Lost Horizons

“SOCIAL DISTANCING”, “SHELTERING IN PLACE” AND MASKS have done nothing to stem the spread of C19 infection. Here’s the data supporting this assertion:

During the three month period prior to March 16, when the first “social distancing” and “shelter in place” and “mask-mandate” nonsense began, fully a billion people flew on airplanes from everywhere to everywhere— including tens of millions to all points in the USA from places like Wuhan, Italy, EVERYWHERE. Continue reading “Social Distancing Has Done Nothing”

Jon Rappaport

Why did mega-corporations accept the Covid lockdowns?

Airlines, hotel chains—you name it, they all folded when the lockdowns were imposed. They closed up shop, they took a knee, they opted for bailouts. Why?  Continue reading “Dispatches from the War: Three men who control corporate America”


AKRON, Ohio – As federal prosecutors announced charges Tuesday against Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder and others, accusing them of accepting more than $60 million in bribe money from FirstEnergy Corp., one name was noticeably absent from the indictment – FirstEnergy. Continue reading “Why isn’t FirstEnergy charged (yet) in the Ohio nuclear bailout bribery case?”

Anchorage Daily News

The city of Seward became the center of Alaska’s two largest coronavirus outbreaks on Wednesday, with a factory trawler and a local seafood-processing plant where a combined 181 people had tested positive.

The American Seafoods ship carrying 85 infected crew members arrived in Seward from Unalaska on Wednesday afternoon.

Continue reading “Seward announced 96 new COVID-19 cases at a seafood plant as a trawler with 85 infected crew arrived. They’re all headed for Anchorage.”

Business Insider – by David Choi

Retired US Army Gen. Russel Honoré, the three-star general who commanded the military’s and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, sharply criticized the Department of Homeland Security’s controversial methods to quell to the ongoing protests in Portland, Oregon. Continue reading “‘Get the hell out of our uniforms’: It’s getting hard to tell who are the real law enforcement as camouflaged Feds crack down on protests”

The Hill – by Zack Budryk

Coronavirus testing in Connecticut returned at least 90 false positives due to a “flaw” in the state’s testing system, Connecticut’s Department of Public Health announced Monday.

A total of 144 people tested positive using a system developed by Massachusetts-based Thermo Fisher Scientific in the period between June 15 and July 17, the department said. Nearly all of the tests affected by the flaw were taken from residents of nursing homes or assisted living facilities, according to acting Public Heath Commissioner Deidre Gifford. Continue reading “Connecticut discovers at least 90 false positive coronavirus tests”


In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. Continue reading “5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells”

Fox News

After a New Jersey Starbucks employee was charged Monday for spitting in police officers’ drinks, the Park Ridge Police Department is looking for answers.

In a Wednesday interview on “Fox & Friends,” Park Ridge Police Department Lt. James Babcock said that while the investigation into 21-year-old Kevin Trejo is still ongoing, the incident had been confirmed. Continue reading “NJ officer on Starbucks employee’s arrest for spitting in cops’ drinks: ‘Unnerving’ amid a pandemic”

Dave Kopel – by Stephen P. Halbrook[a1] and David B. Kopel [aa1]

7 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 347 (1999).

Copyright (c) 1999 by the Publications Council of the College of William & Mary; Stephen P. Halbrook and David B. Kopel *347   Continue reading “Tench Coxe and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 1787-1823”

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Archive: TWFTT 7-22-20

The Week

If you don’t wear a mask in Miami, it’ll cost you — $50 for the first offense, $100 for the second, and $500 every time after that.

Miami-Dade County has the state’s most COVID-19 infections reported per 100,000 people and the highest death toll, The Miami Herald reports. To try to slow the spread of the coronavirus, people in Miami must wear face masks while in outdoor and indoor public settings, with few exceptions. Continue reading “39 Miami police officers to form mask enforcement unit”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

The gun industry has never seen anything like 2020, and the explosion in sales driven by the concerns over rising crime, protests, the coronavirus crisis, and the presidential election are expected to continue.

“Bottom line is that there has never been a sustained surge in firearm sales quite like what we are in the midst of,” the National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry trade group, said in a report shared with Secrets. Continue reading “Arms industry: Gun buys up 95%, ammo 139%, sales to blacks jump 58%”

Global Research – by John Whitehead

I don’t need invitations by the state, state mayors, or state governors, to do our job. We’re going to do that, whether they like us there or not.”—Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf’s defense of the Trump Administration’s deployment of militarized federal police to address civil unrest in the states

This is a wake-up call. Continue reading “The Federal Coup to Overthrow the States and Nix the 10th Amendment Is Underway”

Jon Rappoport

Alert to citizens, governors, mayors, presidents, prime ministers, and public health officials—

You want science. You always state that. Well, here is your very own science. Continue reading “Dear humans: face masks don’t work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC”

Fox 13

ARKANSAS — Members of the Arkansas National Guard have been called to active duty by order of the governor.

Governor Asa Hutchinson ordered 14 medics from the Army National Guard to transport positive COVID-19 patients from locations around the state to an isolation facility near the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, a release stated.

Continue reading “Arkansas National Guard transporting COVID-19 patients to isolation facility”