Florida State Health Officer can order “individuals to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated or quarantined for COVID-19”

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

The Florida State Health Officer and Surgeon General can order any individual who has traveled into the state internationally or has entered the State of Florida from any other state or any family member who has come in contact with an individual who has violated a self-isolation or self-quarantine order by failing to remain in the confines of the address listed on the order for a 14-day period.

Such unconstitutional snatch-and-grabs of American citizens have become the new norm under the current COVID-19 National Emergency and have fast-tracked our path to tyranny in this once great nation.

“Pursuant to Executive Order 20-80 and the Florida Department of Public Health declaration of a public health emergency, the State Health Officer and Surgeon General can order any individual coming into the State of Florida to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, and quarantined for COVID-19,” the order states.

WHEREAS, many cases ofCOVID-19 in Florida have been as a result of individuals coming into the State of Florida from international travel and other states and exposing our residents.”

Executive Order 20-80

Additionally, the state has made it a crime to not fill out and sign an isolation form as pointed out by Twitter user @lisalovesshells.

“A crime for not filling out a form? Mandatory vaccine tho we don’t have one yet. Throw you into isolation? Where?”



Welcome to America.


One thought on “Florida State Health Officer can order “individuals to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated or quarantined for COVID-19”

  1. First off… FK their unlawful laws, mandates, ordinances, codes, dictates, coercions, etc. But jus’ gotta say I disagree with Ambellas when he says, “… no one is doing anything about it.” Well, I know there are many, especially Trenchers, who have given their lives to fighting tyranny, tyranny in all its many disguises. There are many who get up EVERY DAY and fight in whatever way they can, be it speaking truth to raise awareness and bring others on-board, or standing on the front-lines of assault and infringement, as we have witnessed in video-after-video of those who would not stand down, some at the cost of their very lives. I mean what else is there more important to do in a single day than to fight the evil? Yeah, we do cooking, shopping, etc., and they are somehow fit in, but at this point in the game, to not be full-on involved in this fight of our lives, is really a form of surrender.


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