Daily Wire – by Ryan Saavedra

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said on Sunday that he believes that having a “rational policy” on guns means making sure that people can’t have “50 clips in a weapon,” which is gibberish, and said that a person would need a lot more than an AK-47 to take on a tyrannical government.

Biden made the remarks on the campaign trail in New Hampshire while talking about why kids learn active shooter drills in school, saying, “because we’re unwilling to have a rational policy that says you cannot have 20, 30, 40, 50 clips in a weapon.”  Continue reading “Biden: ‘Rational’ Gun ‘Policy’ Is Banning ‘50 Clips In A Weapon’; AK-47 Won’t Protect You From Government”

Health Impact News – by Dr. Robert J. Rowen

Folks, the coronavirus outbreak is worsening. Tens of millions in China are on lockdown. There are outbreaks in the USA and quarantines on military bases. The disease process seems to be getting clearer.

This disease can take the young and healthy. It spreads very rapidly and quickly. The death rate in clusters has been as high as 4% but seems to be in the 2% range. It can be transmitted long before symptoms appear. Continue reading “California Doctor Reports Hospitals in China are Open to Ozone Treatments to Fight Coronavirus”

FFF – by James Bovard

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,” declared “Beto” O’Rourke at a Democratic party presidential candidate debate in September. Compelling Americans to surrender their so-called assault weapons is “the newest purity test” for Democratic presidential candidates, according to the Washington Post. O’Rourke and other Democratic presidential candidates, including Cory Booker, Kristin Gillibrand, and Bill de Blasio (now withdrawn from the race, as are Gillibrand and O’Rourke) have all endorsed mandatory buy-backs of assault weapons. Though such proposals are momentarily politically profitable, they could start a cascade of public-policy dominoes that ends in civil war.  Continue reading “Gun Seizures Could Lead to Civil War”

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

Columbia, SC — Taxpayers in South Carolina will not only be left with the optics of having an inmate give birth in her jail cell and whose baby died in the toilet, but they’re also on the hook for the $1.15 million dollar lawsuit the woman just won against the state. The State of South Carolina and two healthcare companies responsible for the former inmate’s healthcare while in prison will be paying up for what seems to be the grossest of negligences: allowing a baby to die in jail.  Continue reading “Taxpayers Shell Out $1M After Officers Force Mom to Give Birth into a Toilet, Letting Baby Die”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Coffeyville, KS — A bombshell investigation from ProPublica revealed that law enforcement in Kansas is running a debtor’s prison and throwing people in jail over their medical debt. The story focused on the case of Tres and Heather Biggs’ who fell behind on their medical bills for their son’s leukemia and Heather’s Lyme disease. What happened next was nothing but sheer tyranny.  Continue reading “Investigation Reveals State Arresting, Jailing Citizens Over Unpaid Medical Bills”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Democrats in the Arizona Senate are pushing legislation that requires “assault weapons” throughout the state to be registered or surrendered.

The legislation, SB 1625, also provides the third option of rendering the firearm inoperable. Continue reading “AZ Democrat Senators: Register or Surrender ‘Assault Weapons’”

Science Alert – by Michelle Star

One of the defining characteristics of the mysterious deep-space signals we call fast radio bursts is that they are unpredictable. They belch out across the cosmos without rhyme or reason, with no discernible pattern, making them incredibly hard to study.

Now, for the first time, astronomers have found a fast radio burst (FRB) that repeats on a regular cycle.  Continue reading “Powerful Radio Signal From Deep Space Appears to Be Repeating in a 16-Day Cycle”


While there are some in the United States who believe we are headed toward another Civil War, there is perhaps another, more recent parallel worth exploring – the so-called “Italian Years of Lead.”

The short version is that in the late 1960s through the early 1980s, Italy was a hotbed of assassination, shoot-outs and bombings between various factions of the far-left, the far-right and the Italian government – with American, British and Soviet intelligence agencies often pulling the strings.  Continue reading “The Italian Years of Lead: Could the Secret “Strategy of Tension” Foreshadow America’s Future?”

Fox News

Floodwaters in Oregon are receding on Monday after relentless rain and melting snow led to dozens of rescues over the weekend from weather that killed one woman who was swept away in raging waters.

Multiple rivers in rural northeast Oregon were pushed over their banks Thursday after heavy snowfall in the mountains was combined with two days of steady rain and warming temperatures, sending floodwaters into the city of Pendleton and other rural communities. Continue reading “Oregon flooding leads to dozens of rescues, body of woman ‘swept away by rushing water’ discovered”

Antonius Aquinas

A Review of Murray N. Rothbard’s Conceived in Liberty, Vol. 5

The posthumous release of Murray Rothbard’s fifth volume of his early American history series, Conceived in Liberty, is a cause of celebration not only for those interested in the country’s constitutional period, but also for the present day as the nation is faced with acute social, economic, and political crises.  The fifth volume, The New Republic: 1784-1791, stands with Boston T. Party’s 1997 release, Hologram of Liberty, as a grand rebuttal of the cherished notion held by most contemporary scholars, pundits on the Right, and, surprisingly, many libertarians who believe that the US Constitution is some great bulwark in defense of individual liberty and a promoter of economic success. Continue reading “The Constitution IS the Crisis”

WECT News 6

NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. (WECT) – Parents packed the New Hanover County School Board meeting Tuesday, demanding for superintendent Tim Markley to be removed.

Many of those parents and even a 12-year-old girl spoke out about the school sex scandal.

Continue reading “‘I don’t understand how you can be a pedophile and keep your job’: 12-year old asks NHC School Board”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The lockdown of 400 million plus Chinese people created a worldwide health emergency because they create 97% of our antibiotics, 80% of our drug stocks and 70% of our vitamins. Wuhan produces lots of cars and car parts which will hurt the auto industry but cutting off pharmaceuticals can kill millions of people around the world.

I  will write a protocol to tell everyone how to overcome an exposure to the corona virus in a couple of days. But this shut down needs to be understood in terms of what happens to us when the Wuhan virus hits countries from Japan and Australia to America, the UK and Europe.  Continue reading “China Just Created A Worldwide Health Emergency”

Bloomberg – by Hannah Levitt

Kyle Bass took his long-time battle with China up another notch by getting into a heated spat with the influential editor-in-chief of a Communist Party-backed newspaper.

The hedge fund manager suggested on Twitter that the U.S. abandon efforts to help contain the coronavirus and let it spread through China’s leadership.  Continue reading “Bass Says Virus Should Spread to China Leadership as Spat Widens”

“I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church. All national institutions of churches … appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.” — Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Need to Know

The New Way Forward Act is legislation designed to make a new country out of the US using immigration as the means. The laws says: “convictions should not lead to deportations, meaning that criminals could settle in the US with no danger of being sent back. The bill says criminalizing illegal entry into the US is “white supremacist”. Illegal aliens would become a protected class while Americans would be required to sustain them financially. Aliens who already have been deported for crimes would be brought back into the country at taxpayer expense. Forty-four House Democrats are sponsoring this bill. [This will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. If you are in a rush, start at the 4:25 mark.] -GEG  Continue reading “‘New Way Forward Act’ Is Designed to Open US Borders to All Immigrants, Including Criminals”