Taxpayers Foot $128,781 For Michelle Obama's Sightseeing Trip To VeniceInfowars – by Steve Watson

US taxpayers will fork out over 120 grand to cover Michelle Obama’s trip to Venice, Italy, where she will take in the cultural sights that the European city has to offer.

The Venice is the last leg of a trip to Europe which includes a visit to London to meet with Prince Harry, the grandson of The Queen, and a stop off in Vicenza, Italy to visit members of the armed forces.   Continue reading “Taxpayers Foot $128,781 for Michelle Obama’s Sightseeing Trip to Venice”

Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi (Reuters)RT

An Egyptian court has sentenced former President Mohamed Morsi to death on Tuesday on charges of killing, kidnapping and other offences during a 2011 mass jailbreak.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s leader, Mohamed Badie, along with four other top Brotherhood figures, were also handed the death penalty, Reuters reported. Over 80 others were sentenced to death in absentia.   Continue reading “Egyptian court sentences ex-President Morsi to death in 2011 jailbreak case”

The Rikers Island jail complex on Rikers Island is seen from LaGuardia Airport in New York (Reuters/Adrees Latif)RT

Carlos Montero was arrested and taken to the notorious Rikers Island prison when he was 17. Seven years later he’s still locked up, awaiting trial. His custody has already cost New York over $1 million and may be the city’s longest pretrial detention.

Montero was arrested in 2008 for allegedly taking part in a robbery along with two buddies, Jairo Peralta and Diangelo Enriquez. A Washington Heights crime resulted in the death of one man, who, according to court papers cited by the New York Post, was fatally stabbed by Peralta while being robbed of his jacket. Enriquez meanwhile injured another man who tried to flee the scene of the crime. Although witness reports had placed him at the scene of the crime on October 23, Montero denies it and maintains his innocence.    Continue reading “Rikers inmate on remand for 7 yrs says he ‘just wants to go home’” – by Kimberly Redmond

NEWTON – The Newton officer accused of exposing himself to male drivers over a 7-month period last year has accepted a plea agreement that calls for him to resign from his job on the police force.

Jason Miller, 37, appeared before Judge Thomas Critchley in Sussex County Superior Court Monday with his attorney, Anthony Iacullo, for the first time since being arrested in November 2014.   Continue reading “Newton cop, accused of exposing himself during traffic stops, takes plea deal”


NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A federal judge in Newark on Tuesday is scheduled to hear oral arguments on whether the corruption case against Sen. Bob Menendez stays in New Jersey or is moved to Washington, D.C.

Menendez’s attorneys filed last month to have the trial moved, while federal prosecutors want it to remain in New Jersey, where the indictment was handed up in early May. THE CHARGES Menendez, a congressman for more than 20 years and a member of the Senate since 2006, is charged in a 22-count indictment with accepting gifts and donations totaling about $1 million from Florida ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen in exchange for political favors. The gifts included flights aboard a luxury jet and a Paris vacation. Menendez has said he accepted gifts from Melgen because the two have been close friends for years.   Continue reading “Judge to hear arguments on Menendez corruption trial venue”

Stock photoOff the Grid News

A Michigan family which had dreams of camping during the summer in the great outdoors was horrified when state officials seized their six children simply because they were temporarily living in tents, Off The Grid News has learned.

The nightmare experience for Christopher and Antonia Hernandez began May 19 when Otsego County Sheriff deputies and a CPS official took their children, and ended June 10 when their children were returned after the parents won a court ruling based on the fact the mother and children are eligible for enrollment in the Tlingit Native American tribe. The federal Indian Child Welfare Act makes it more difficult for state officials to separate Native American families. Michigan has a similar state law.   Continue reading “Police Seize 6 Children Simply Because Family Was Camping”

Courthouse News – by Victoria Prieskop

ALBUQUERQUE (CN) – Albuquerque police jailed a middle school special ed student twice because they thought it better to jail disabled kids to than leave them in school, the teenager claims in court.

Sidney Summers, now 18, sued the Albuquerque Police Department and Sgt. Michael Archibeque in Bernalillo County Court, citing two incidents from 2009, when Summers was 12 years old.   Continue reading “School to Jail Pipeline for Disabled Kids?”

populationNatural News – by Mike Adams

The depopulationists are on the move again, pushing hard for the elimination of six billion people on planet Earth in order to bring the planet down to what’s being touted as its “sustainable carrying capacity of one billion people.”

But this time, the depopulation agenda may be codified by the Vatican. Professor John Schellnhuber has been chosen as a speaker for the Vatican’s rolling out of a Papal document on climate change. He’s the professor who previously said the planet is overpopulated by at least six billion people. Now, the Vatican is giving him a platform which many expect will result in an official Church declaration in support of radical depopulation in the name of “climate science.”   Continue reading “Vatican speaker and California Governor in push for massive depopulation… talk of ‘Planetary Court’ and removal of 6 billion people under new ‘Earth Constitution’ and ‘World Government’”

Abel Danger – by Vicki Davis

Part 3

A couple of weeks ago, Judicial Watch released a few documents they were able to obtain through FOIA requests from the Department of Justice. Most of the information is redacted but not all of it. One of the documents contained the following report on the weapons transfers from Benghazi to Syria.    Continue reading “Benghazi: The Business of War”


The tech culture would have you believe that the digital format has produced untold innovations and advancements for personal development, societal advancement and business innovations. Well, the glass is half full for the kool aide drinkers, but for the mere mortals, who seek out a meaningful life as opposed to a regimented existence, the curse of placing the most intimate data on untold hard drives and shuffled among unknown servers, a loss of simple privacy is the least of the problems.   Continue reading “Digital Data is a Mortal Risk”

ABC News – by Lisa Cornwell

Shots were fired Sunday at Cleveland police officers in a foot chase of a suspect near the site of a boy’s fatal encounter with officers last year, police said.

Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams told reporters Sunday afternoon that officers responded that morning to a report of six men waving guns and a man at the scene fled police when they tried to question him. The chief said the man pointed a gun at police and an officer fired four rounds without hitting the man, who continued running.   Continue reading “Shots fired at Cleveland police in foot chase of suspect”

Father Michael Pfleger scheming with fellow gun banner Rahm EmanuelAmmoland – by AWR Hawkins

Washington DC – -( On June 11 2015, gun banner Father Michael Pfleger said it is time to “ban high capacity magazines” and to “title guns like cars.”

According to Fox 32, Pfleger was speaking at St. George Catholic Church when he said, “We should ban assault weapons in America. We should ban high capacity magazines in America. We should title guns like cars in America.”   Continue reading “Crazy Father Pfleger: Ban ‘High Capacity Magazines’ & ‘Title Guns Like Cars’”

angry-copTruth Voice

ADDISON, Texas — A Texas police officer was recorded breaking a car window after a man refused to show his driver’s license.

Scott Richardson, 49, was pulled over on May 2 by a police officer for allegedly speeding in Addison. In the video, recorded from Richardson’s vehicle, the police officer asks Richardson for his identification. Richardson refuses, and over the course of approximately five minutes, the officer grows increasingly agitated, eventually smashing Richardson’s car window to remove him from the vehicle and place him under arrest.   Continue reading “Texas Cop Demands Papers, Smashes Window When He Doesn’t Get Them”

Courthouse News – by Rebekah Kearn

LOS ANGELES (CN) – A boy with Asperger’s syndrome was playing in a tree when Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies ordered him down at gunpoint, then beat and Tasered him, his mother claims in court.

Monique Castro says her son, I.C., was 15 when three L.A. County sheriff’s deputies beat the tar out of him for nothing on April 27, 2014.   Continue reading “Boy Tasered for Playing in a Tree, Mom Says”

Untitled-1Filming Cops

NEW YORK, NY — Is the NYPD desperate for cash, or are they just recklessly stealing from people because they know they can get away with it?

That’s a question many are asking this week after footage appeared on YouTube showing police ticketing several bikers.   Continue reading “Cops Intentionally Cause Traffic Jam to Catch Bikers Splitting Lanes”

Thanks to Stuzz.

CBS 2 New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Bullet-riddled windows, yellow crime scene tape, and evidence markers denoting where shell casings fell on the sidewalk are becoming all-too-familiar sights on New York City streets.

Now in an unprecedented move, a federal agency is joining the effort to get gun crimes under control, CBS2’s Marcia Kramer reported Monday.   Continue reading “ATF To Join NYPD In Fighting New York City Gun Crimes”