For ‘Talking’ in a Park, Cops Handcuff, Body Slam, Stomp Innocent Man’s Face In

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever. — George Orwell.

Indianapolis, IN — On the day he was attacked by police, Jermaine Vaughn had harmed no one and committed no crime. Even the cops admit in their probable cause affidavit that Vaughn was simply “talking/yelling to no one in particular” in a park on Sept. 24 yet he was handcuffed and violently assaulted — with a boot, stomping on his face — as he lie helplessly on the ground.

Because Vaughn’s attack by police was captured on body camera and clearly showed a senseless beating, one of the officers involved — who stomped on Vaughn’s face as he was on the ground in handcuffs — has been arrested.

Graphic body camera footage was released this week showing the incident which led to charges against Sergeant Eric Huxley. It is nothing short of a brutal attack on an innocent man for “talking.”

As the video shows, bike officer Matthew Shores is throwing Vaughn around like a ragdoll despite the fact that he’s in handcuffs. He then grabs the man by the neck before slamming him down to the ground for no apparent reason.

“We’re not gonna do this, right?” an officer is heard saying as Vaughn is slammed to the ground.

“Vaughn is on his backside on the ground, looking up at Ofc. Shores,” the probable cause statement reads, “with his hands cuffed behind his back. Sgt. Huxley then walks over to Vaughn, lifts his left leg and drives his left foot down into Vaughn’s face. Within seconds, blood is visible in Vaughn’s mouth.”

“You’re done, you’re done, you’re done,” an officer says after Huxley stomped the innocent man’s face.

As the video shows, Vaughn is clearly not a threat to anyone when Huxley stomps on his face, leaving him semi-conscious and dazed.

The stomp was so egregious that the department couldn’t ignore it and the chief moved to fire Huxley immediately. He was then charged with felony battery and official misconduct.

“I’m upset. It hurts me to see any of our officers treat someone the way you’re gonna see here. No excuse for it,” said IMPD Chief Randal Taylor during the release of the video on Tuesday. “I understand that after watching this video there’s going to be some people who are upset and we’ll hope to mend those fences where we can.”

Huxley likely thought he got away with the stomp as it took over two weeks for the chief to become aware of the video’s existence. According to Taylor, the stomp was discovered through IMPD’s standard Blue Team Use of Force reporting system.

Taylor told reporters that officer Shores reported his own use of force, including the leg sweep that slammed Vaughn to the ground. For taking the handcuffed man to the ground for no reason, Shores has been reassigned to desk duty pending the results of an investigation.

When asked why he thought Huxley stomped Vaughn’s face in, Shores told the Special Investigations Unit, “I don’t know why he got involved like that. I’d like to ask, but I guess we’ll never know.”

When Huxley was questioned, he told investigators that the stomp to Vaughn’s face was “an accident” and he was attempting to hold him down by the shoulder with his boot. This is clearly a lie as the video speaks for itself — and prosecutors agree.

“The video in this incident speaks for itself,” Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears told FOX59 News. “I think in a case like this it’s very helpful as it depicts the events, what led to the encounter between the two individuals, and you can really kind of see the events as they progress in real-time.”

According to FOX59, Taylor said he has referred the case to the FBI and U.S. Attorney for consideration of potential federal civil rights violations.

Below is a video that shows what talking in a park looks like in a police state. 

Free Thought Project

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