Guns America – by Paul Helinski
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
-Mark Twain
Yesterday I got a Snapple cap with an interesting fact on it. It said that the Mayans had no concept of money, even though they were at the time the most prosperous and powerful nation in South America. Many of you will instantly call bullshit on that, as I did, because we have all seen the ornate Mayan artifacts made out of gold. You don’t make statues, trinkets and jewelry out of gold, as opposed to lead or copper, unless it holds an uncommon value for you. The gold for those statues was traded for other things of value, or for labor at one point, and that means it was money. So since Glen Beck and all these other “smart” people are hocking gold and silver these days, I thought I’d divert to a prepping discussion about money, and about gold. Continue reading “Prepping 101: Time To Cash In Those Wooden Nickels”