Yahoo News

After the 2017 shooting massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, then-17-year-old survivor David Hogg and several of his young classmates forced the nation to sit up and have a tough — and different — conversation about gun violence. The teens marched for their lives, and challenged seasoned gun lobbyists and lawmakers on live television. They led protests and boycotts, and inspired young people across the country to register and vote for candidates who support more stringent gun control.  Continue reading “Parkland Survivor David Hogg Says He’s Faced 7 Assassination Attempts This Past Year”


GRADY CO., Okla. – The Chief of Police in Cement has been arrested by Grady County officials after allegedly offering a 16-year-old girl money for sex.

“It’s embarrassing… it’s a shame. I read that- it’s just embarrassing,” said Cement resident Dan Moody.  Continue reading “Cement Police Chief arrested on soliciting child prostitution charges”

The Weather Channel

A new federal study of oil that’s been seeping into the Gulf of Mexico from a platform toppled by Hurricane Ivan more than 14 years ago confirms that the spill is bigger than what the energy company who owns the platform has claimed.

The platform, 12 miles off the coast of Louisiana, fell over after an underwater mudslide triggered by the hurricane on Sept. 15, 2004.

Continue reading “14-Year-Long Gulf of Mexico Oil Leak is Bigger Than Energy Company Claims, Federal Study Finds”

ABC News

A sheriff’s deputy was shot and killed in Illinois on Tuesday evening — the fifth law enforcement officer shot and killed in just eight days across the country.

Troy Chisum, 39, was shot at about 2 p.m. in Avon, Illinois, about an hour west of Peoria, while responding to a battery and domestic disturbance call, according to the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office.  Continue reading “Illinois sheriff’s deputy becomes 5th officer fatally shot in last 8 days across country”

Yahoo News

Mexico City (AFP) – Mexico’s president vowed Tuesday to investigate the controversial detention of migrants trying to cross the US border, saying the 15,000 troops he has deployed there have no such orders.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a leftist who took office in December vowing to protect migrants’ rights, has come under fire over an AFP journalist’s images last week of heavily armed National Guardsmen forcibly detaining two women and a girl at the Rio Grande river, across from El Paso, Texas.  Continue reading “Mexico will not detain migrants at US border: president”

The Atlantic – by Lyman Stone

The Baby Boomers ruined America. That sounds like a hyperbolic claim, but it’s one way to state what I found as I tried to solve a riddle. American society is going through a strange set of shifts: Even as cultural values are in rapid flux, political institutions seem frozen in time. The average U.S. state constitution is more than 100 years old. We are in the third-longest period without a constitutional amendment in American history: The longest such period ended in the Civil War. So what’s to blame for this institutional aging?  Continue reading “The Boomers Ruined Everything”

NBC 4 New York

The NYPD, in conjunction with the New York City Heritage of Pride March organizers, announced the safety measures and route changes that will take place during Sunday’s Pride March.

For 2019, the 50th annual Heritage of Pride March is coinciding with the Stonewall 50 Rally and WorldPride — an international event which celebrates the LGBTQ community through parades, festivals, and other cultural activities. An additional three to four million people are expected in New York City from June 22 through July 6 to attend the historic convergence of events, and because of this a comprehensive security plan will be in place, police say.  Continue reading “NYPD Shares Security Plan, Parade Route for 2019 New York City Pride March”

Big League Politics – by Shane Trejo

A Maryland man was arrested on Sunday after he interrupted an event at the St. Mary’s County library which featured drag queens reading to young children. Many critics believe this is an attempt to groom kids to the LGBT agenda.

Ashley Kyle Morgan, 42, came to the event at 1:40pm but was denied access to the room where the readings were happening. A police sergeant told Morgan that he was denied access to the room, as it was a private event despite being held at a public library.  Continue reading “Maryland Man Arrested for Interrupting ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ at Public Library”

Ammoland – by NRAHQ

Fairfax, VA – -( Anti-gun lawmakers, including some of those vying for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, are becoming increasingly open about their desire to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens and jail those who don’t comply. Perhaps taking a cue from their strident federal allies, this trend has trickled down to state politicians.

On June 11, anti-gun Illinois state lawmakers Sen. Julie Morrison and Rep. Bob Morgan held a “townhall” meeting in Deerfield, Ill. The NRA state affiliate, the Illinois State Rifle Associationencouraged members to attend the meeting and ask Morrison about her sponsorship of SB107Continue reading “Illinois Sen. Julie Morrison, Come Try & Confiscate our Guns, WE DARE YOU!”

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Archive: TWFTT 6-25-19

Global Research – by James A. Lucas

First published in November 2015

GR Editor’s Note Let us put this in historical perspective: the commemoration of the War the End All Wars  acknowledges that 15 million lives were lost in the course of World War I (1914-18).

The loss of life in the second World War (1939-1945) was on a much large scale, when compared to World War I: 60 million lives both military and civilian were lost during World War II. (Four times those killed during World War I). Continue reading “US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

NATO defense ministers will hold talks on Wednesday over their next move if Russia doesn’t destroy a new missile system that could allow for short-notice nuclear attacks throughout Europe, which the United States has said violates the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), according to Reuters.

“We call on Russia to take the responsible path, but we have seen no indication that Russia intends to do so,” said Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg at a news conference, adding “We will need to respond.”  Continue reading “NATO Tells Russia To Destroy New Missile Or Face Consequences”

Daily Mail

Joe Biden has raked in the cash since he’s left the vice presidency – making speeches at up to $200,000 a pop, signing a seven-figure book deal, and renting a 12,000-square-foot home in Northern Virginia from a wealthy venture capitalist.

He even has demands in his contract for raspberry sorbet and chartered flights for his speeches.  Continue reading “‘Middle class Joe’ Biden rents million dollar home and gives $200,000 a pop speeches”

Medium – by Caitlin Johnstone

new article by Forbes reports that the CEO of Crowdstrike, the extremely shady cybersecurity corporation which was foundational in the construction of the official CIA/CNN Russian hacking narrative, is now a billionaire.

George Kurtz ascended to the billionaire rankings on the back of soaring stocks immediately after the company went public, carried no doubt on the winds of the international fame it gained from its central protagonistic role in the most well-known hacking news story of all time. A loyal servant of empire well-rewarded.  Continue reading “Propaganda Is The Root Of All Our Problems”

“The truth is the communist party isn’t out to hurt you,” Tyner, vice-chair of CPUSA and its candidate for vice-president in 1972 and 1976, told a large and diverse crowd. “It will set you free.”

So what this tells us is that while fifty thousand of our people were dying in Vietnam “stopping the spread of international communism”, the communists were freely operating in the United States.  Continue reading “The American National’s Response to the Communist Party USA”


One of the NFL’s premiere franchises, the New England Patriots is using “Evolve Edge” millimeter wave/facial recognition scanners to identify fans before they enter Gillette Stadium.

According to Evolv Edge’s brochure, their scanners use facial recognition to identify everyone.  Continue reading “Gillette Stadium’s Facial Recognition Can Identify Fans Before They Enter The Stadium”