“Don’t Touch Kids You Pervert!”: Biden Middle School Gymnasium Rally Melts Down Into Chaos

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

A Joe Biden event on Sunday at a New Hampshire Middle School gymnasium was interrupted by two protesters, who assailed ‘quid pro Joe’ with accusations of being a ‘pervert’ and making money in Ukraine.

You’ve touched kids on video, and women,” shouted one man, adding “We don’t need another old white man running for president – time to have a minority candidate,” to which Biden – who likely didn’t hear the guy, said “I agree with ya man. I agree. Nice talkin’ with you.” 

“You don’t touch kids ever again, the man continued. “Don’t touch kids, you pervert!” he continued, to which Biden shook his head.

Look it up,” the man told the gasping crowd. “Don’t lie to them, ‘creepy uncle biden,’ look it up!

The man was led out to a smattering of half-hearted applause from the less than energized crowd.

At another point, another man in the back shouts at Biden, “Excuse me mister Biden. How much money did you make in Ukraine?” to which (after an angry New Hampshire Democrat shouted to the protester “Is that all you got pal?”) Biden shot back “Wait, wait, wait, wait wait. I released 21 years of my tax returns. Your guy hasn’t released one, what’s he hiding?”


Another angle:


On the bright side, Joe was able to avoid calling either of them fat or ‘damn liars.’


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