OPB – by Rachel La Corte

Impostors have used the stolen information of tens of thousands of people in the state to fraudulently receive hundreds of millions of dollars in unemployment benefits, the head of Washington’s Employment Security Department said Thursday.

Commissioner Suzi LeVine said that the state is currently working with federal law enforcement, financial institutions and the U.S. Department of Labor to investigate the fraud and to try and recover the money paid out during the coronavirus crisis.  Continue reading “Washington Loses ‘Hundreds Of Millions’ Of Dollars To Unemployment Fraud”

The Root – by Zack Linly

An Alabama mayoral candidate—in the 21st century—wants to bring back public hangings as punishment for drug dealers.

According to AL.com, James Earl Ray…sorry…Michael Ray James, who is running for mayor in the small city of Sylacauga, is calling for the execution of repeat drug dealers by way of hanging. James has made several Facebook posts advocating for the practice and—in case you’re assuming he’s just being hyperbolic or saying things for shock value—has made it part of his platform as a candidate.  Continue reading “‘I Am Very Serious About Them Losing Their Life’: Alabama Mayoral Candidate Calls for Public Hanging of Drug Dealers”

Daily Mail

America’s billionaires have got $484 billion richer during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report.

Data taken from mid-March to mid-May shows that the country’s wealthiest have profited from the health crisis.  Continue reading “America’s billonaires got $484billion RICHER during the pandemic – with the top five seeing a combined $76billion added to their personal wealth”


BELLMAWR, N.J. (CBS) – A South Jersey gym has once again reopened in defiance of the governor’s shutdown order, a day after the health department shut down the gym due to a plumbing issue. The owners of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr were also given a citation from the Department of Public Health. Continue reading “Atilis Gym Reopens In Defiance Of Stay-At-Home Order Day After Shut Down By Health Department Due To Plumbing Issue”

National File

The Center for Disease Control instituted a program in Georgia this April which constituted of officials wearing facemasks and holding CDC-branded clipboards going house to house and knocking on doors to conduct questionnaires and virus antibody testing. Continue reading “CDC Goes Door to Door Conducting Questionnaires, Virus Antibody Testing”

Yahoo News

Preliminary data from the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) has found that the US may be in for a “baby bust”, with births hitting their lowest level since 1985. Continue reading “US births fall to 35-year low amid fears of further decline due to coronavirus”


President Donald Trump on Thursday said “we are not closing our country” if the U.S. is hit by a second wave of coronavirus infections.

“People say that’s a very distinct possibility, it’s standard,” Trump said when asked about a second wave during a tour of a Ford factory in Michigan.  Continue reading “Trump says he won’t close the country if second wave of coronavirus hits”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Oklahoma City, OK — Since March, unemployment across the country has reached record and potentially catastrophic numbers. In the entire country, a record 38.6 million Americans have filed for unemployment during the pandemic. That corresponds to nearly 25% of the entire United States labor force. While many of these folks are receiving unemployment from state and federal government, many others are not. Continue reading “After State Killed 275k Jobs Over COVID-19, Sheriff Now Evicting Residents Who Can’t Pay”


— Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.

War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. Continue reading “Smedley Butler on Interventionism”

LifeSiteNews – by Micaiah Bilger

A Mississippi church that is suing to stay open during the coronavirus shutdowns was destroyed by arson Wednesday, according to local officials.

Fox News reports someone also spray-painted graffiti on the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs, including a message that read, “I Bet you stay home now you hypokrits [sic].” Continue reading “Attackers Burn Church to the Ground After It Defies Lockdown, “I Bet You Stay Home Now Hypokrits””

ABC Action News

SAN FRANCISCO — Instead of using force to maintain social distancing in public parks, some cities have opted to use basic geometry to slow the spread of COVID-19.

New York City’s Domino Park and San Francisco’s Mission Dolores Park now have marked circles to encourage proper social distancing. Continue reading “New York, San Francisco use circles to help social distance efforts in parks”

Chuck Baldwin

Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx should be tried as criminal conspirators who willfully collaborated in a mass deception that shutdown the U.S. economy, stole over 35 million jobs from the American people, deceived physicians and the entire medical industry into lying about the true threat (or lack thereof) of corona and ultimately took (and are still taking) the lives of countless thousands of innocent Americans. Continue reading “Fauci And Birx: Lock Them Up!”

New York Post – by Lee Brown

They have high hopes for a coronavirus breakthrough.

A team of Canadian scientists believes it has found strong strains of cannabis that could help prevent or treat coronavirus infections, according to interviews and a study.  Continue reading “Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus”

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