Judicial Watch

First Lady, daughters, and mother spent week touring London, England; Milan, Venice, and Vicenza, Italy

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that on August 5, 2015, it obtained flight expense records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force revealing that Michelle Obama’s June 2015 trip to the United Kingdom and Italy, accompanied by her daughters and mother, cost the taxpayers $240,495.67 in flight expenses alone. The records were released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request filed on June 22, 2015.   Continue reading “Records Reveal Michelle Obama June Trip to UK, Italy Cost Taxpayers $240,495.67 in Flight Expenses Alone”

Independent Sentinel – by S. Nobel

We are losing our sovereignty by erasing our borders and ceding U.S. land to cartels. Big Government is not protecting our borders and has made it extremely difficult for Border Patrol to pursue cartels settled on public lands.

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that no one has operational control of desert areas of Arizona 70 miles within the border.   Continue reading “Cartels Have Settled 80 Miles Inside the U.S. Border on Public Lands”

Top Right News – by Brian Hayes

Donald Trump has ignited a national firestorm for calling for an end to birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens. Hysterical liberals — and not a few squishy Republicans — attacked Trump for even suggesting it. Jeb Bush called it a “constitutional right” and the New York Times insisted that Trump would have to amend the Constitution to change it.

Well radio host, and constitutional lawyer Mark Levin in just 15 minutes completely demolishes that claim, and shows how not only does the 14th Amendment NOT hand citizenship to “anchor babies” — but also how Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution given Congress the sole power to determine the rules of who becomes a citizen.   Continue reading “Mark Levin: Trump Right, Congress Can END Birthright Citizenship Without Amending Constitution”

Legal Insurection – by William A. Jacobson

A hearing was held this afternoon in federal court in Washington, D.C., before Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, in the FOIA case brought by Judicial Watch seeking records regarding then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Adedin’s outside employment.

We have covered the court developments, including allegations by Judicial Watch that the State Department has failed to comply with court orders and has not provided sufficient searches. Yesterday the State Department filed a Reply admitting that Hillary never was issued a State Department Blackberry, and the Blackberries used by Adedin and Cheryl Mills likely were destroyed.   Continue reading “Federal Court orders State Dept to confer with FBI on searches of Hillary server and thumb drive”

Hot Air – by Gabriel Malor

Responding to an anonymous tip, the Inspector General for Veterans Affairs sent a surprise inspection to the offices of the Los Angeles VA. The results of that inspection were made public this week and they are damning (PDF). 

The IG’s team found benefits documents were placed in employee “to-shred” bins without being processed.   Continue reading “Los Angeles VA was caught shredding veterans benefits claims without processing”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Salem, NH — It’s entirely bad enough that pointing a finger like a gun will get children suspended from school. However, in police state USA, this hand gesture now appears to be punishable by death.

In a true show of paranoid trigger happiness, a Salem police officer fired on an unarmed man because he allegedly turned quickly toward them with his hands pointed in a “gun gesture.”   Continue reading “Cop Shoots at Unarmed Man Because He Pointed his Finger in a ‘Gun Gesture’”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Washington, DC Police Chief Cathy Lanier, in her confusion, blurted out the truth about the real results of gun laws recently, indicating that they do absolutely nothing to stop criminals from obtaining guns or high capacity magazines.

At a press conference on crime on Thursday, Lanier said that DC had seen “a huge influx, not only in guns in our major cities, but a huge influx in these high capacity magazines.”   Continue reading “DC Police Chief Blurts Out the Truth about Gun Laws… Priceless”

Infowars – by Kit Daniels

The institute recently updated its ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page about marijuana to include various studies revealing how cannabis “may inhibit tumor growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumors to grow” while also protecting normal, healthy cells.

“A laboratory study of cannabidiol (CBD) in estrogen receptor positive and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells showed that it caused cancer cell death while having little effect on normal breast cells,” the NCI stated. “Studies in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer showed that cannabinoids may lessen the growth, number, and spread of tumors.”   Continue reading “Marijuana Kills Cancer, Says National Cancer Institute”

Las Vegas Review Journal – by Chris Isidore, CNN

NEW YORK — A federal lawsuit is demanding that Costco label much of the shrimp it sells as the product of human slavery.

The lawsuit, which also wants Costco to stop buying shrimp from its suppliers in Thailand, was filed in California. It alleges that Costco is deceiving customers by not including an advisory about slavery on product packaging.   Continue reading “Federal lawsuit demands Costco label shrimp packaging ‘product of slavery’”

ABC News

Republican presidential contender Rand Paul has left Haiti after spending four days on a humanitarian mission to the island nation.

Paul is an ophthalmologist by training and joined six eye surgeons who restored vision to dozens of impoverished Haitians. Many lived for years in blindness because of ailments such as cataracts that are easily treated in the United States.   Continue reading “Rand Paul: a humanitarian in Haiti, a pit bull in 2016”

The Last Resistance – by Philip Hodges

If the government isn’t allowed to institute a gun ban then how can the government give my family that authority?

Under current California law, if a friend or family member claims that someone is a threat to himself or others, a “gun violence protection order” can be issued by the court against that person, and that person would have his firearms confiscated. He wouldn’t be allowed to possess any guns for a year after the protection order was given.   Continue reading “California Proposes 10-Year Gun Ban on Those Deemed by Family to be a “Threat””

The Daily Caller – by Casey Harper

A new report on the freedom of countries around the world ranks the United States 20th, putting countries like Chile and the United Kingdom ahead of the U.S.

Last year, the U.S. was ranked 17th, but a steady decline of economic freedom and “rule of law” has dropped the level of freedom, according to the Cato Institute, Fraser Institute and the Swiss Liberales Institut, which created the study together.   Continue reading “United States Drops In Overall Freedom Ranking”

Seeing Red AZ

The Washington Examiner reports Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s call to end birthright citizenship in the United States “could revive a similar proposal in Congress that has never gained traction despite past support from top leaders.” The article cites Democrat Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, (watch him in linked video) and House Speaker John Boehner, (R-OH), who is all over the map on any given subject on any given day. We can count on them for nothing.   Continue reading “Ending birthright citizenship = end to anchor babies”

Anti-Media – by John Vibes

Comedian George Carlin is known as one of the most controversial and outspoken entertainers of his time, and as far as the government is concerned, he could have possibly been a terrorist.

Carlin was not a violent or criminal person in any way, but he said things during his routines that struck at the root of the problems in our society. He went into great detail about corruption in government and business.   Continue reading “FBI Had 12-Page File On George Carlin Because He Made Jokes About Government”


While we’re somewhat used to seeing high school students attempting to combat their strict school dress codes, it’s less common for students’ mothers to slam their children’s high schools for such intense apparel regulations. Stacie Dunn, 43, from Versailles, Kentucky, is speaking out against the “ridiculous” dress code enforced at her daughter’s school after her daughter was sent home for a violation.

People are shocked at how Dunn’s daughter, Stephanie Hughes, violated the code. The high school senior attended school in ankle-length jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and a sweater. Woodford County High School deemed the seemingly modest outfit inappropriate because it revealed the young woman’s clavicle.   Continue reading “A girl was sent home from school for showing collarbone and people are outraged”

Natural News – by JD Heyes

The debate over global warming and climate change got uglier recently after California Gov. Jerry Brown of “no vaccine choice” fame insulted the intelligence – and genetic makeup – of everyone who disagrees with his premise that these phenomena are real.

Like all global warming alarmists, Brown – who was attending a “climate change summit” in Canada – made the same old tired, dire predictions of doom and gloom if the world continues to burn fossil fuels. But he also had a special descriptor for those who dare to call a hoax a hoax.   Continue reading “California governor says people who don’t buy into climate change agenda are genetically inferior ‘troglodytes’”

The side effects of a socialist state ………..

Collapse News

Venezuela is in the mist of a major food shortage. Citizens have been lacking basic necessities, such as detergent, toilet paper and oil, for more than a year now. Lines wrap around supermarkets. Even after sitting in line for hours, many Venezuelans still go home empty-handed.    Continue reading “Venezuelans Now Paying Each Other To Stand In Line For Hours, Desperately Hoping To Buy Basic Necessities In Collapsed Economy”