AllGov – by Nomaan Merchant

DALLAS (AP) — Almost every top official in a remote South Texas city was arrested Thursday under a detailed federal indictment that accuses them of taking bribes from contractors and sending city workers to help an illegal gambling operator nicknamed “Mr. T.”

Crystal City’s mayor, city manager, mayor pro tempore, one of three current councilmen and a former councilman were all arrested under an indictment obtained by the U.S. attorney’s office in San Antonio, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney said.   Continue reading “Most Top Officials in Texas Town Arrested by Feds for Corruption”


The Chicago Stock Exchange said a Chinese investor group agreed to acquire it, giving the buyer entry into the intensely competitive U.S. equity market.

Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group has signed a definitive agreement to acquire the company, according to a statement Friday. The deal values the Chicago Stock Exchange at less than $100 million, according to a person familiar with the matter, who asked to not be identified because the terms weren’t disclosed publicly. The exchange expects the deal to close in the second half of the year, though that will require regulatory approval.   Continue reading “Chicago Stock Exchange Says It’s Being Sold to Chinese-Led Group”

Reason – by Jesse Walker

Funeral services will be held today in Kanab, Utah, for LaVoy Finicum, the rancher killed last month during the occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. In a bulletin distributed this week to cops across the region, the Utah Statewide Information and Analysis Center—one of the dozens of intelligence-sharing “fusion centers” around the country that get funds from the Department of Homeland Security—warns that “extremists may utilize such a high profile funeral for media attention or to further ideological beliefs.” Although “no credible threats to law enforcement are present at this time,” the authors still think police should be wary: “Caravans of individuals traveling to the funeral services may be comprised of one or more armed extremists. Law enforcement should remain vigilant and aware that confrontation with these potentially volatile persons, may include more than one individual. These individuals may adhere to a sovereign citizen ideology, and may not recognize law enforcement as a legitimate authority.”   Continue reading “Utah Fusion Center Warns Cops: Watch Out for Don’t-Tread-on-Me Flags”

Register Guard

KANAB, Utah — The funeral for the Arizona rancher killed by law enforcement during the armed occupation of an Oregon wildlife refuge was expected to draw supporters Friday from around the West to a small Utah town.

Authorities shot Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, 54, during a Jan. 26 traffic stop after they say he reached for a gun in his jacket pocket. His supporters called it an ambush after Finicum and others took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and demanded the federal government relinquish public lands to local control.   Continue reading “LaVoy Finicum funeral expected to draw large crowd in support of Malheur occupier”

Jon Rappoport

I can now provide the latest update on what researchers in Brazil are discovering, as they dig into their original findings about the Zika virus and cases of microcephaly (babies born with small heads and brain impairment).

A correspondent has offered a translation of an article that appeared in one of the major Sao Paulo newspapers, O Estado de São Paulo, on February 2nd, “País tem 404 casos confirmados de microcefalia”:   Continue reading “Zika: update from Brazil: towering non-evidence”

Sovereign Man – by Simon Black

It’s news that seems ripped from the pages of The Onion. Or perhaps Atlas Shrugged.

But incredibly enough it’s actually true: earlier this week, Congress proposed a new law authorizing the US Postal Service to provide banking and financial services.

It’s called the “Providing Opportunities for Savings, Transactions, and Lending” Act, abbreviated as… wait for it… the POSTAL Act.   Continue reading “Congress wants to turn the US Postal Service… into a bank”


Barack Obama might seem an unlikely investor in the firearms industry. But the U.S. president, a fierce advocate for gun regulation, has money in a pension fund that holds stock in gun and ammunition companies.

Although Obama’s stake is minuscule, worth no more than $30, it reflects a much larger surge of investment.   Continue reading “Special Report: Why Obama and other gun control advocates own stock in firearms makers”

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

Be careful what you wish for.

Feminists agitate for gender “equality”. And so, heeding their call, the Obama administration decided to open all U.S. military combat roles to women, including the elite Navy SEALS and Army Rangers.   Continue reading “Draft America’s Daughters Act will require millions of women to sign up for draft”

The Real Revo – by R.D. Walker

The ruling states that modern sporting rifles such as AR and AK platforms are not ‘unusual’ or especially dangerous and are, in fact, in common use in the United States as defensive weapons. The same argument applies to standard capacity magazines. These firearms are, therefore, protected under the Second Amendment for civilian use. It sent the lower court’s ruling back for reevaluation.   Continue reading “Federal appeals court rules ‘assault rifles’ protected under 2nd Amendment”

hillary-clintonSweet Baby Jesus!!!! Do you see that face? That is the personification of EVIL! I know it turns some stomachs to look at it and I apologize. Think of it as being hit in the face with pepper spray…the more you do it the less effect it will have. We have to look this evil right in the face until our stomachs develop a natural immunity.

That is the face of a soulless demon thing from the very bowels of hell itself. An evil so monstrous, that were it’s true nature ever revealed, all life on this planet would cease to exist.   Continue reading “Pure Evil”

The Sleuth Journal – by Luis Miranda

In the digital age of fast-travelling information, news simply flies. It is almost impossible to keep up with every little detail at once, which is why news needs constant updates to add unknown details which provide better perspective and context. These two characteristics are what ultimately provide readers a change to understand reality.

For the past six months, we have followed as many developments as possible about the scary Zika virus, which health authorities have identified as the culprit of a growing number of cases of microcephaly in South and Central America. In the last few weeks, people allegedly infected with Zika have appeared elsewhere.   Continue reading “Is The Zika Virus A Smokescreen For Vaccine Induced Birth Defects?”

NBC New York

At least one man was killed and at least three other people were hurt when a crawler crane being secured because of high winds toppled over in lower Manhattan Friday morning, Mayor de Blasio said.

The construction equipment was being lowered and secured because of winds topping 20 mph when it toppled over at Worth and Church streets in Tribeca at about 8:30 a.m., de Blasio said. The crane,  owned by Bay Crane and stretching more than 15-stories high, smashed into several buildings on the way down before crashing onto several parked cars.   Continue reading “1 Dead, 3 Hurt in Lower Manhattan Crane Collapse: Mayor de Blasio”

MuckRock – by Beryl Lipton

In the beginning, private prisons seemed almost natural.

A private prison is one run, and typically owned, by the private sector – ideally, for the operator, at a profit. By the time the idea was under consideration by the United States Department of Justice, correctional bits and pieces were already being run privately.   Continue reading “The Private Prison Primer: How is this even legal?”

MuckRock – by Beryl Lipton

What’s the difference between a stoned rabbit and a not-stoned rabbit? The layhuman may not be keen to the symptoms, subtle as they are, exhibited by indoor varieties, but an expert in the wild – he can tell.   Continue reading “Weeding out the truth: No substance to DEA’s claims of pot-crazed bunnies”