Weather Channel

Winter Storm Bella will continue to bring the first, not to mention locally heavy, accumulating snow of the season for some in the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Saturday after dumping up to 18 inches of snow in the Missouri Valley Friday.   Continue reading “Winter Storm Bella Dumps Up to 18 Inches of Snow in South Dakota; First Snow of Season For Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit”

NTEB – by Geoffrey Grider

In an NTEB Special Report, we have recently received information that the Catholic Church received payments totalling $79,590,512.00 to facilitate the flow of undocumented and illegal immigrants into the United States in 2014. This is six million dollars more than they were paid in 2013. Now you know why Pope Francis is so eager to push Obama’s insane flood of illegal migrants, he’s getting paid millions to do it!

In the face of President Obama’s veto threat, the House passed a bill to slow Syrian refugees. But the Republican Congress also has the power to hold hearings into the millions of taxpayer dollars being funneled through Catholic and other church groups to bring them here. Many Catholics and non-Catholics alike would like to know how “religious compassion,” using federal money, is increasing the potential terrorist threat to America.   Continue reading “Catholic Church Paid $79 Million by Obama Administration to Force Migrant Invasion”

Breitbart – by Daniel Nussbaum

Michael Moore is no fan of Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s recent ban on allowing Syrian refugees into his state.  In a show of defiance, the Oscar-winning filmmaker has offered up his own Traverse City residence to Syrians looking for shelter in the United States.

In an open letter posted to Facebook, Moore called Gov. Snyder’s ban “disgraceful” and “unconstitutional” and pledged to defy it.   Continue reading “Michael Moore Offers His Michigan Home to Syrian Refugees”

Sum of Us

There’s a real David and Goliath battle unfolding in drought-stricken Oregon.

For years, giant multinational Nestlé has been bent on pumping fresh water out of Cascade Locks, Oregon, to bottle and sell for profit — a plan that local residents have been fighting for the last six years.   Continue reading “In Oregon, residents are mobilizing people-power to shut down Nestlé”

Raw Story – Reuters

President Barack Obama launched a defense on Friday of a signature Pacific trade pact kept largely under wraps and said the public would get its say before legislators in each country debate the full details.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a “mega-regional accord” covering four-tenths of global GDP, was so complex it would not have materialized if all interest groups were involved in the protracted talks, he said.   Continue reading “Obama: Now that TPP agreement has been reached — there’s plenty of time for public debate”

The Telegraph – by Robert Tait

America’s fierce debate over gun control usually takes place against the backdrop of the second amendment of the US constitution – seen as enshrining the rights of all citizens to bear arms.

Now a different precedent is being cited by advocates of tougher restrictions – a 700-year-old English law dating back to before guns had even been seen in Britain.

Continue reading “Ancient English legal precedents at heart of US gun control tussle”

Activist Post – by Afraa Dagher

NOTE: What follows is a personal report I received from Hosein Mortada, Lebanese journalist and director of the Information Center for Studies and Documentation.

Hosein Mortada has provided details about one of the individuals who carried out the Paris attack on Saturday November 13th with the rest of his crew of jihadists. His name is Abo Talha Al Jazaeri (Aljazaeri means ‘Algerian’).   Continue reading “Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report”

Information Liberation – by Chris

An undercover police officer in Arlington, Texas was shot while attempting to place a GPS tracker on a person’s vehicle, and the man who shot him may not even be charged.

Preliminary reports suggest the undercover officer, who was dressed in all black at the time, may have been mistaken for a car burglar.    Continue reading “Undercover Cop Dressed In All Black Shot While Placing GPS Tracker On Car”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On November 12, CBS NEWS reported that “White House lawyers” are examining gun laws to find an avenue where President Obama can use executive action to go around Congress and expand background checks to cover private gun sales.

Obama and the attorneys are trying to determine a threshold that private gun owners who sell and trade guns would cross in order to be treated like licensed gun dealers. Once they cross that threshold—which NBC News reported might be “50 or 100 guns a year”—private citizens would be required to go through a licensed dealer and obtain a background check in order to sell a gun to a neighbor, co-worker, or parent. In other words, the private gun sales Americans have conducted since 1791 would be done away.   Continue reading “Gun Owners of America: Time to Let Gun Grabbers Know We Will Not Comply”

Breitbart – by Trent Baker

Per Fox News, parents in Utah complained after their ninth-grade children were assigned to create ISIS propaganda as a school project.

Fourteen-year-old Mikalia got the assignment and went online to search “how to recruit for ISIS.”

Her mother, Annie Langston, was not happy.   Continue reading “Ninth Graders Assigned to Make ISIS Propaganda for Homework”

Environment and Public Works, July 21, 2015

WASHINGTON – The bipartisan, multi-year Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy (DRIVE) Act would help modernize the nation’s infrastructure and transportation systems to better allow America to compete in the 21st century.

The DRIVE Act gives state and local government the certainty, flexibility and stability to better develop the country’s transportation and public transit infrastructure, while improving railroad and highway safety. Continue reading “DRIVE Act Modernizes America’s Infrastructure, Transportation System”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Someday in the not too distance future, our kids aren’t going to know what real food is. It’ll be a myth, like magical flying unicorns. They barely do now, considering all of the five-syllable petrochemicals, excitotoxins, and artificial crap most of our grocery stores are filled with, not to mention tons of unlabeled, pesticide-producing and doused genetically modified crops like corn and soy which are found in everything these days. The words “all natural” must be the most used and abused (and utterly meaningless) two words ever printed on a food package.   Continue reading “In First Ever Animal Case, Feds Approve Unlabeled Genetically Modified Salmon ss “Fit For Consumption””


The European Union will step up checks on its citizens traveling abroad, tighten gun control and collect more data on airline passengers, ministers agreed on Friday in response to the Paris attacks a week ago.

Interior and justice ministers, who met in Brussels at the request of France following the Islamic State attacks that killed 130 people, also agreed to share more intelligence, especially on suspects like the Belgians and Frenchmen believed to have come back from Syria to strike at Parisians last Friday.   Continue reading “EU tightens border checks, gun control after Paris”


The Russian military has launched cruise missiles against Islamic State positions in Syria from both the Mediterranean and Caspian seas, one of which killed over 600 terrorists in the Deir Ex-Zor Province, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said.

“On November 20, the warships of the Caspian Fleet launched 18 cruise missiles at seven targets in the provinces of Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo. All targets were hit successfully,” he reported to President Vladimir Putin.   Continue reading “Russian cruise missiles hits ISIS from Mediterranean & Caspian; 600 killed in one strike”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Can we trust the federal government to protect us from terrorist who may be coming to the U.S. to cause trouble?

President Obama and other establishment figures are assuring us that thousands of Syrian refugees and other immigrant pools should be accepted in the U.S., and that risky figures will be swiftly screened out by an appropriate Homeland Security vetting process.   Continue reading “There Are 73 Airport Employees On Terror Watchlists”

American Everyman -by Scott Creighton

This is getting laughable. Ridiculous even. Stupid to the point of brain death. Moronic to the point of forgetting to breathe.

First of all, ISIS™ has a nice, slick magazine full of all sorts of colorful images, ads and advice to the up-and-coming young professional terrorists out there. It’s called Dabiq and on the cover of this months publication it says ‘JUST TERROR”… in English of course.   Continue reading “Behold! The ISIS™ Schweppes Bomb of Doom!”


More than 500 weapons have been “lost or stolen” from six local police departments, the California Highway Patrol and the Drug Enforcement Agency in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2010, a probe has found.

A gun used by an undocumented immigrant in the July murder of San Francisco resident Kate Steinle was traced to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). It had been stolen earlier this year from a ranger’s vehicle. KNTV, a Bay Area NBC affiliate, looked into how many weapons the BLM has misplaced. The results were only the tip of the iceberg.   Continue reading “Where are the guns? Probe finds hundreds of Bay Area police weapons missing”