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Archive: TWFTT 7-17-20

The Blaze – by Breck Dumas

A Georgia dad is facing an aggravated assault charge after beating a 20-year-old man he found in his 14-year-old daughter’s bedroom.

Police say they likely would not have pursued legal action in the case had it not been for the father allegedly firing his gun as the suspect fled his property. Continue reading “Dad arrested, charged after beating man, 20, he found in his 14-year-old daughter’s room”

The National Post – by Nick Regan

DeVries, a resident of Jackson, New Hampshire, served on the Municipal Budget Committee for the town of Conway in the Granite State.

In addition to child abuse charges, he was also charged for falsifying physical evidence after he threw his cellphone from his porch when law enforcement arrived. Continue reading “BLM Organizer Charged on Six Counts of Child Sex Abuse, Possession of Images of Underage Girls”


A statue of Jesus has been left headless in the courtyard of a Catholic church in Kendale Lakes, Florida, after allegedly being vandalized. The Miami Archdiocese says it expects police to pursue the incident as a hate crime.

The statue of Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd had been resting behind the church for decades before meeting its end, allegedly decapitated by vandals overnight into Wednesday.   Continue reading “‘We’ve seen this happening all over the country’: Statue of Jesus BEHEADED inside Florida church in alleged hate crime”

Daily Mail

California beachgoers have been filmed refusing free masks in a county where they are required, as cases there threaten to overwhelm some hospitals in the state.

In a video posted online Tuesday by YouTubers Chad Kroeger and JT Parr, a number of people on Huntington Beach turn down the offer of the face coverings.

Continue reading “California beachgoers say masks ‘are killing us’ and coronavirus ‘is a f***ing lie’ as they refuse free face coverings in county where they are required – and one man even threatens to fight two YouTubers handing them out”

Just the News – by Daniel Payne

A highly anticipated clinical trial for a potential COVID-19 vaccine managed in part by the American drug company Moderna has resulted is some adverse effects in more than half of the trial’s participants, with one test group reporting “severe” symptoms.

The trial, which is also being sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, administered the vaccine “as a 0.5-ml injection in the deltoid muscle” in two shots spaced about one month apart. Two separate groups received 25-microgram and 100-microgram doses, respectively. A third group with a 250-microgram dose was subsequently added.  Continue reading “Moderna COVID-19 vaccine induced adverse reactions in ‘more than half’ of trial participants”

Patriot Rising

Gun control activists are lining their pockets with taxpayer-funded coronavirus economic relief while at the same time paying millions to antigun candidates who would crush the Second Amendment rights of American citizens. Continue reading “Gun Control Grabs Taxpayer Protection Funds to Fund Anti-2A Candidates”

NoMask Info

Are mask mandates amid the coronavirus pandemic constitutional?
Jul. 06, 2020 – 4:51 – Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano weighs in.
Continue reading “Judge Andrew Napolitano: “The federal government has no authority- NONE- to compel the wearing of a mask in public.””

Fort Russ News – by Jens Bernert

The US billionaire Bill Gates is a big player in the corona crisis and in the vaccination business in general, finances the WHO vaccination program to a large extent and wants to vaccinate all 7 billion people against COVID-19, including those already cured. In an interview with CNBC, Gates says that for every 10,000 people, permanent vaccination damage would occur and he expects 700,000 victims.
Continue reading “Bill Gates Predicts 700,000 Victims from Corona Vaccination”


UPDATE (7:46 p.m. PT) — In the early hours of July 15, after a night spent protesting at the Multnomah County Justice Center and Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse, Mark Pettibone and his friend Conner O’Shea decided to head home.

It had been a calm night compared to most protesting downtown. By 2 a.m. law enforcement hadn’t used any tear gas and, with only a few exceptions, both the Portland Police Bureau and federal law enforcement officers had stayed out of sight. Continue reading “Federal Law Enforcement Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab Protesters Off Portland Streets”

Your Daily Sport Fix

When we were kids, we couldn’t wait for summer break. Longer than Christmas break, it was the time of the year when you would spend your days outdoors, sleeping in late, and staying up even later. The only problems we ever encountered were when boredom struck.  Continue reading “How a 13-Year-Old Boy Built His Own Tiny House With a Tiny Budget”

Yahoo News

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Federal officers deployed tear gas and fired less-lethal rounds into a crowd of protesters in Oregon, hours after the the head of the Department of Homeland Security visited Portland and called the demonstrators “violent anarchists.”

Video showed many protesters leaving the area near the federal courthouse late Thursday as smoke filled the air. Protests have taken place for nearly two months in Portland, since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. Continue reading “Federal officers use gas to clear protesters in Portland”

Press TV

Amid escalating tensions with China over a number of issues, the United States has deployed two aircraft carriers to the South China Sea.

For the second time in two weeks, the USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan conducted operations and military exercises in the waterway between July 4 and July 6, and returned to the region on Friday, according to a US Navy statement issued on Friday. Continue reading “US deploys aircraft carriers to South China Sea amid rising tensions with China”

Press TV

Venezuela has lashed out at Washington for the “sneaky” entry of a US destroyer into the Latin American country’s territorial waters, denouncing the move as an “act of provocation.”

The US Southern Command claimed on Wednesday that the guided-missile destroyer USS Pinckney had conducted a “freedom of navigation” operation more than 12 nautical miles off the Venezuelan coast and in international waters in the Caribbean Sea. Continue reading “Venezuela slams ‘sneaky’ entry of US destroyer as ‘provocation’”

NoMask Info

You just can’t make this shit up.

The California grizzly bear (Ursus californicus) was designated the official State Animal in 1953. The Bear Flag, which is desecrated in the video below posted by the CA Dept. Of Public Health, was adopted as the State Flag by the State Legislature in 1911. The Constitutional Convention of 1849 adopted the Great Seal of the State of California, which also depicts the grizzly. Continue reading “Official State Animal, California Grizzly, Is Muzzled With A Facemask By Newsom”