New York Daily News, April 28, 2018

Cops raiding a Queens home Thursday found a small arsenal of guns and ammo.

Officers hauled off 16 rifles, a crossbow and 13,000 rounds of ammunition around 9:34 a.m. from the Queens Village house of Keith Harvey, 44, a contractor.

Bullets were packed into metal military-like ammo boxes or still in the original packaging.

Continue reading “Man arrested after cops hauled away arsenal of rifles from his Queens home”

Business Insider – by Lynn Parramore

Life for the medieval peasant was certainly no picnic. His life was shadowed by fear of famine, disease and bursts of warfare. His diet and personal hygiene left much to be desired.

But despite his reputation as a miserable wretch, you might envy him one thing: his vacations.

Plowing and harvesting were backbreaking toil, but the peasant enjoyed anywhere from eight weeks to half the year off.   Continue reading “The average American worker takes less vacation time than a medieval peasant”

Future of Freedom Foundation – by James Bovard

The Justice Department was caught in January in another high-profile travesty of due process. On December 20, federal judge Gloria Navarro declared a mistrial in the case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and others after prosecutors were caught withholding massive amounts of evidence undermining federal charges. Two weeks later, she dismissed all charges against Bundy and his sons. Navarro slammed the FBI and Justice Department prosecutors for “outrageous” abuses and “flagrant misconduct.” Navarro also condemned the “grossly shocking” withholding of evidence from defense counsel in a case that could have landed the Bundys in prison for the rest of their lives.   Continue reading “Bundy Ranch Case Explains Distrust of Washington”


SAN DIEGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Trump administration will increase criminal prosecutions of parents entering the United States illegally and place their children in protective custody, stepping up efforts to tighten immigration enforcement, U.S. officials said on Monday.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Thomas Homan, acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said the policy was not new and that the government was expanding procedures already in place. They were speaking at Friendship Park, San Diego, at the U.S.-Mexico border.   Continue reading “U.S. says it will separate families crossing border illegally”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Senior Canadian, U.S. and Mexican officials trying to rescue slow-moving talks to update the NAFTA trade pact met on Monday in a new bid to resolve key issues before regional elections complicate the process.

With time fast running out to strike some kind of deal on the North American Free Trade Agreement, the three member nations are still far apart on major points.   Continue reading “NAFTA talks resume amid fears of ‘zombie’ deal”


An arrest warrant for an 89-year-old woman, who failed to show up to begin her two-year prison sentence for “inciting the German people to holocaust denial,” was issued by German authorities on Monday.

Dubbed the “Nazi Grandma” by German media, prolific Holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck was sentenced to two years behind bars in August 2017 after losing her appeal to reverse a 10-month sentence she received earlier that year. She was initially charged with sedition and incitement after publishing several articles denying the Holocaust in a right-wing newspaper, Stimme des Reiches (Voices of the Reich).   Continue reading “‘Nazi grandma’ on the run after failing to start 2-year prison term for Holocaust denial”

GeoEngineering Watch – by Dean Wigington

How much longer can our government continue to hide the global climate engineering assault in plain sight? How much longer will populations continue to blindly accept the official government narrative of lies and denial in regard to the clearly visible and rationally undeniable ongoing geoengineering operations? How is it possible for the power structure to create and maintain the official denial of fully deployed climate intervention programs? By completely controlling the flow of information, including the weather forecasts themselves.    Continue reading “Legal Action Update: Government Controlling Weather Forecasts To Cover Climate Engineering Crimes”

Investment Watch – by Thinker

Venezuela will not be swayed by the threats of sanctions, and the invasion of the deep state military industrial complex. The people are ready to defend their country and passing out guns to ensure that every man can defend his family. No more fear, strength is in numbers and the armies of Venezuela know the people will fight for their country and protect all who do.   Continue reading “Venezuela Arms its Citizens – They Won’t Go Down Like Syria, People Ready to Fight!”

Daily Mail

A 12-year-old schoolboy was arrested and taken away by police officers during an anti-Putin rally in southwestern Russia on Saturday.

Egor Pryanishnikov addressed the crowd of demonstrators in the city of Saratov, to vent his anger at the poor state of the roads where he lives.   Continue reading “Russian police arrest a 12-YEAR-OLD for speaking at an anti-Putin rally before Presidential inauguration”

IB Times

A 13-year-old boy, who was declared brain dead after being severely injured in a dune buggy accident, miraculously came back to life after his parents signed documents to donate his organs.

Trenton McKinley of Mobile, Alabama, suffered brain trauma from a freak utility vehicle accident in March. His mother, Jennifer Reindl, told Fox 10 her son had been dead for 15 minutes after the accident.    Continue reading “Brain-Dead Boy Wakes Up After Parents Sign Organ Donation Documents”

Investment Watch – by Thinker

How many men and women who don’t endorse corruption have sat back waiting for the right moment to tell the world the truth? What is happening now, is that the frequency is changing and the truth cannot be contained any longer. What the biggest fear is, is those who have stolen millions worried about losing it. They’ve committed crimes men/women are spending their lives in jail for.   Continue reading “Mindblowing Corruption At FBI – NSA Whistleblower Reveals”

The Organic Prepper

You may not be on social media yourself, but chances are your friends and family are. Some of us are on there for work purposes and some so we can keep in touch with loved ones who live far away. There are valid reasons we have accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But things are getting ugly out there in Internetland and it begs the question of whether social media is destroying humanity.

And even worse, is social media destroying humanity on purpose, because it was engineered to do so?   Continue reading “Is Social Media Destroying Humanity on Purpose?”


A U.S. district judge handed a sentence of life in prison today to a driver who was transporting undocumented immigrants in a tractor-trailer so hot that ten people died.

“I am so sorry it happened,” said James Matthew Bradley Jr. in a video statement played in court which The San Antonio Express-News reported. “There’s not a day or night that goes by that I don’t relive this scene.”   Continue reading “Trucker In Human Smuggling Case Sentenced To Life In Prison”

Fox News

Lt. Col. Oliver North is set to become the president of the National Rifle Association of America, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated Monday, the group announced.

North will be retiring from his role at Fox News effective immediately. He will be taking over the position occupied by Pete Brownell, who did not seek a second term as NRA president.   Continue reading “Lt. Col. Oliver North to become NRA president, organization says”

Bloomberg – by Justin Sink

The Treasury Department announced new sanctions on three Venezuelans as the U.S. ratchets up pressure on the government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who has overseen a crackdown on protesters amid an economic crisis fueled by rapid inflation.

The sanctions targets include Pedro Luis Martin Olivares, a former Venezuelan intelligence official now under indictment in Florida on drug trafficking charges. The penalties also cover two people identified as his associates, Walter Alexander Del Nogal Marquez and Mario Antonio Rodriguez Espinoza, along with 20 companies in Venezuela and Panama the Treasury Department says are owned or controlled by the three.   Continue reading “U.S Sanctions Venezuelans, Including Ex-Intelligence Official”

The Daily Caller – by Henry Rodgers

A 70-year-old grandmother shot an alleged home intruder in Philadelphia, Pa., early Saturday morning, leaving him hospitalized.

Maxine Thompson woke around 4:30 a.m. after she heard a loud banging noise, she said. She looked out her window and saw a man pounding on her door, trying to break in — she told him to stop. He then smashed a window and entered her house. Thompson grabbed her handgun, which she said was from her mother, and fired shots at the suspect, according to Fox News.   Continue reading “Seventy-Year-Old Grandma Lights Up Alleged Home Intruder, Leaves Him Hospitalized”


Israel will “liquidate” Syrian President Bashar Assad and topple his government if it continues to allow Iran to use Syrian territory to carry out attacks on the Jewish state, an Israeli security cabinet minister has warned.

“If Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continues allowing Iran to operate within Syrian territory, Israel will liquidate him and topple his regime,” Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz told Ynet.    Continue reading “We’ll ‘liquidate’ Assad if he lets Iran attack us from Syria – Israeli minister”

Mommy Underground

We are all aware that public schools are indoctrinating our children with abhorrent subject matter that advances the agenda of the left.

Alternative lifestyles and deviant sexual behavior are being taught alongside math and history – and just when you think the material being presented to our kids in school couldn’t get any worse, it does.   Continue reading “Have You Checked Your Child’s Schoolwork Lately? These Parents Were Outraged”

Madness Hub

On Sunday, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported on a supremely important development: a male professor made a joke about “lingerie” in an elevator – an elevator containing a gender studies professor. Clearly, Western civilization’s patriarchy has yet to be broken.

According to Katherine Mangan, political theory Professor Richard Ned Lebow of King’s College was in an elevator with a bunch of other human beings, including Professor Simona Sharoni, who teaches women’s and gender studies at Merrimack College. Sharoni, who clearly had been conditioned to submit to the patriarchy, offered to hit buttons on the elevator. That’s when Lebow did the unthinkable: he jokingly asked for the women’s lingerie department. And his buddies – the scum! – laughed.   Continue reading “Professor Tells A Harmless Lingerie Joke On Elevator. Unfortunately, There’s A Gender Studies Professor Aboard. You Can Guess What Happened Next.”