Doctors Trial Nuremberg Code

The ‘Doctors’ Trial’ (USA vs Karl Brandt) during the Nuremberg Trials following WW2, which established the Nuremberg Code regulating the ethics of medical intervention

Some people might not be familiar with the verb “to dissemble”, but we all need to become familiar with it, because there is a lot of dissembling going on.

It basically means to deliberately conceal something or obfuscate it, so that one’s attention is misdirected or deflected from whatever the Dissembler wishes to obscure. Like the truth. And in this case, the truth about the Nuremberg Code and the protection it provides us from accepting any forced medical procedure or therapy at all. Continue reading “Plague of Liars: Nuremberg Code Outlaws Forced Medical Procedures, Which INCLUDES Mandatory Vaccinations by Anna Von Reitz”

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated)

Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world now revealed for first time.

Continue reading “The KHAZARIAN MAFIA: You Don’t Know, What You Don’t Know! By Preston James, Ph.D”

We have previously covered the story of Dr. Charles Hoffe, the brave doctor who has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada.

After he had administered about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA COVID-19 injections, he sounded the alarm over the severe reactions he was observing in his patients who chose to get the shot (he chose NOT to get it himself), which included death. Continue reading “62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage by Brian Shilhavy”

Since Democrat John Fetterman beat Dr. Mehmet Oz for the Pennsylvania senate seat that was up for grabs, he has had one medical issue after another. Continue reading “New Photos Emerge Of John Fetterman “Working” From The Hospital by Liza Carlisle”

The Rhino-Left axis of evil in the United States, who refuse to respect ‘MAGA’ American’s civil liberties in order to bring about their political utopia of control has been exposed over and over again, and here is just one more example of how immoral, unethical and outright criminal their fantasies of dominating free Americans is really. Continue reading “Liz Cheney Should Be Sued For Crimes Against Our Justice System by Kari Donovan”

In his annual letter to shareholders, JP Morgan CEO, Jaime Dimon, says that the government should seize private property to build wind and solar farms. Moreover, Dimon suggested that green initiatives should be embraced to eventually meet net-zero targets. Continue reading “JP Morgan CEO Says Government Should Seize Private Property to Build Wind and Solar Farms by Joshua Ramos”

They are doubling down with a new bill to criminalize anyone who speaks out against the transgender agenda with “offensive remarks”….with a penalty of $25,000 if prosecuted!


Leonardo DiCaprio testifies that CCP-linked Malaysian financier, now a fugitive, sent $30 million to Obama during 2012 campaign

Movie star Leonardo DiCaprio took the stand in a federal trial on Monday that seeks to hammer down the details of what appears to be a money-funneling scheme that features a Malaysian financier funneling tens of millions of dollars through a prominent 90s rap artist for the purpose of donating to former President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.

Continue reading “Leonardo DiCaprio testifies that CCP-linked Malaysian financier, now a fugitive, sent $30 million to Obama during 2012 campaign by C.G. Jones”

We are in the middle of an attempted global genocide attempt and failed neocommunist takeover. The method is unique: the “lockstep” of ubiquitously normalizing the ridiculous and immoral via fear propaganda and the slave submission symbolism of face muzzles. Continue reading “Everything you wanted to know about this genocide… …but were too afraid to ask! by Martin Geddes”

An up-to-date list of all 195 countries in the world and what their current requirements are for visitors including vaccination, testing and quarantine requirements. Continue reading “What Countries Can I Go to If I Haven’t Been Vaxxed? April 2023 Update by DR ROGER WATSON”

Cincinnati, Ohio – 25 year old healthcare worker Jada Arianna Turner died suddenly in her sleep at 8 months pregnant on March 20, 2023, baby died also…

Continue reading “Pregnant women having heart attacks, strokes and dying – a dark side of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination no one is talking about – 15 cases including 10 VAERS (13 deaths) by Dr. William Makis MD”