
Two months ago, 100 homes in Arlington had to be evacuated as fracking fluid spilled out of a drilling site onto the city streets.

Now we know officially what happened, why it happened, and why Arlington officials are blaming the drilling company for “unacceptable behavior.”   Continue reading “Arlington officials report on fracking fluid blowout”

Crack Two

The flood of illegal immigrants coming into America over the Obama years has led to many bad consequences, all ignored by those in government wanting open borders.  But for at least 121 families, those consequences are something they will never forget.

According to the Washington Times, 121 illegal aliens released back into American society by the Obama Administration went on to commit murder:    Continue reading “121 Illegals Released By Obama Went On to Commit Murder”


Massachusetts was once at the forefront of liberty but sadly it’s now at the forefront for having some of the most secretive police in the country.

The Mass. State Police are the most secretive department in the country! They make it extremely difficult for the public to access any information.   Continue reading “Massachusetts police the most secretive in the nation”

Reuters/Gaston De CardenasRT

An American citizen has been accused of planning to build and detonate a bomb as part of a terror plot after three months of undercover surveillance by federal agents. The student from New York has been arrested and is being held without bail.

The FBI complaint against 20-year-old Munther Omar Saleh of Queens was unsealed on Tuesday and accuses him of allegedly providing material support to Islamic State (IS, aka ISIS/ISIL) while planning to detonate an explosive device in New York City.   Continue reading “College student accused of plotting terror attack in New York City”

North Jersey – by Stephanie Dazio

PATERSON — A 30-year-old city police officer is charged with leaving the scene of an accident Tuesday night that killed a 23-year-old pedestrian.

Officer Jose Urena was off-duty at the time that authorities allege he struck the pedestrian. Paterson Police Director Jerry Speziale said Urena, who has been with the department for seven years, has been suspended without pay.   Continue reading “Paterson police officer charged with leaving accident that killed pedestrian”

blackhawksSHTF Plan – by Jeremiah Johnson

This article is going to detail some of the increased movements by U.S. military forces in Northwestern Montana, particularly in the Flathead Valley as observed by myself and others who live in the area.  Upon the conclusion of this article it would be greatly appreciated for any and all comments to be submitted pertaining to similar movements noticed in the home states of the readers.  With Jade Helm in its preliminary stages, one cannot help but notice these comings and goings.

C-130 Hercules flights are running out of Glacier International Airport on a regular basis, with a minimum of three flights during the day and two at night, the latter usually occurring around 11:00 pm or later.  They usually fly east and cross over the Continental Divide, heading toward Malmstrom Air Force Base.  The helicopters have been more alarming.  For the past two weeks, there has been a minimum of two sorties per night, paralleling the north-south railroad line and following it through the mountains and crossing the Divide.  These sorties bear a minimum of (2) UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, and I have seen as many as (6) per over flight.   Continue reading “Military Movements On The Northern Border: “It Is Reminiscent Of The Soviet Union””

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

When it comes to the contents of the TPP, the most important law of Obama’s second term, merely leaking its contents to the press can have result in imprisonment or treason charges, which, considering recent revelations that a substantial portion of the bill was drafted by and for the express benefit of pharmaceutical companies, was to be expected:  when the US population learns that their elected legislators not only don’t read the laws they “pass”, but are merely bribed figureheads that don’t even write them, the resultant collapse of the “democratic” process would be unpleasant.   Continue reading “Knife Regulation Arrives: This Is The US Government, Hard At Work”

Housing-MarketArmstrong Economics – by Martin Armstrong

If you apply for a mortgage, you will suddenly encounter the REAL hunt for money. My sister just bought a house and to get the mortgage she had to explain every deposit and cash withdrawal in her account going back five years. My mother had simply written her a check for $400 to reimburse her for picking up some medicine. They wanted her to explain why my mother gave her $400.

Another friend, who lived with his girlfriend for five years and shared an apartment, encountered the full fury of the government’s hunt for spare change. His girlfriend had written him checks for half the rent for five years. He had to explain every one of those checks before they could get a mortgage to buy a home together.   Continue reading “The Feds Are Hunting Money Retroactively – Is a Real Estate Crash Coming?”

Army infantry range firing blue cordsWe are the Mighty – by David Nye

The U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps infantrymen pride themselves on being some of the biggest badasses on every block they roll into. They have more similarities than differences, but they’re unique forces. Here are 5 ways you can tell Marine and Army infantry apart:

Note: For this comparison we are predominantly pulling from the Army’s Infantry and Rifle Platoon and Squad field manual and the Marine Corps’ Introduction to Rifle Platoon Operations and Marine Rifle Squad. Not every unit in each branch works as described in doctrine. Every infantry unit will have its own idiosyncrasies and units commonly change small details to deal with battlefield realities.   Continue reading “5 differences between Army and Marine Corps infantry”

The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Most pundits and politicians are claiming that the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) is no more than a statutory acknowledgment of a power already possessed by the president to promote “free trade.”

For example, presidential candidate and senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) explained his recent vote in favor of the TPA this way:   Continue reading “TPA: Backdoor to Enforcement of UN’s Arms Trade Treaty”

Harrison Orr, 78, of Citrus Heights is suing the CHP over a traffic stop that he says resulted in him being thrown to the ground, being accused of DUI and spending more than 14 hours in custody.Sacramento Bee – by DENNY WALSH AND SAM STANTON

For years, the California Highway Patrol has consistently denied that its officers are subject to a quota for the number of traffic tickets they write each month.

The practice is illegal under state law, and agencies that have been found to use a quota system have paid millions of dollars in damages and faced lawsuits filed as recently as April.   Continue reading “Court case hinges on claim of illegal CHP ticket quotas”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

“I’m an amateur student of history and I’m reminded of … how Germany was testing the waters and what the response was by various other European powers… But unfortunately, up to the annexation of the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, the annexation of the entire country of Czechoslovakia, nobody said stop. If somebody said stop to Hitler at that point in time, or to Germany at that time, would we have avoided World War II.”

That piece of revisionist history is brought to you by Benigno Aquino and is excerpted from a speech the Philippine President gave to the Japanese parliament earlier this month.    Continue reading “China Completes Island Construction, Will Now Build Military Facilities”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown, January 2015

Bill Whittle quickly became one of my favorite commentators. In the following monologue, Whittle brilliantly displays something I have pointed out concerning how the socialist and communist gun grabbers in America demonize guns. He exposes their bias to all of the relevant FBI data at their disposal.

Whittle rightly points out that America tops the list of guns per capita. There are 90 guns per every 100 people. Not only does this arsenal among the American people make it a force to be reckoned with against those who would seek to dominate the US population, but these weapons are the means of fighting against tyranny and oppression.   Continue reading “USA: First in World in Gun Ownership – Not Even in Top 100 Countries for Murder Rate”

goodjobSent to us by a reader.

Free-Man’s Perspective – by Paul Rosenberg

It’s over. Except for a short moment or a wild and self-exhausting governmental mandate (both of which are doubtful), there will never again be enough “good jobs” to go around. That model is gone and we need to root it out of our imaginations.

Sure, there will be some good jobs, but nowhere near enough.   Continue reading “There Will Never Be Enough Good Jobs Again”

Video Rebel’s Blog

By way of deception thou shalt do war. Motto of the Mossad as reported by Victor Ostrovsky.

We have been waiting for the End Game of the New World Order. There are events on the Horizon, such as, Bank Bail-Ins, cashless currencies, 24/7 surveillance and biometric ID cards which, in the Dreams of the Uber Rich, will be required for you to work, to buy food, to travel and to express your opinion. These are long term issues.   Continue reading “Oh, What A Tangled Web Israel Weaves When They Practice To Decieve.”

originalFilming Cops

Raw footage of the execution has just been posted to YouTube. You can see the cop walking toward the victim’s car as gunshots ring out. Just imagine how this woman and her child must have felt in the final moments of her life.

This footage is extremely disturbing, but many readers have pointed out something even darker and more twisted.   Continue reading “Cop Shoots, Kills Woman With 7-Yr-Old Girl in the Car”

travel-private-equity-landscape.jpgBATR – by James Hall

How quaint, private equity sounds like the very definition of capitalism. Well, peel back this onion and the tears come streaming from your eyes. As with any insider investment scheme, the devil is in the details. So when these operations fell under government regulation, some optimists felt good that the government would protect the limited partners and the entire financial system. Just how did it work out?   Continue reading “Private Equity a Formula for Fraud”

Dominique Strauss-KahnHITC

Former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, once thought of as a future French president before he was engulfed in s.x scandals, was acquitted of pimping charges Friday in a Lille court.

Strauss-Kahn had faced a potential 10-year prison sentence in France if convicted of the charge of “aggravated pimping.” His conviction had looked unlikely in recent months, after the prosecutor recommended acquittal and five of the six accusers dropped their claims.   Continue reading “Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Not guilty”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick

Last year we wrote about a very dangerous case going to the European Court of Human Rights: Delfi AS v. Estonia, which threatened free expression across Europe. Today, the ruling came out and it’s a disaster. In short, websites can be declared liable for things people post in comments. As we explained last year, the details of the case were absolutely crazy. The court had found that even if a website took down comments after people complained, it could still be held liable because it should have anticipated bad comments in the first place. Seriously. In this case, the website had published what everyone agrees was a “balanced” article about “a matter of public interest” but that the website publisher should have known that people would post nasty comments, and therefore, even though it automated a system to remove comments that people complained about, it was still liable for the complaints.    Continue reading “Huge Loss For Free Speech In Europe: Human Rights Court Says Sites Liable For User Comments”

Speaker of the House John Boehner walks to the House Chamber where members of congress were voting on a package of trade bills in the U.S. Capitol in Washington June 12, 2015. REUTERS/Kevin LamarqueReuters – by KRISTA HUGHES AND DAVID LAWDER

U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday extended until late July a deadline for a second vote on legislation central to President Barack Obama’s Pacific Rim trade pact, giving supporters time to obtain more backing for it.

At the same time, further delays will squeeze the time frame for Obama to hammer out the 12-nation pact, a signature project that was dealt a major setback in the House of Representatives last week by the president’s own Democrats.   Continue reading “U.S. House buys time on trade bill until July 30”