Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

It takes at least four years of college for an enlisted person in the military to become a military “officer,” which is quite a contrast from the mere nine months it takes for a police officer to earn the title. But according to a group of 10 former Austin Police Department recruits who wanted to become peace officers, just like the military, the Austin PD is training  “warriors” instead of “guardians.”   Continue reading “Police Cadets Quit, Expose Dept. for Training Cops to View Public as ‘Cockroaches’ They’re at War With”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

As the tragic story of baby Alfie begins fading from headlines, it is important to point out what allowed this situation to unfold like it did. Guns. Before throwing your arms in the air and screaming out, “how the hell does this child’s death have anything to do with guns?” consider the following truth: The majority of the United Kingdom is unarmed, leaving most guns in the hands of criminals and government. When only government has guns, they can make decisions—like kidnapping a baby and starving him to death—without fear of recourse from the citizens, or even the family.   Continue reading “Dad in America Told His Son Had To Die Like Alfie—But He Resisted With Guns and His Son LIVED”


Police Officer Takes A Ten Year Look At Rape Violence In Oslo

Grønland, a district in the city of Oslo that is said to have “apocalyptic level of culturally-enriched violence.” It is only two subway stops from the Parliament, one stop from the Central Station, and fairly close to the government offices that were bombed by Breivik.  Continue reading “Oslo Police Declare “We Have Lost the City”…Islam Has Taken Over”


SAN YSIDRO PORT OF ENTRY (Reuters) – Hopes rose on Tuesday among a caravan of migrants who traveled from Central America to seek asylum in the United States after U.S. border authorities allowed the first small group of women and children entry from Mexico overnight.

Gathering people along the way, the caravan set off a month ago on a 2,000-mile (3,220-km) trek across Mexico to the U.S. border, drawing attention from American news media after President Donald Trump took to Twitter to demand such groups not be granted entry and urging stronger immigration laws.   Continue reading “Central American ‘caravan’ women and children enter U.S., defying Trump”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It’s been a while since the US made a wholesale push to get more cash and income-strapped households into the ever more unaffordable American dream of owning a house, three years to be exact, which is when nationalized housing agency Freddie Mac last rolled out a conventional mortgage that only required a 3% down payment for certain borrowers.

The problem is that what modest requirement the mortgage program had back in 2015, meant that most Americans who needed access would be excluded. The program, which as we described at the time was designed for qualified (that being the key word) low-and moderate-income borrowers – i.e., Millennials – saw limited progress over the last few years, with FHFA Director Mel Watt telling Congress last year that Freddie’s 3% down program (along with a similar one from Fannie Mae) was continuing to grow.  Continue reading “Freddie Mac Launches “3% Down” Mortgage With No Income Restrictions”

Miami Herald

Step out of line at the Miami-Dade juvenile lockup and you just might get a beating, dished out by an enforcer, orchestrated by members of the staff, and rewarded by a treat from the officer vending machines.

The beatings were known as “honey bunnings,” and the culture they spawned was codified in secret language and gestures known only to officers and their charges.  Continue reading “Officer accused of bribing youths to savagely assault 17-year-old detainee. The teen died.”

World Events and the Bible

Benjamin Natenyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister brings us yet another “proof” concerning Iran. This time, Bibi has ‘conclusive proof‘ that Iran lied about their nuclear weapons program.  He explains,

“Tonight I’m here to tell you one thing. Iran lied, big time.” – Haaretz

Continue reading “Prophecy Moves Forward: Bibi Says ‘Conclusive Proof’ Iran Lied About Its Nuclear Weapons Program”


All across the country businesses are being encouraged to use facial recognition to identify everyone.

Companies like DeepCam, have been been secretly working for three years, to create a facial recognition customer watch list system.   Continue reading “Businesses will use facial biometrics to create their own watch lists”

Fox News

Turns out that brand new, store-bought outfit may not be as clean as you think.

One expert made waves in a recent Huffington Post interview in which he claimed that new, unwashed articles of clothing can harbor fecal germs, norovirus and bacteria, including strep and staph.   Continue reading “New clothes can harbor fecal bacteria, expert says”

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

We are told that Nikolas Cruz, 19, is the lone gunman of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) High School shooting on February 14, 2018, in Parkland, Florida, who killed 17 and wounded another 17.   Continue reading “Parkland school shooting: Eyewitnesses saw killer wearing different clothes”

Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

London, United Kingdom – While British politicians have increasingly “declared war on knives,” recently moving to ban the kitchen utensil in the name of keeping citizens safe from knife violence, since the 2014 war in Gaza, the UK government has approved the sale of $445 million in arms to the state of Israel.

The UK attempting to criminalize those carrying knives, after largely banishing guns, while simultaneously selling Israel arms—including parts for sniper rifles that are routinely used to kill innocent Palestinians—is the height of hypocrisy.   Continue reading “UK Moves to Ban Knives—As They Simultaneously Sell Israel Sniper Rifles to Kill Palestinians”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Following the deadly Valentine’s Day shooting in Parkland, Fla., banks and credit card companies considered blocking consumers’ gun purchases as corporate America engaged in a marathon virtue-signaling session to prove to their customers that they too care about the lives of students being endangered by gun violence.

Of course, these bans would’ve likely been temporary. Banks could’ve quietly withdrawn the restrictions once the public furor quieted down. However, some banks and credit card companies are now considering a more permanent move that would transform them into foot soldiers in the deep state’s push to create a register of all gun owners. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that some lenders are now discussing ways to identify purchases of guns through their payment systems. This would effectively transform them into tools of the intelligence services by monitoring virtually all gun sales at sporting goods stores and other merchants that aren’t transacted in cash.   Continue reading “Credit-Card Companies Explore New Ways To Monitor Gun Purchases”