)- Sum 20 Israeli officers and 63 Saudi military men and officials were killed and many others taken captive in a special military operation of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement in Amir Khalid airbase in Southern Saudi Arabia, a top security official announced on Wednesday.

“The Ansarullah fighters backed by the Yemeni army hit Amir Khalid airbase in Khamees al-Mushait region in Southern Saudi Arabia with a scud missile and several Najm al-Saqeb (Striking Star) missiles last week, killing over 20 senior Israeli officers and 63 Saudi military men and capturing 35 others,” Mehdi Nasser al-Bashi told FNA on Wednesday.   Continue reading “Tens of Israeli, Saudi Officers Killed in Yemen Missile Attacks”

Anti-Media – by SM Gibson

ISIS is coming to get you. The terrorist group, also known as the Islamic State, monstrously beheads its victims. How dare we allow such mammoth human rights violations to take place anywhere in the world, especially in 2015! To stop this travesty, the United States government must violently intervene and continue its cycle of perpetual war in the Middle East. Bombs must be dropped and children must be maimed, but don’t fret, because this is the price of our freedom.   Continue reading “100 Beheadings So Far in 2015 and Counting… And No It’s Not ISIS”

Currency GlobeSent to us by Market Daily News

Michael Snyder:  Central banking has truly taken over the entire planet.  At this point, the only major nation on the globe that does not have a central bank is North Korea. 

Yes, there are some small island countries such as the Federated States of Micronesia that do not have a central bank, but even if you count them, more than 99.9% of the population of the world still lives in a country that has a central bank.   Continue reading “Do You Know How Many Nations Around The World Do Not Have A Central Bank?”

Wolf Street – by Wolf Richter

This is what two unnamed container shipping executives, one from an Asian carrier, the other from a European carrier, told the Wall Street Journal about the containerized-freight fiasco on the China-Europe route:

“We are now shipping at an absolute loss. With the bunker-adjustment-factor surcharge at $300 for Asia-Europe, we are losing more than $50 per box.” Continue reading “Shanghai Containerized Freight Index Totally Collapses, Top Carriers Wage Price War to Form Global Shipping Oligopoly”

Independent – by Christopher Hooton

The self-driving cars that could soon dominate our roads, perhaps even making human-driven ones illegal some day, could end up being programmed to kill you if it means saving a larger number of lives.

This is routed in a classic philosophical thought experiment, the Trolley Problem.   Continue reading “Self-driving cars may have to be programmed to kill you”

AP PhotoBreitbart – by Thomas D. Williams, PhD

Parents from the north of Italy have organized a massive demonstration, called “Defend Our Children,” against gender ideology in schools, which will be held this Saturday in the Saint John Lateran Square in Rome. The demonstrators will be protesting Italian educational programs that are meant to blur the sexual identity of children.

In the northern Italian city of Trieste, parents are in uproar over a taxpayer-funded elementary school program that includes dressing little boys as girls and girls as boys to overcome so-called “gender stereotypes.” Schools are calling the exercise “the game of respect,” which purportedly adopts many guidelines from the European standards on sex education, attributed to the World Health Organization.   Continue reading “Italian Families Protest Forced Cross-Dressing of Schoolchildren”

The Realist Report

As if we needed any more proof that the entire “Homeland Security” paradigm of American domestic security policy operates as a Jewish racket, we have even more courtesy of The Jewish Daily Forward this morning.

According to the Forward, the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee has “voted to more than double funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to $25 million for the coming year.” Virtually all of the funds allocated to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program go to Jewish organizations for “security” purposes. The Forward is even bold enough to admit in its headline that the Grant Program amounts to a “Jewish Earmark”.   Continue reading ““Jewish Earmark” set to double in 2016″

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Gun Owners are pushing back against an illegal proposal by the Spartanburg, South Carolina County Council to restrict the discharge of firearms in unincorporated areas of the county.

The Spartanburg Sheriff’s Office had received several complaints about gunshots being fired.   Continue reading “South Carolina County Seeks to Ban Shooting Guns on Personal Property”

CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – It’s high-tech and certainly controversial, but with the two prisoners from the Clinton Correctional Facility still on the lam an upstate senator says one way to track future escapees is to microchip them.

Bloodhounds and expensive manhunts are so yesterday when it comes to hunting escaped prisoners. That’s the opinion of one lawmaker, who says the state should explore implanting tiny GPS devices under convicts’ skin.   Continue reading “N.Y. State Senator Proposes Using GPS Implants To Track Violent Convicts”

cartAmericans for Fair Taxes

A groundbreaking report reveals that Walmart has built a vast, undisclosed network of 78 subsidiaries and branches in 15 overseas tax havens, which may be used to minimize foreign taxes where it has retail operations and to avoid U.S. tax on those foreign earnings. These secretive subsidiaries have never been subject to public scrutiny before. They have remained largely invisible, in part because Walmart fails to list them in its annual 10-K filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Walmart’s preferred tax haven is Luxembourg, dubbed a “magical fairyland” for corporations looking to shelter profits from taxation.   Continue reading “The Walmart Web: How the World’s Biggest Corporation Secretly Uses Tax Havens to Dodge Taxes”