Desperate Junk Food Companies Now Making Fun Of Healthy People In Advertisements

True Activist – by John Vibes

In a recent advertisement for Pepsi Max, a version of the soda that is even more unhealthy than the original, healthy people drinking smoothies are mocked and assaulted. In the commercial, an actor talks up Pepsi while making fun of healthy drinks. He even throws one of the smoothies across the room at a “hipster”.

The 30-second ad is an obvious temper tantrum of a dying beast.

McDonald’s also made an advertisement recently that was subtly mocking people who choose to eat healthier. However, after the backlash the company announced that they would soon be serving kale and other healthy alternatives.

Watch McDonalds’s new advertisement below:

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3 thoughts on “Desperate Junk Food Companies Now Making Fun Of Healthy People In Advertisements

  1. “However, after the backlash the company announced that they would soon be serving kale and other healthy alternatives.”

    Even if they do, they’ll find a way to make it just as toxic.

    1. That’s really stupid, they jumped the gun and didn’t remember their demographics. Anyone of these yuppie a$$holes that goes to McDogburger’s for a “healthy” meal needs their head examined.

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