National Pulse – by Natalie Winters

President Biden quietly revoked a Trump-era policy that compelled primary, secondary, and postsecondary institutions to disclose their relationships with Chinese Communist Party-funded Confucius Institutes.

The policy – “Establishing Requirement for Student and Exchange Visitor Program Certified Schools to Disclose Agreements with Confucius Institutes and Classrooms” – was proposed on December 31st, 2020.  Continue reading “Biden Quietly Revokes Trump’s Ban on Chinese Communist Propaganda in Schools”

Breitbart – by John Binder

Millions of Americans are projected to remain jobless for the next three to four years, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), though President Joe Biden is looking to fill American jobs with foreign workers.

In a report released this month, CBO analysts said the number of jobless Americans — all of whom want full-time jobs — will not return to pre-coronavirus levels until around 2024. Continue reading “Millions of Americans Projected to Remain Jobless as Biden Packs U.S. Labor Force with Foreign Workers”

DC Dirty Laundry – by JD Heyes

For months after the November elections, advocates and attorneys for now-former President Donald Trump argued that the contest was rigged against him.

But it wasn’t just rigged, per se; the election was outright stolen from him. Continue reading “TIME magazine ADMITS the election was rigged against President Trump; when does Biden’s impeachment begin?”

RT – by Helen Buyniski

The US military is making a big show of cleansing its ranks of ‘extremism’ – because nothing says tolerance like raining fiery death on innocent strangers at the command of a guy who just stepped down from Raytheon’s board.

With “domestic extremists” now officially the enemy du jour in Washington, the top order of business has become finding some. On Wednesday, newly-anointed secretary of defense (and former Raytheon board member) Lloyd Austin ordered a two-month stand-down so that commanders could engage in “needed discussions” with their subordinates on the issue. Continue reading “Pentagon goes rooting for ‘extremists’ among its 3.6mn trained killers”

Middle East Eye

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday pleaded not guilty to corruption as he attended his long-awaited trial in Jerusalem six weeks before legislative elections.

A planned court appearance last month was adjourned due to new restrictions associated with the third Covid-19 lockdown imposed in December. Continue reading “Israel’s Netanyahu pleads not guilty to corruption weeks before election”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Last week, the Free Thought Project reported on HR 127, the most tyrannical gun bill ever proposed. The bill would target the poor by forcing citizens to pay $800 per year to possess firearms that they are required to register. It also bans multiple legal guns and ammo types, turning tens of millions of Americans into felons over night. While this bill is, without a doubt, the worst gun bill in history, it didn’t lay out any guidelines for violating a citizen’s Fourth Amendment right. Next month, however, the Supreme Court will be considering exactly that — can cops enter a home to seize guns without a warrant? Continue reading “Supreme Court to Decide if Police Can Warrantlessly Raid Homes and Seize Guns of Innocent Citizens”

Health Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy

NOTE: This is an update from an earlier report on the same incident that published.

The Sun in the UK has reported that nine nursing home residents in Spain have died 10 days after receiving the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections, and nearly every other resident tested positive for COVID following the injections.

NINE care home residents have died after a horrific Covid outbreak – just 10 days after having the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

The tragic outbreak at the El Salvador care home in Lagartera, Spain, left all but one of the 78 residents infected.

The facility’s residents and staff members were injected with the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on January 13.

Six days later, 10 residents started showing symptoms of the virus.

After conducting PCR tests, they found that all but one of their 78 residents had been infected with Covid-19 which led to the nine deaths, reports local media.

Mr Mella said 12 staff are still inactive but are recovering well and will have to wait for a negative PCR test before they can return to work. (Source.)

After such a tragic loss of life so shortly after receiving these experimental shots, surely they discontinued injecting the residents, right?


General director of the nursing home, Sergio Mella, expressed his religious-like belief in vaccines, and stated that the second doses should be given as scheduled. (Note: the second doses have already probably been given, so if anyone has an update on this story, please contact us.)

The home, run by an NGO called Messengers of Peace, issued a statement saying they will give residents the second vaccine dose on February 3.

General director of the NGO, Sergio Mella told radio station COPE, said he believes the outbreak was caused by a staff member or one of the people administering the vaccines who were asymptomatic.

He said he didn’t think the cause of the outbreak was the Covid jab and that the home is delighted to vaccinate its residents, adding: “The sooner everyone receives their vaccine, the better”.

Mr Mella said: “I do not think it was because of the vaccine – that is to save lives and not to infect residents.”

He continued: “Maybe some of the people who were going to vaccinate were asymptomatic and have brought it.

“Or maybe one of the workers was positive and coincided that they were infected on a date similar to that of the vaccine, but not that it is the vaccine far from it.” (Source.)

This has to be one of the clearest examples of a religious-like statement of faith, as opposed to a scientific approach to the problem, that I have seen recorded in the corporate media so far regarding the massive amounts of deaths occurring with seniors in assisted living centers after receiving the experimental mRNA COVID injections.

Starting with the religious belief that vaccines can never cause harm, which flies in the face of science and the actual facts, the administration then looks at every other possibility besides the injections to explain the deaths and outbreak.

I think this is a good time to republish an article we published in 2019, before COVID was even on the scene, by Rixta Francis.

Vaccines are Religion, not Science

by Rixta Francis
The Fiction of Science

We hear all the time that “the science is clear: vaccines save lives.”

But where is that science? If it exists, then why can nobody show it?

The belief in vaccines comes in two parts: safety and efficacy.

Let’s first look at the science that proves efficacy (spoiler alert: there is none). Vaccines are made by the pharmaceutical industry and this industry has a lot of tricks to make their products look better than they are.

One cherished concept is the “surrogate endpoint”. They make up a theory, e.g. “cholesterol causes heart attacks”. Then they make a drug that lowers cholesterol and then that drug is promoted as preventing heart attacks, even when it does no such thing. It only lowers cholesterol.

The same principle is used with vaccines, but then the surrogate endpoint is antibodies. If a vaccine produces enough antibodies (a totally random number) in enough people the vaccine is considered effective.

But it has been known for some 100 years that antibodies do not equal immunity. Of course the people think that efficacy means that the vaccine prevents the disease, but that’s just not true. There is no scientific proof whatsoever that vaccines prevent disease.

But what about all the diseases that have disappeared?

Some disappeared because of improved living circumstances. E.g. smallpox and cholera are strongly linked to dirt and bad food.

But most of the infectious diseases were renamed as soon as there came a vaccine available. Sometimes (e.g. with polio) this was an official instruction to doctors, but in most cases doctors have such strong faith in vaccines that they simply won’t diagnose e.g. measles or whooping cough in a person who has been fully vaccinated.

With every new vaccine multiple new diagnoses are invented to hide the fact that the vaccine doesn’t work. These are tricks that have nothing to do with science, but everything with beliefs.

Let’s have a look now at the safety of vaccines. The “gold standard” for drugs is the double blind, placebo controlled study.

There is a lot wrong with this, but let’s accept for now that this is the standard. It’s very hard to get a drug approved without doing such studies.

But for vaccines they are simply not done. A placebo is an inactive substance, so in case of vaccines that should be a saline injection.

But vaccines are tested against other vaccines, or a number of other vaccines, or an injection of the vaccine minus the antigen.

Which means that if both groups have a lot of health issues the new vaccine is considered safe and all problems are labelled coincidence.

Of course this is extremely unethical, but the manufacturers get away with this because vaccines have been relabelled as “biologics”, instead of drugs. That’s also the reason why everywhere they can be marketed directly to the public, where this is usually not allowed for prescription drugs.

Many children (and adults) get very sick in the hours, days or weeks after vaccinations, but doctors generally label all these health issues coincidence and not related to the vaccinations.

Considering how much this happens the only conclusion can be that doctors have an almost unlimited belief in coincidence. They have developed such a faith in coincidence to protect their faith in vaccines. It’s quite bizarre when you think about it, but it’s just how it is.

But “all doctors believe in vaccines”. Well, most of them do, but that is completely irrelevant. Beliefs don’t become scientific fact just because a large majority shares those beliefs.

Billions of people believe in Jesus and similar numbers believe in Allah or Shiva. But nobody will say that Christianity, Islam or Hinduism are anything else than religions. If someone plays the numbers card they talk religion, not science.

Why is this so incredibly important?

Many constitutions in the world have an article that in some way states that the government cannot establish a religion or force a religious practice on the people.

Vaccines are a religion and vaccinations are a (barbaric) religious ritual. That means that any kind of mandatory vaccination law is unconstitutional.

Some people might still play semantics and say that a belief system is not the same as a religion. But let’s look at the vaccine religion.

  • – You are expected to go to preparation classes (prenatal check-ups)
  • – You are expected to give birth in the temple (=hospital).
  • – As soon as the baby is born you are confronted with the temple servants (doctors/nurses/midwives) who want to submit your baby to the standard ritual (two injections)
  • – If you decline they usually will try to convince or coerce you
  • – At set times after birth you need to bring your baby to another temple (doctor’s practice) for more rituals
  • – If you don’t want to submit your baby to the rituals you can expect extremely negative reactions, which can become aggression and end up with you not being welcome in the temple anymore
  • – If you lose the faith (or never join in the first place) you can expect social exclusion and often serious family trouble. Some grandparents even consider “saving their grandchildren” by bringing them to the temple themselves, without the parents permission.

Vaccinations have almost every characteristic of a religion, so the desperate argument that a belief system doesn’t equal a religion doesn’t hold up.

Politicians won’t like it, but if you go to court with this you will win and mandatory vaccinations will have to be abandoned, or at least you can stay free of them.

The only thing you need to do is to state that vaccines are a religion and the government is constitutionally banned from mandating a religious practice.

Then sit back and let the other party try to find reasons why vaccines are based on science and not on beliefs. It’s obvious that they won’t find any. And as long as they can’t come up with scientific arguments you win, for then it’s obvious that they only have beliefs.

So why hasn’t this argument been in court yet? I don’t know. But as far as I know nobody has tried it. Nowhere in the world. If you can explain that, please let me know.

Original Source. Reprinted with Permission.

Health Impact News


Video Rebel’s Blog

It was far hotter in the 1930s than it is today. But New York  city and Los Angeles were not flooded by melting polar ice back in 1939. High-temperature records for 23 of our 50 states date back to the decade of the 1930s, during the worst-ever U.S. droughts in the period termed the “dust bowl.” Two-thirds of state high-temperature records were set prior to 1960, countering claims that the recent decade was “the warmest ever.”

According to official government data from the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC), Arctic Sea Ice is once again GROWING, with current 2020 levels exceeding 8 out of the previous 10 years. Continue reading “Inconvenient Truths Not Approved By Al Gore”

Washington Examiner – by Michael Lee

A Massachusetts climate official said people who heat their homes and fuel their cars will need to have their “will” broken in order to combat emissions and climate change.

“I know one thing that we found in our analysis is that 60% of our emissions come from … residential heating and passenger vehicles,” said David Ismay, Massachusetts, undersecretary for climate change, during a virtual meeting with the Vermont Climate Council. “Let me say that again: 60% of our emissions that need to be reduced come from you, the person on your street, the senior on fixed-income. Right now, there is no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at and turn the screws on and now break their will, so they stop emitting. That’s you. We have to break your will.” Continue reading “Massachusetts climate official proposes targeting regular people who heat their homes: ‘We have to break your will’”

Unz Review – by Eric Striker

Republican lawmaker Marco Rubio has reintroduced legislation that seeks to suspend the Second Amendment rights of any person who has been investigated for “terrorism” related offenses within 10 years of attempting a gun purchase.

The Senate bill, named the Terror Intelligence Improvement Act, was reentered last week in hopes of exploiting the hysteria surrounding the January 6th Capitol protests. The law intends to violate the civil liberties of American citizens who are not charged or convicted of a crime if somebody is deemed politically dangerous. Continue reading “Senator Marco Rubio Introduces Bill to Suspend Gun Rights of Anyone Who Has Ever Been “Investigated” for Domestic Terrorism”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Anti-police, BLM activists marched through the streets of Washington DC Saturday night, where they yelled at police and harassed outdoor diners while chanting various slogans such as “Black lives, they matter here,” and “if we don’t get it, burn it down.”
Continue reading “Mob Threatens Arson During ‘F*ck The Police’ March In DC”