
The U.S. Secret Service said it would end public access to a sidewalk along the south fence of the White House beginning on Wednesday night.

The sidewalk has been closed nightly from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. since 2015 and will now be off-limits around the clock, the Secret Service said in a statement.

The closure will “lessen the possibility of individuals illegally accessing the White House grounds,” Secret Service Communications Director Cathy Milhoan said.   Continue reading “White House sidewalk to be closed to public permanently”


Measles have staged a comeback in Europe, with Italy seeing an almost a two-fold increase in cases of the potentially lethal virus in just one year. It has prompted the US to issues a warning to citizens traveling to some European states.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are warning travelers to Italy, Belgium and Germany of a measles outbreak there.   Continue reading “US warns travelers of measles outbreak in Italy, Germany & Belgium”

Fox News

North Korean state media threatened to launch a “super-mighty pre-emptive strike” that would reduce South Korea and the United states “to ashes.”

The Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper for North Korea’s ruling Worker’s Party, wrote, “In the case of our super-mighty pre-emptive strike being launched, it will completely and immediately wipe out not only U.S. imperialists’ invasion forces in South Korea and its surrounding areas but the U.S. mainland and reduce them to ashes,” according to Reuters. The rogue nation also claimed the U.S. and its allies “should not mess with us.”   Continue reading “North Korea: ‘Super-mighty pre-emptive strike’ will reduce US to ashes”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The US has seen evidence that the Chinese military is preparing “for a potential North Korea contingency“, CNN reports citing a US defense official, and adds that Chinese air force land-attack, cruise-missile-capable bombers were put “on high alert” on Wednesday.

The official added that the US has also seen an extraordinary number of Chinese military aircraft being brought up to full readiness through intensified maintenance.   Continue reading “China Puts Bombers On High Alert”

Breitbart – by Brandon Darby, Ildefonso Ortiz

1. It is common for the bodies of dead migrants to be found after starvation and exposure to heat on U.S. soil.

After illegal immigrants get past the river or fence, they still have to clear a secondary checkpoint by U.S. Border Patrol. Those checkpoints are routinely set up between 60 and 80 miles north of the border. In places like Falfurrias, Texas, human smugglers force illegal immigrants to walk dozens of miles through harsh desert-like terrain in order to get around the checkpoints. Continue reading “9 Shocking Facts About Our Border with Mexico”


The Trump administration said on Tuesday it was launching an inter-agency review of whether the lifting of sanctions against Iran was in the United States’ national security interests, while acknowledging that Tehran was complying with a deal to rein in its nuclear program.

In a letter to U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican in Congress, on Tuesday U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Iran remained compliant with the 2015 deal, but said there were concerns about its role as a state sponsor of terrorism.   Continue reading “U.S. says Iran complies with nuke deal but orders review on lifting sanctions”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is directing the administration to investigate whether steel imports are jeopardizing U.S. national security.

In the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump signed a memo ordering the investigation while surrounded by executives from U.S. steelmakers.   Continue reading “Trump orders probe into whether steel imports harming US”

Natural News – by Vicki Batts

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is monitoring 134 vaccine bills that have been launched around the country — and the overwhelming majority of them are seeking to decrease medical freedom. A shocking 35 states have introduced pro-vaccine bills so far in 2017, and there is no guessing what the future will bring.

So far, the states that have introduced vaccine bills that may affect your rights are: Arkansas, Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.   Continue reading “Alert: 134 pro-vaccine bills are active in 35 states”

Seattle Times – by Daniel Beekman

The Seattle City Council on Monday voted to create a $1 million legal-defense fund for immigrants whom the federal government attempts to deport.

And the Metropolitan King County Council approved $750,000 for immigrant and refugee programs, including $300,000 for the defense of people in immigration court.
Continue reading “Seattle, King County councils approve $1.3 million in legal aid for immigrants”

Political Insider – by Paul

In the few months that President Donald J. Trump has been in office, Democrats and their allies in the liberal media have been trying their best to delegitimize his presidency.

From questioning the validity of the election results, to spreading conspiracy theories that Russia “hacked” the election, Democrats will stop at nothing to take away the authority the American people gave President Trump on Election Day.   Continue reading “Presidents to Have Say in Removal of Future Presidents”

Press Democrat – by Paul Payne

Video released Wednesday provides the first public glimpse of a violent encounter last fall between a Boyes Hot Springs man and a Sonoma County sheriff’s deputy, who was later charged with beating the man as he lay in his own bed.

The 68-second cellphone video was taken by Fernando Del Valle, 38, the night of Sept. 24 after neighbors summoned deputies to his Highland Boulevard home on reports the Marine Corps veteran was arguing with his wife.
Continue reading “Video released in Boyes Hot Springs police beating case”

Badass of the Week

Interestingly enough for a man who is now famous throughout Massachusetts for his unbreakable determination to violently kill British people at all costs, Samuel Whittemore was born in England, and faithfully served the British Crown for nearly five decades of professional military service.

Born in 1695, just 75 years after the first Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, the stone-cold hardass who would be made a state hero of Massachusetts was first unleashed on colonial America in the 1740s while serving as a Captain in His Majesty’s Dragoons – a badass unit of elite British cavalrymen much-feared across the globe for their ability to impale people on lance-points and then pump their already-dead bodies full of gigantic pistol ammunition that more closely resembled baseballs than the sort of rounds you see packed into Beretta magazines these days.    Continue reading “Samuel Whittemore”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: What “hot new trend”? Well it’s “hot and new” because the media said so… Give me a break. Who wants to eat a bunch of recycled trash? The last time I checked that is why we all go to work and provide for our families so we do not have to eat trash to survive. I tell you what. After the globalists start eating this “trash” then they can tell me to have a smell. Why you are at it have a fake meat burger!

Continue reading “The Hot New Trend In Food Is Literal Garbage”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The military industrial complex. The US is the biggest sponsor of war the world has ever seen. It is very unfortunate to see understanding the roots of our once blessed nation. It would not be surprising to see ISIS gain control of these assets in the future as they have done in the past.

The U.S. State Department has approved the sale of $295.6 million worth of military equipment to Iraq for artillery and infantry Kurdish peshmerga units, a Pentagon agency said on Wednesday.   Continue reading “US approves $295.6 million military equipment sale to Iraq: Pentagon”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: I was always taught growing up if you do not have the cash you do not need it. In the age of iDevices people are spending money they do not have like never before. Today, cell phones cost $800 bucks, but don’t worry. We will finance that guy for you right on your phone bill. Hey it’s only another 30 bucks a month. This is how we go into debt and this is why many will literally never stop working until they drop dead. We live in sad times and while the odds are stacked against us, we need to take accountability and make the right choices in life. Just because everyone else is doing it or has it does not mean you need to.

Continue reading “65% Of Americans Lose Sleep Over Money Issues, Worse Than Before The Great Recession”


A recent article in Motherboard reveals how sports stadiums are spying on everyone’s instant messages, Tweets and sentiments. (I couldn’t find any pictures of a U.S. sport stadium security room, so I posted one of a 2014 World Cup security room.)

Sports stadiums across the country are using ‘Babel Street’ and ‘Babel X’ to spy on fan’s sentiments and social media accounts.   Continue reading “Sports stadiums spy on everyone’s instant messages, Tweets and sentiments”