Investment Watch

I’m watching the UNivision spanish news and the big news that they are reporting is that starting today, 250 immigrants will be allowed to cross into the USA.

This is a translation from the article I found in spanish: Continue reading “250 immigrants will be able to cross the border from Mexico daily to apply for asylum in the U.S.”

Yahoo News

Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee backed away on Tuesday from requesting a delay in a planned U.S. arms sale to Israel, but signaled they would continue to pressure the White House on its policy toward the region.

According to multiple reports, Chairman Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., had been expected to request a delay in the sale of $735 million in precision-guided missiles amid ongoing clashes between the Israeli military and Hamas militants that have left hundreds dead. Continue reading “Democrats back off demand that Biden delay U.S. arms sale to Israel”

The Siskiyou Daily News – by Skye Kinkade 

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced Wednesday that more than 1,000 farmers in the Klamath Basin will not receive any reserved water from Upper Klamath Lake — a devastating prospect for farmers who have already planted fields, hired crews and made plans for the growing season ahead.

“Growers and irrigation districts have spent the entire spring re-engineering and building systems to deliver meager surface and well water to their fields,” said the Shut Down & Fed Up organization — which advocates to sustain the future of agriculture in the Klamath Basin — in a Facebook post on Wednesday. “With a zero allocation, all of this work is for naught.” Continue reading “No water: Farmers reel after announcement they’ll get zero allocation from Klamath Project”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

Today we bring you a shocking true story about covid-19 vaccines, the government of Connecticut, and an open admission that vaccines contain dangerous, even deadly substances (spike proteins) that are documented and known to cause vascular damage to human beings.

It’s all admitted right in the open, in these Connecticut government documents shown below, which admit these vaccines can be fatal. The original documents used in this research may be found at the following links: (all PDF docs) Continue reading “Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public”

Just about two weeks ago I drove myself to the Emergency Room (60 miles away). Today, May 18 I had a follow up clinic appointment in Jamestown (60 miles away). I walk in to register. The clerk asked if I had a mask and I replied ‘no’. She said I’ll go get one for you. My response was no, I decline that medical intervention.

Upon hearing the dialogue between myself and the clerk, her supervisor walks over and vomits out the Sanford policy to which I said ‘policy is not law and I have the right to decline any medical intervention’.  Continue reading “I despise those who comply”

Daily Mail

One of China‘s tallest skyscrapers has been evacuated after it mysteriously started to shake, sending panicked shoppers running to safety.

The 980ft SEG Plaza started swaying at 1pm on Tuesday in the southern city of Shenzhen, causing a mass exit from the building.

Continue reading “Panic in China as 980ft skyscraper mysteriously begins to shake despite NO earthquakes in the area – sending pedestrians fleeing”

Unz Review – by Philip Giraldi

An interesting recent article by international lawyer John Whitbeck suggests that the billions of dollars that the United States gives to Israel annually is not technically “foreign aid” as the Jewish state is as measured by per capita GDP the 19th wealthiest in the world, ahead of countries like Germany. It is, instead “tribute,” which is defined as the “payment made periodically by one state or ruler to another, especially as a sign of dependence.”
Continue reading “Netanyahu Warns Biden Not to Get Involved”

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Archive: TWFTT 5-18-21

National File – by Jack Hadfield

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has announced that they will not be responding to any more requests regarding the forensic audit taking place, and has invited legal action to be taken against them.

The Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County held a special meeting on Thursday, where the Board, comprised of four Republicans and a lone Democrat, and slammed the current forensic audit of the 2020 election that was ordered by the Arizona Senate that is currently taking place in the state. As National File reported, Maricopa County has been accused of “spoliation” of evidence by the official Arizona Audit Twitter account, controlled by former Secretary of State Ken Bennett, to which the Board today responded with revulsion. Continue reading “Maricopa County ‘Will Not Be Responding to Any More Requests’ Regarding Audit, Openly Invites Legal Action”

The Blaze – by Sarah Taylor

A crocheting and lifestyle website is selling crocheted prosthetic penises for female children whose parents believe they are male.

The “Bitty Bug Soft Packer,” according to Stitchbug Studio — which sells the pattern for the “soft packer” — is “for use by trans and nonbinary folks, or as an anatomical model.” Continue reading “Social media erupts after crocheter makes prosthetic ‘packers’ for very young trans kids — even those wearing diapers”

Summit News – by Steve Watson

Joe Biden issued a threat Monday that those who choose not to get vaccinated against coronavirus will “end up paying the price.”

During a speech about vaccine distribution, Biden stated “If the unvaccinated get vaccinated, they will protect themselves and other unvaccinated people around them. If they do not, states with low vaccination rates may see those rates go up – may see this progress reversed.” Continue reading “Biden Threatens “Those Who Are Not Vaccinated Will End Up Paying The Price””


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that law enforcement cannot legally enter homes without a warrant even in cases where doing so may benefit the public interest, striking down the suggestion from law enforcement and the Biden administration that doing so under a “community caretaking” exception would be justified. Continue reading “Supreme Court Blocks Police From Entering Homes Without A Warrant For ‘Caretaking’—Siding Against Biden, Law Enforcement”

News Target – by Nolan Barton

California National Guard members received an unusual order at the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in March last year.

They expected directives from Sacramento headquarters to make preparations for any civil unrest that might arise over stay-at-home rules. But instead of an order to get the ground troops ready to help state and local authorities, the air branch of the Guard was told to place an F-15C fighter jet on an alert status for a possible domestic mission. Continue reading “California National Guard told to place fighter jet on alert for “possible domestic mission” … against Americans?”

Vaccine Deaths – by S.D. Wells

Today’s vaccines are “dirty” for more than a few reasons, and in many different ways. First off, FDA inspectors recently found horrific conditions at a plant that was manufacturing J&J vaccines, and more than 15 million doses of the batched, contaminated and outright dirty concoctions had to be trashed. We’re talking about epic failure when it comes to quality control here. Continue reading “The top 10 most QUESTIONABLE INGREDIENTS purposely put in today’s already dirty vaccines”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Perhaps entirely as expected (given it was the same pattern in past Israel-Gaza conflicts), the United States on Monday blocked an attempt of the UN Security Council to pass a joint statement calling for an immediate end to the Israeli-Palestinian violence.

And Israel promptly “thanked” the United States for blocking the statement urging peace… Continue reading “US Again Blocks UN Statement Urging Halt To Gaza Violence – Accused Of “Obstructionism””


The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called “signature reduction.” The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies. Continue reading “Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army”


Tensions between Israel and Hamas have recently reached a new boiling point, with thousands of rockets being exchanged between the two parties despite repeated calls from world leaders for a ceasefire. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier called for military operations to continue “as long as needed to restore quiet and security.”

Union workers in the Italian cities of Livorno and Naples recently declared that they would not be assisting in the loading of an arms shipment headed to the Israeli port of Ashdod, citing Israel’s continued air strikes against the Gaza Strip. Continue reading “‘Our Hands Won’t Get Covered in Blood’: Italian Port Workers Hold Up Israel-Bound Weapons Cargo”

The American Conservative – by James Bovard

The Biden administration may soon recruit an army of private snoops to conduct surveillance that would be illegal if done by federal agents. As part of its war on extremism, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may exploit a “legal work-around” to spy on and potentially entrap Americans who are “perpetuating the ‘narratives’ of concern,” CNN reported last week. But federal informant programs routinely degenerate into “dollars for collars” schemes that reward scoundrels for fabricating crimes that destroy the lives of innocent Americans. The DHS plan would “allow the department to circumvent [constitutional and legal] limits” on surveillance of private citizens and groups. Federal agencies are prohibited from targeting individuals solely for First Amendment-protected speech and activities. But federal hirelings would be under no such restraint. Private informants could create false identities that would be problematic if done by federal agents. Continue reading “Biden Plans Expansion Of Feds’ Army Of Snitches In “Dollars For Collars” Program”