The Government Rag – by Jack Mullen

I saw a post on Facebook containing the comments of a forum shown below. This comment was of interest because Stephanie Sledge had been connecting the shooting dots in Las Vegas to expanding State agendas to further impede and restrict activities and rights of American at public places. She plans to release an article on subject soon.[UPDATE] Stephanie’s article is here.

I am not saying the information in this anonymous post is the truth, but it does make sense and is consistent with the story, let’s explore this idea.   Continue reading “The Chertoff Connection: Las Vegas”

Wade Awake Gentile, July, 2017

Catalonia’s ruling coalition has vowed to declare independence “immediately” if a majority of voters back it in an October referendum.Secessionists in the north-east region have long argued that it should break away from Spain. Catalonia is one of Spain’s richestregions, both culturally and industrially. It also boasts its own distinct language – Catalan – and centuries-old customs.

Until recently, there was little support for full independence – but Spain’s painful economic crunch has prompted an upswing. BBC   Continue reading “Catalonia The Newest European Kosher State?”

US News – by Lauren Camera

While Congress isn’t likely to take legislative action to safeguard free speech on college campuses as some have proposed, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle agreed Thursday that school administrators must tackle head-on what they described as an increasingly serious issue.

“I hope the United States Congress won’t do what it often does and believe we’ve suddenly become wise enough to tell 6,000 colleges and universities what to do,” Sen. Lamar Alexander, a Tennessee Republican and chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, said during a hearing before his panel on the topic. “[That’s a] bad idea. But there should be some sensible way to allow speakers to speak and audiences to listen while still protecting freedoms offered by the First Amendment.”

Continue reading “Congress Urges College Administrators to Tackle Campus Free-Speech Issues”

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Archive: TWFTT 10-27-17

Bloomberg – by Erik Wasson, Mark Niquette

President Donald Trump’s chief economic adviser raised the possibility of increasing the federal gasoline tax next year to help pay for the administration’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan, U.S. Representative Tom Reed said.

National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn brought up the fuel tax as a way to help fund promised upgrades to U.S. roads, bridges and other public works during a meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers dubbed the Problem Solvers Caucus on Wednesday, said Reed, a New York Republican who is co-chairman of the caucus.   Continue reading “Gary Cohn Floats Idea of Gas Tax Hike for Infrastructure”


The Catalan parliament has declared independence from Spain following a secret ballot which received 70 votes in favor of independent rule, 10 against, and two blank ballots. The vote was boycotted by opposition members.

27 October 2017 17:59 GMT

Serbia has denounced the Catalan parliament’s declaration, stating that such actions, as with Kosovo’s secession, are illegal. It said the only difference between the two was the reaction of the international community.
Continue reading “Catalonia declares independence from Spain”


Foreigners will soon not be allowed to buy existing homes in New Zealand as the country is facing a housing affordability crisis due to soaring property prices.

“We have agreed on banning the purchase of existing homes by foreign buyers,” said Prime Minister-elect Jacinda Ardern, adding the ban only applied to non-residents.

A bill to ban purchases will be introduced by Christmas, she said, also announcing plans to slash immigration and focus on regional development and job creation.   Continue reading “New Zealand homes ‘no longer for sale’ to foreigners”

The Daily Caller – by Eric Owens

A women’s studies professor at the University of California, Davis has declared that the time has come to replace “traditional science” with “a much needed anti-science, antiracist, feminist approach to knowledge production.”

The professor is Sara Giordano, according to Campus Reform.   Continue reading “Professor: Replace ‘Traditional Science’ With ‘Anti-Science, Antiracist, Feminist Approach’”

Sent to us by a reader.

Where is main headquarters of the insidious Zionist ‘Shadow Government’ that’s bent on destroying America?

Why heck; that’d be the ‘Metro’ located at 1313 60th E. 60th St., on the University of Chicago’s Campus.   Continue reading “The Shadow Government: Its Home Office & Physical Address”

Salon – by Matthew Rozsa

A lawsuit over the security of Georgia’s election systems took an unexpected twist when it was revealed that the data was deleted shortly after the case was filed.

The data on a computer server being held at the Center for Elections Systems at Kennesaw State University was destroyed on July 7, according to the Associated Press. It is unclear who ordered the data to be permanently wiped, although Kennesaw State University told the Associated Press that the decision was made based on “standard operating procedure.” This will make it more difficult for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit (a group of election reform advocates) to determine whether Georgia’s current election technology needs to be retired.  Continue reading “Georgia’s election servers were wiped after a lawsuit was filed”

Inside Syria Media Center military correspondents in Iraq have recently reported that ISIS members are surrendering in dozens in their stronghold in Iraq’s Al-Hawija area. They estimate that the Iraqi Army has nearly completed the operation on recapturing the city.

It seems that hard times have come for ISIS jihadists on all fronts. 9-month-long standoff in Mosul came to a logical end. Tal-Afar was recaptured after that much faster, in just 11 days.   Continue reading “What if You’d Been an ISIS Fighter?”

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — On the night of October 1, Youtuber Benjamin Franks and his friend had just grabbed some tacos and were heading back to their hotel room at the MGM when they noticed a separate disturbance at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Tropicana Ave.

Fifteen-minutes later, from the leisure of his hotel room, Franks managed to capture bombshell video footage which shows a total of 17 ambulances removing human bodies from Hooters, contradicting the official story told by Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo.   Continue reading “Vegas smoking gun: Footage shows 17 ambulances pulling bodies out of Hooters the night of the massacre”