Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

Asymmetric tactics rely on the idea of fighting smarter, rather than fighting directly, against a larger or more technologically advanced aggressor. It means turning your opponent’s strengths into weaknesses.

For instance, if your opponent relies on the superiority of his tanks and armor, make him fight in the mountains where his armor is useless. If he relies on air superiority, make him sift through a thick canopy where his eye in the sky sees nothing, or make it dangerous for him to land and refuel such vehicles at all. If he relies on body armor for safety, make him fight uphill so that the extra weight wears him down. If his surveillance and security techniques are a little too sensitive and effective, create constant false positives, until he can no longer trust his own alert systems. And, if most of his weaponry and soldiers are heavily reliant on a particular piece of technology, make that technology useless in the field. Force your opponent to fight on fairer ground, where the man with the most skill and intelligence prevails rather than the man with the most million dollar toys.   Continue reading “Defeating Drones: How To Build A Thermal Evasion Suit”

Information Liberation – by Chris

A flippant bumper sticker with the words “shoot a cop” scribbled on it has Virginia police in a tizzy.

NBC 12 reports:

NBC12 viewers contacted 12 On Your Side about a bumper sticker that reads “SHOOT A COP.” It’s gotten the attention of the Virginia Fraternal Order of Police. Is it Free Speech or a terroristic threat? Continue reading “Cops Freak Out Over ‘Shoot A Cop’ Bumper Sticker, News Warns It Could ‘Incite Violence’”

Huffington Post – by Russ Belville

This last election, a group of activists calling themselves New Approach Oregon wrote an initiative called Measure 91. Following the dictates of the Oregon Constitution, they got state approval for their marijuana legalization language, collected enough signatures, placed it on the ballot, and won with 56 percent of the statewide vote. Oregon passed marijuana legalization with the greatest level of support of any of the four states that have legalized so far.

But this weekend it was announced that the legislature will radically alter that statewide legalization in such a way that half the state of Oregon will still prohibit marijuana.   Continue reading “Oregon Legislature Hates Potheads More Than It Respects Democracy”

Oklahoma Affirms Gold and Silver as Legal TenderThe New American – by Bob Adelmann, June 6, 2014

On June 4, Oklahoma joined Utah, Texas, and Louisiana in affirming that gold and silver coins are (as they always have been under the Constitution) legal tender in the payment of debts in the state. On the surface this seems almost nonsensical: affirming a right that already exists in Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution. But it is much more than that.

Senate Bill 862, which Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed into law this week, says, Gold and silver coins issued by the United States government are legal tender in the State of Oklahoma.     Continue reading “2014: Oklahoma joined Utah, Texas, and Louisiana in affirming Gold and Silver as Legal Tender”

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INDIANAPOLIS — One of the women involved in the Beech Grove Walmart brawl that was caught on video is now facing charges.

Not for assault, but for engaging her 6-year-old son in the bout.

Amber Stephenson, 34, Indianapolis, was charged Friday with neglect of a dependent and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. According to a probable cause affidavit obtained by TheIndianapolis Star, Stephenson allegedly instigated the fight at the Walmart on the night of June 4.   Continue reading “Woman who pulled son, 6, into Walmart brawl charged”

Space Shuttle Endeavour Makes Last Trip To ISS Under Command Of Astronaut Mark KellySky News

A glitch on the International Space Station has caused its position in orbit to change – but Russia says the crew is not in danger.

The engines of a Soyuz spacecraft which is docked at the station unexpectedly started during testing of the system that controls the docking mechanism.

Russian space agency Roscosmos said steps were taken to stabilise the station and specialists are now trying to work out what caused the engines to start for around a minute.   Continue reading “Mystery Glitch Sparks Space Station Alert”

President Andrew Jackson Inauguration 1829Political Velcraft

“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country.

Continue reading “I Killed The Bank ~ President Andrew Jackson: U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr Shoots A Rothschild Czar ~ Rothschild’s Bank Agent Alexander Hamilton!”

The Organic Prepper

If you’re one of the people who was excited when the “natural” sweetener that was allegedly made from the stevia plant became more commonly available, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you.

All of that hype about the “new” zero-calorie Truvia? All the talk about how natural it is? That’s just not true.

Incidentally, while the FDA has approved this bastardization of stevia, the actual leaf, where the active chemicals are found, is banned from sale as a food additive or sweetener and my only be sold as an “herbal supplement.”   Continue reading “Truvia’s Sweet Scam: Highly Processed, GMO, and Contains Hardly Any Stevia”

Reuters / China Daily RT

The US and China have signed a rare agreement to strengthen ties and develop a more productive military relationship. However, mistrust still remains, with Beijing saying progress can only be made if Washington respects China’s South China Sea ambitions.

The understanding mainly concerns a deepening of cooperation between the two nations, following a meeting between Fan Changlong, the vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission and US Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter.   Continue reading “US, China strike deal, set to hold joint military drills”

Yahoo News

NEW YORK (AP) — Gun maker Colt Defense LLC filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy late Sunday, allowing for a quicker sale of operations in the U.S. and Canada.

In its filing, the company estimated that it owes up to $500 million to up to 50 creditors. It also listed assets of up to $500 million.

The West Hartford, Connecticut-based company said it secured $20 million in financing from its current lenders and will continue to operate while in bankruptcy. The entire restructuring process is expected to be complete within 90 days, after which Colt plans to remain in business.   Continue reading “Gun maker Colt files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy”

Electronic Resistance

TEHRAN (FNA)- Fighter jets of the US-led coalition once again struck the Iraqi forces in the Western province of Anbar on Saturday.

The US-led coalition warplanes hit a position of the Iraqi army in Anbar province.

The US has repeatedly struck the popular forces’ positions in different parts of Iraq.   Continue reading “US Warplanes Strike Iraqi Army Position in Anbar Province”

Bloomberg – by Richard Frost

The value of Chinese stocks rose above $10 trillion for the first time, the latest milestone for the nation’s world-beating rally.

Companies with a primary listing in China are valued at $10.05 trillion, an increase of $6.7 trillion in 12 months, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The gain alone is more than the $5 trillion size of Japan’s entire stock market. The U.S. is the biggest globally, at almost $25 trillion.   Continue reading “China’s Stock Market Value Tops $10 Trillion for First Time”

On the training range in CastaicThe Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

LA Times:

One sheriff’s deputy shot himself in the leg while pulling out his gun to confront a suspect.

Another accidentally fired a bullet in a restroom stall. A third deputy stumbled over a stroller in a closet as he was searching for a suspect, squeezing off a round that went through a wall and lodged in a piece of furniture in the next room. Continue reading “Police Officer Negligent Discharges”

ABC News

Military officials say two people are hospitalized after shots were fired when a civilian attempted to enter Little Rock Air Force Base.

The base went on lockdown after the Monday morning incident. A statement from the base said two people were taken to a hospital. The Jacksonville police department said the would-be intruder was injured and taken into custody.   Continue reading “2 Hospitalized After Shooting Near Gate at Arkansas Air Base”

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A blaze from a ruptured gas pipeline near Cuero in Texas is being allowed to slowly burn out. A local sheriff said he expects this to happen by Monday morning. A huge column of fire was visible for over 20 miles after the pipeline caught fire.

No injuries have been reported so far, according to Raul Diaz, a deputy with the DeWitt County Sheriff’s Office, as cited by My San Antonio online news.   Continue reading “Massive Texas blaze dying down following pipeline rupture”

OAK ISLAND, N.C. (AP) — Two young people vacationing in the beach town of Oak Island were swimming in waist-deep water when they lost limbs in separate life-threatening shark attacks, town officials said Monday.

A 12-year-old girl from Asheboro lost part of her arm and suffered a leg injury, and a 16-year-old boy from Winston-Salem lost his left arm less than 90 minutes later and about 2 miles away late Sunday afternoon, officials said. The victims were each about 20 yards offshore.   Continue reading “Vacationing shark-attack victims were in shallow water”

DANA POINT, Calif. (AP) — Tiny tuna crabs have been washing up by the thousands on some Orange County beaches.

The Orange County Register reports ( ) that the crustaceans, which look like tiny lobsters or crawfish, created a bright red rim along the shoreline of Dana Point, San Clemente, Newport Beach and Huntington Beach on Sunday.   Continue reading “Tiny tuna crabs wash up in masses on Orange County beaches”

pentagonAnti-Media – by Claire Bernish

When government is completely dysfunctional and seems not to serve the people’s interests, we have to wonder where our tax dollars are going. Thanks to a Reuters investigation by Scot Paltrow, we have an answer—or, rather, a non-answer. Apparently, the Pentagon has made use of $8.5 trillion of our tax money handed over by Congress since 1996—but don’t ask what was done with the money. The Department of Defense doesn’t have a clue.   Continue reading “The Pentagon Doesn’t Know What It Spent 8.5 Trillion Dollars On”

killer doctorFellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

13 years ago, in 2002, Belgium passed a law making “physician-assisted suicide” lawful, that is, instead of saving lives, it is part of a medical doctor’s job to end a patient’s life.

Since then, the country has acquired the decidedly dubious reputation of having the most liberal euthanasia law in the world. And even though Belgians are predominantly Roman Catholic, surveys show overwhelming support for the right to die by euthanasia.   Continue reading “Belgium’s culture of death: Thousands are euthanized without their consent”