Dem Gun Control Sit-In, Complete With Fluffy Pillows And Taxpayer-Funded Buffet, Just Ended

The Daily Sheeple – by Piper McGowin

It must be so tough to sit-in a protest like a bunch of whiners for nullifying American’s 2nd Amendment rights when there’s a taxpayer-funded buffet going down in the cloakroom:

And how would they have ever managed without fluffy pillows?

Now we’re hearing they finally ended the sit-in, but vow more protests over gun control in July… what, did they run out of potato salad?

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Contributed by Piper McGowin of The Daily Sheeple.

Piper writes for The Daily Sheeple. There’s a lot of B.S. out there. Someone has to write about it.

2 thoughts on “Dem Gun Control Sit-In, Complete With Fluffy Pillows And Taxpayer-Funded Buffet, Just Ended

  1. So instead of not doing anything, they are now not doing anything and eating expensive meals while on the clock.

    So tell me, why are they not FIRED by We the people if they work for us? I don’t know of any employer that would take this shit from their employees. As a manager, I sure as hell wouldn’t.

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