Breitbart – by Penny Starr

The U.S. Department of the Interior confirmed on Monday that the agency will send law enforcement officers to assist with the patrolling effort to secure the U.S. border with Mexico.

“President Trump and I are 100 percent committed to keeping our border communities and the American people safe and secure, which is why I’m deploying some of Interior’s law enforcement officers to increase security on the southern border,” Zinke said in a statement released by the agency. “Today’s news is the first of many steps Interior will take to secure the homeland.”   Continue reading “Interior Deploys Officers to Help Secure U.S. Border with Mexico”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Senate is set to vote in the coming week on rejecting the Federal Communications Commission decision in December to repeal Obama-era rules guaranteeing an open internet.

Proponents currently have the backing of 47 Democrats and two independents who caucus with Democrats as well as Republican Senator Susan Collins. With the prolonged absence of Senator John McCain due to illness, proponents believe they will win on a 50-49 vote.  Continue reading “U.S. Senate to vote to reinstate open internet rules”

Business Insider

The Army released a report in late 2016 that centered on the Russian threat in Ukraine and detailed how the capabilities of Russian snipers have grown, thanks in large part to a deadly new Russian sniper rifle, the ORSIS T-5000.

And it also just so happens that the National Rifle Association once helped promote the T-5000, according to Mother Jones.   Continue reading “The NRA helped promote this deadly Russian sniper rifle that has the US military worried”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Update (3:15 pm ET): i24News is reporting that Israel has called up some reserve units for air defense, home front and intelligence as Defense Minister  Avigdor Liberman consults with military leaders at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv.   Continue reading “Israel Deploys Troops To Syrian Border After Detecting “Unusual Movements Of Iranian Forces””

Fox News

President Trump on Tuesday announced plans to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal, saying it has failed to halt the country’s nuclear ambitions.

Speaking in the Diplomatic Room of the White House, Trump said: “I am announcing today the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.”

A source said that Trump’s announcement will start a 90-day countdown to the restoration of sanctions.   Continue reading “Trump withdraws from Iran nuclear agreement”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

Saudi warplanes carried out an attack against the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a today, attacking the presidential palace and leveling it to the ground. Six people were killed in the strike, who were identified as civilians by local officials. Though early reports suggested Houthi officials may have been in the presidential palace, subsequent reports suggest this was not the case.   Continue reading “Saudi Warplanes Level Yemen Presidential Palace, Killing Civilians”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Carroll County, MD — A very graphic and hard to watch video has surfaced prompting backlash toward the Carroll County Sheriff’s office in Maryland after it showed one of their deputies shoot and kill a tiny ground hog.

According to the department spokesperson, Cpl. Jon Light, the deputy stopped and killed the ground hog because it was ‘acting oddly.’   Continue reading “Witnesses Watch in Horror as Cop Kills Tiny Groundhog for ‘Acting Oddly’”


Japanese leader Shinzo Abe and his wife were dished up dessert in a shoe during dinner at the Israeli prime minister’s residence.The culturally offensive move has been slammed by diplomats from both countries.

“This was a stupid and insensitive decision,” a senior Israeli diplomat who had previously served in Japan told newspaper Yediot Aharonot. “It is equivalent to serving a Jewish guest chocolates in a dish shaped like a pig,” he said, adding “there is nothing more despised in Japanese culture than shoes.”   Continue reading “Foot in mouth: Japanese PM served dessert in a shoe at Netanyahu dinner”

Yahoo News

A California high school student was charged on Monday after he allegedly recruited classmates into a drug and human smuggling ring, authorities said.

Phillip Junior Webb, 18, was arraigned Monday at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California in San Diego on federal charges of human smuggling and conspiracy to distribute illicit narcotics. He is also charged with trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border with illegal immigrants hidden in his trunk, according to charging documents.   Continue reading “California teen charged with recruiting classmates for drug smuggling operation”


US President Donald Trump has used a bombastic approach to gain the attention of European nations, using them as leverage as he bids to alter the Iran nuclear deal, former Pentagon official Michel Maloof tells RT.

Despite international pressure, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says his country plans to stay in the agreement even if the United States backs out – as long as the other members agree to honor the agreement.   Continue reading “Will Donald Trump kick the can over Iran nuclear deal?”


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has met China’s Xi Jinping for the first time since historic intra-Korean talks and pledged to shut down its nuclear weapons program. It is Kim’s second visit to China in a several weeks.

“Xi held talks with Kim and hosted a welcome banquet for him,” China’s state-run Xinhua agency reported on Tuesday. Chinese state media have confirmed that the leaders shared a “cordial and friendly atmosphere” during the talks and a luncheon in the Chinese city of Dalian.   Continue reading “North Korean leader meets Chinese President for the first time since historic Korean talks”


The US Olympic Committee is embroiled in a fresh misconduct controversy as a new lawsuit alleges that it knowingly allowed the sex trafficking and abuse of Taekwondo athletes for more than 20 years.

Four female athletes and 44 women, whose identities have been withheld, are accusing the USOC and USA Taekwondo of allowing more than two decades of sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking of its athletes.   Continue reading “‘Heinous acts’: US Olympic committee accused of sex trafficking in new lawsuit”

NEW YORK (AP) — The Manhattan District Attorney’s office is investigating allegations of violence against women by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who resigned just hours after accounts of abuse by four women.

It was a swift and stunning fall for a Democrat who held himself out as a champion of women and a liberal foil to President Donald Trump and who pledged to use his office to hold others accountable for abusing their power.   Continue reading “Manhattan DA to probe abuse allegations against Schneiderman”

The Organic Prepper – by Selco

It is hard to bring the mindset of survival to the people who have not experienced a hard situation of at least some kind of survival event.

Over the many years of being connected with people who are into survival, I realize there are the same topics for discussion and people actually become fixated on those topics.  Continue reading “Selco’s SHTF Reality Check: 5 Deadly Mistakes That Preppers Are Making”


Leave it to the great American police state to turn Reality TV into real-time spying of its citizens.

Recently the Newark, New Jersey Police Department decided it needed to do more, much more to build trust between the police and the community.

Here’s a little background on police building trust in the community.  Continue reading “Police CCTV cameras turn citizens into stay-at-home spies, spying on their neighbors 24-7”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Rand Paul goes on to say, “Under this bill, Congress could only disapprove of war, turning the Constitution on its head“. Unless they make a change to the Constitution, their new bill is null and void. Why is it so hard for people to understand nothing supersedes the Constitution? Too many years of conditioning I suppose. This all sounds like a good way to push for war with Iran.

In the near future, Congress will debate a new Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). I use the word “debate” lightly. So far, no hearings have been scheduled, and no testimony is likely to be heard unless something changes. That’s a shame, because this is a serious matter, and this is a deeply flawed AUMF.   Continue reading “Rand Paul: Congress Moves To Give The President Unlimited War Powers”

New York Times

Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York State attorney general who rose to prominence as an antagonist of the Trump administration, abruptly resigned on Monday night hours after The New Yorker reported that four women had accused him of physically assaulting them.

“It’s been my great honor and privilege to serve as attorney general for the people of the State of New York,” Mr. Schneiderman said in a statement. “In the last several hours, serious allegations, which I strongly contest, have been made against me.

Continue reading “Eric Schneiderman, Accused by 4 Women, Quits as New York Attorney General”