Breitbart – by Steve Milloy

predicted in this column last week that the left wasn’t going to kill off the coal industry so much as it was going to steal it. That prediction is already becoming true courtesy of billionaire George Soros.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Act filings indicate that Soros has purchased an initial 1 million shares of Peabody Energy and 553,200 shares of Arch Coal, the two largest publicly traded U.S. coal companies. As pointed out last week, both companies have been driven perilously close to bankruptcy by the combination of President Obama’s “war on coal” and inexpensive natural gas brought on by the hydrofracturing revolution.   Continue reading “The New King Coal: George Soros”

New York Times – by Matthew L Wald, May 7, 2004

WASHINGTON, May 6— At least six air traffic controllers who dealt with two of the hijacked airliners on Sept. 11, 2001, made a tape recording a few hours later describing the events, but the tape was destroyed by a supervisor without anyone making a transcript or even listening to it, the Transportation Department said Thursday.

The taping began before noon on Sept. 11 at the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center, in Ronkonkoma, N.Y., where about 16 people met in a basement conference room known as the Bat Cave and passed around a microphone, each recalling his or her version of the events of a few hours earlier. The recording included statements of 5 or 10 minutes each by controllers who had spoken by radio to people on the planes or who had tracked the aircraft on radar, the report said.   Continue reading “Tape of Air Traffic Controllers Made on 9/11 Was Destroyed”

Top Secret Writers – by Jeri Simpson

If you were to take a more in depth look around your house, you’d be shocked to find what corporations have a major impact on your daily life. Despite the variety of brands adorning your shelves, a surprisingly small number of corporations are responsible for these entities, which act as nothing more than subsidiaries of the larger corporations.

These corporations have found their way into every aspect of daily activities – often venturing into multiple avenues in which to target their potential clients. Each element of your life is impacted by these major corporations. Continue reading “These 29 Corporations Run the World and You Don’t Even Know It”


A Missouri pastor at a church called “Passion for Truth Ministries” will serve prison time for lying to and defrauding elderly investors, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

Jim Staley, 40, was sentenced Wednesday to 7 yeas in prison and ordered to repay elderly investors $3.3 million. He pleaded guilty to four counts of wire fraud and profited $570,000 in the scam of elderly people who trusted him because of his Christian faith and family values. Some of them were suffering from dementia.   Continue reading “Pastor at ‘Passion for Truth’ church sentenced to prison for swindling the elderly”

Sent to us by Tom.

While the twentieth century has been called the American century,1 the world of King Khan has seen the dawning of what appears to be the Asian Millennium. The United States is beset by economic problems; the American world view is clearly Domestic (fig. 6-1).   Continue reading “Air Force 2025 – Chapter 6 King Kahn”

Sent to us by Tom.

Imagine a world completely enmeshed in technology. Technological advances are rampant and the world struggles with rapid change and its effects.1 These tremendous advances in technology have led to the development of many astonishing inventions, such as an individual device that can perform a myriad of simultaneous functions. For instance, a watch phone can be used to conduct video-phone calls and teleconferences;2 monitor a daily schedule, including required tasks and to-do lists;3 display global positioning satellite (GPS) location to include altitude; and even monitor aerobic conditioning, energy, nutrition rates, emotional state, and the status of artificial organs.4 However, many traditional customs and events have faded away, erased by the extreme rate of change. Most holidays are overlooked, and Julian dates5 are the norm.   Continue reading “Air Force 2025 – Chapter 5 Digital Cacophony”

The Last Refuge – by Sundance

Even the description is so gruesome to contemplate I’m putting the entire accompanying article below the fold.  And I strongly urge you to consider if you really want/need to know what goes on inside an abortion factory.

Here’s the video – BUT I would advise to strongly consider where you are when you view and/or listen to the content.   Continue reading “Beyond Horrific – Seventh Planned Parenthood Video Released – “Beating Hearts” During “Procurement”……”

Curry Coastal Pilot – by Jane Stebbins

About 150 wildland firefighters have been relocated from the Collier Butte Fire east of Gold Beach to other fires throughout the West as fires threaten communities in what many officials are calling the worst wildfire season on record.

Almost 100 uncontained fires rage throughout the nation, stretching thin crews, helicopters and planes, water tenders and support personnel. Other fires are in need of vast numbers of resources to protect lives and homes, and crews and aircraft are being reassigned to protect them.   Continue reading “Wildfire Update: The battles continues”


New research suggests head lice are getting even harder to kill.

A study conducted by researchers at Southern Illinois University suggests there is a new species of mutant lice that are resistant to most over-the-counter treatments.

“What we found was that 104 out of the 109 lice populations we tested had high levels of gene mutations, which have been linked to resistance to pyrethroids,” said Kyong Yoon, Ph.D., who conducted the research.   Continue reading “Study Shows Lice In At Least 25 States Now Resistant To Common Treatments”

Fox News – by Todd Starnes

The Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts reversed a controversial decision to replace the terms “mother” and “father” with “parent 1” and “parent 2.”

“After receiving feedback regarding a recent change made to the permanent parenting plan form, the AOC has reviewed the procedures and determined that, before making any changes to the form, the AOC should consult with the Domestic Relations Committee of the Tennessee Judicial Conference,” the office said in a statement. ” We have reverted to the previous form and the Committee has been notified.”   Continue reading “Tennessee courts reverse ban on ‘mother’ and ‘father’”

Refreshing News

Jesus Castro Romo is half a million US dollars richer today, thanks to an Obama-appointed federal judge for the U.S. District Court of Arizona.

Castro was part of a group of illegal aliens that was stopped by Border Patrol agents and who had run away from the group in an effort to escape. He was chased down by Border Agent Abel Canales (on horseback) and eventually wound up being shot.   Continue reading “Federal Judge Awards Half A Million To Illegal Alien”

Breitbart – by Caroline May

An Arizona sheriff is sounding the alarm about three violent criminal aliens released into the state, and charging the Obama administration with not doing enough to keep such offenders off the streets.

“You don’t have to be a sheriff to realize that this is going to end very badly for people. You don’t release murderers into the state of Arizona and somehow think that they are just going to go about their business and try to find a job,” Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said at a press conference highlighting the releases Tuesday, according Fox News.   Continue reading “Three Violent Criminal Aliens Released In Arizona, Sheriff Sounds Alarm”

Cop Block – by Joshua Scott Hotchkin

Whether it is due to the overall culture of fear and victim-identity in police, or is a side effect of the shoot-first training that is instilling killer instincts, it seems that police are shooting at just about anything and everything that moves. It seems that whatever force or forces have worked to create trigger happy police has now come back to haunt them, as on Tuesday, A Rancho Cordova, California cop fired his weapon at another officer who caused him to fear for his life.   Continue reading “Cops Have Become So Trigger Happy They Are Shooting At Each Other”

Jon Rappoport

“There are cultural myths that are easy to overturn. People see through them quickly. But the prevailing core myths are tougher. Much tougher. Most people resist even discussing them. In the old days, the Church tortured and burned people who discussed them. Now, it’s social ostracism. Now, in some cases, it’s the State kidnapping children to send a message.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Since none of the 300 official mental disorders has any defining physical test for diagnosis, there is no proof they exist. Period.   Continue reading “Psychiatry: erase the unique individual”

The Organic Prepper

Let’s talk about poverty.

I don’t mean the kind you’re talking about when your friends invite you to go shopping or for a night out and you say, “No, I can’t. I’m poor right now.”

I don’t mean the situation when you’d like to get a nicer car but decide you should just stick to the one you have because you don’t have a few thousand for a down payment.   Continue reading “How to Survive When You Can’t Pay Your Bills”

Natural Health 365 – by Allison Reed

Mandatory vaccination bills have dominated news headlines – especially in California, where SB277 was recently signed into law, stripping parents of their rights to opt children out of the mandatory immunizations required to attend school. Anti-vaccine activists have not been silent on their opposition to the bill and their belief that big pharma profit margins are the driving force behind the bill – not concern for public health and safety. After all, drug companies have resorted to crooked and underhanded techniques in the past in an effort to hide safety information about their medications and the serious dangers they present to unknowing consumers.   Continue reading “Anti-vaccine activists being targeted by big pharma hit squad”