City and County of Honolulu

Bicycles can be registered or transferred at Satellite City Halls, or by mail.

When registering your bike, please have the serial number for the bike (usually located under the bottom bracket or on a rear dropout), a description of the bike (color, make, wheel size) and a bill of sale.  If you do not have a bill of sale, there is an additional form to fill out.  Continue reading “Bicycle Registration”

Great Game India

Huge foreign loans are given to sovereign nations by the World Bank, IMF and the likes. But the conditions that come attached to these loans are seldom told by governments to their citizens. A recent case in Belarus has exposed the conditions laid by these agencies for loans being provided for COVID-19. The President of Belarus has exposed that the World Bank coronavirus aid comes with conditions for imposing extreme lockdown measures, to model their coronavirus response on that of Italy and even changes in the economic policies which he refused as being “unacceptable”. Continue reading “World Bank Coronavirus Aid Comes With Conditions For Imposing Extreme Lockdown, Reveals Belarus President”

Thunder 1320

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has issued executive order 55, which will allow contact sports to resume provided that they follow TSSAA Guidelines.

Previously, Lee’s executive order called for no contact sports with exceptions for collegiate and professional sports working under their governing bodies. This order will allow schools to return to the field under TSSAA guidance. Continue reading “Governor Bill Lee issues exemption for contact sports to resume”

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Archive: TWFTT 7-29-20

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Oakland County, MI — In the land of the free, even if you fully pay off your home loan to the bank, your property is never truly yours. Through property tax, states from coast to coast continue to charge you for land that you own. As the following case illustrates, even if you accidentally forget to pay a tiny portion of these taxes to the state, they can and will steal your home right out from under you. Elderly retirees are no exception to the tyranny of taxation and state-sponsored theft. Continue reading “Gov’t Violates Constitution, Steals Elderly Man’s Home Over $8.41 Tax Bill”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The eviction moratorium expired last Friday nearly four months after the US economy effectively shutdown due to the covid pandemic, and more than 12 million renters – all behind on rent payments because of the virus-induced recession – are now at imminent risk of getting booted to the curb.

This Friday, some 25 million Americans will no longer receive their weekly $600 federal unemployment checks, and the next round of government handouts, currently discussed by Republicans and Democrats, could see benefits slashed from $600 to $200 (or be nothing at all if no deal is reached in Congress). This would crush household finances across middle-class America, resulting in an even higher number of households unable to pay their rent bill in the months ahead. Continue reading ““Like Nothing We’ve Ever Seen”: Imminent Eviction Wave Is Coming To These States”

Intellihub – by Lexi Morgan

Online virtual classrooms in the State of Virginia are now requiring students who attend to be immunized against various illnesses despite the fact that the pupils will be taking classes from the comfort of their own home in what can only be considered a blatant push to inject poisonous toxins and metals into to bodies of schoolkids.

The unconstitutional order comes after a high number of parents have refused to take their children to get their standard yearly cocktail dose of vaccines which during a non-COVID school year would allow students to attend school physically. Continue reading “Online virtual classes are now requiring immunizations for students to attend”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Antifa-Black Lives Matter protesters attacked the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with nails embedded in fireworks bombs.

The left claims these people are peaceful protesters. Continue reading “Antifa-BLM Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs with Nails”


Second Amendment activist Colion Noir slammed Austin, Texas Mayor Steve Adler in an Instagram video released Tuesday.

Following the fatal shooting of a BLM activist last weekend, the mayor was asked to comment on the tragic incident. Continue reading “Austin, Texas Mayor Calls For Taking “Guns Off The Street””


A nationwide coin shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic has revived a debate: Is now the time to eliminate the penny?

During lockdowns, consumers have stayed home and avoided emptying their piggy banks of coins in exchange for paper money. Shoppers have also opted to rely on credit and debit cards instead of touching cash. Continue reading “New Push to Get Rid of Pennies in Pandemic Coin Shortage”