The ‘Global Elite’ are installing next-generation spying smart meters in homes worldwide


Itron’s Wi-Fi smart meters are being installed in homes across the globe. Iltron’s ‘OpenWay CENTRON‘, and their EM420i modular smart meters, are a privacy nightmare.

Itron boasts that smart meters allow companies to track everyone’s energy usage. Their smart meters store seven categories of ‘events logs’ about everyone’s usage. You read that right, smart meters are keeping detailed records about our electrical, gas and water usage

Itron is a Swedish company of epic proportions. Itron’s smart meters are being used by 8,000 utilities around the world, their smart meters are being used in 130 countries.

Swedish utility company controls most of America
Recently, Itron acquired SmartSynch a smart grid cellular network communications company. According to Itron, they now control the smart grid data of nine of the top ten utilities in North America.

Fyi, Itron is North America’s biggest smart meter maker. (Click here to view a list of Itron’s North American partners.)

Think about what that means, a Swedish company controls most of America’s utility data!

Power companies offer customer’s gift cards to be surveilled
National Grid and Iltron are preparing to install roughly 14,000 smart meters at customers’ homes in Clifton Park, New York as part of a next-generation (spying) energy efficiency program.

Iltron’s National Grid’s Smart Energy Solutions program offers customers gift cards to let them install smart meters in their homes.

“Earn gift cards and contribute to a greener community when you reduce your electric energy usage.”

Smart meters with apps, means surveillance for everyone
Itron wants customers to use their OpenWay Riva app to monitor their energy usage .Itron’s OpenWay Riva allows customers and utilities to monitor energy usage in real-time, what could go wrong?

“The ability for utilities to securely distribute apps to meters and grid devices can add a wide range of functionality over time, thereby adding value to fixed capital assets.”

Itron claims smartphone apps are “highly secure”…

“It’s just like having a highly secure smart phone and app store available for every OpenWay Riva device.”

It won’t belong before every business and home with a smart meter is susceptible to being hacked.

How long do you think it will take for the police to design an app that can spy on everyone’s energy usage? Police across the country are already using Stingray cellphone devices to illegally spy on everyone’s phones.

In police state America, every Wi-Fi device is monitored.

Itron’s ‘Active Grid’ surveillance network

Itron’s ‘Active Grid’, means huge profits for utilities and real-time surveillance for everyone else.

Itron refers to the ‘Active Grid’ as “Intelligence Where it’s Needed”. Their new slogan should be “Surveillance Where it’s Needed” because that’s what smart meters are all about.

‘Global Energy Elites’ are behind smart meters

The ‘Global Energy Elites’ (GEE) is a group of the richest energy corporations in the world, working together to create an international smart meter surveillance network. GEE is a mirror image of OPEC minus the surveillance.

To find out more, read ‘The Global Energy Elites 2016: Projects and People‘ and ‘The Global Smart Energy Elites 2015‘. The elite energy corporations, have also created a website called ‘Metering & Smart Energy International‘. It’s sole purpose is to help energy companies put smart meters in every home and business in the world!

Last year, Xylem a water technology (monitoring) company joined the ranks of the ‘Global Elite’ by purchasing Sensus a smart meter company that has more than 80 million metering (spying) devices installed globally.

Recently, I warned everyone that ‘smart cities’ are really about government spying on an unimaginable scale!

Make no mistake, the ‘Global Elite’ are using smart meters, smart cities, smart cars to create a global surveillance network. Last year, US intelligence chief James Clapper warned…

“In the future, intelligence services might use the [internet of things] for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user credentials.”

10 thoughts on “The ‘Global Elite’ are installing next-generation spying smart meters in homes worldwide

    1. Checked about 3 months ago, it was $45 per month to have some clown shuffle out once per month to read the old style.

      1. Cynicles, Wow! $45!? An option, if you/or anyone here can’t opt out because of cost, find and Big “Old” mirror that has the old silver on the backside. Hang it (reflection side to meter) on inside wall behind smart meter if possible. May foul meter out. Wouldn’t let co. inspect for problems (if asked) inside garage, house ect. until temporary removal of mirror was done. If they have to come out 3 or 4 times, thinking i’d just tell them my house was haunted (Ours is for real btw lol!) so maybe that is what the problem is? lol!

  1. We.opted out of the smart meter, they installed analog meter.on our house. The microwaves from our neighbors meters gives us a nice tan in the winter.

  2. Power co-op here tried to install a new meter at my place yesterday. Since the meter’s glass bubble is the only part exposed from behind the plywood enclosure, they just took a picture as an excuse to not change it.

    Easy-peasy, and there’s nothing they can do, since it is still readable.

    Til the next time, global-tracking-system…

  3. If you think smart meters are bad – get ready for the “connected car”.

    The Federal Dept of Transportation has issued a rule proposing MANDATING two way radios and “Basic Safety Messaging” in all new cars. Their documents clearly state that in order to achieve their purported safety goals all cars need to be able to communicate. So expect this to be step 1 and step 2 – mandating after-market devices – to come later. Eventually you will lose the right to drive, that is why they are writing articles about kids being born today will never drive.

    Connected cars are NOT safer than humans. Cars operated by computer – what can go wrong? Blue screens, computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, malware, hacking, software bugs, software glitches, dropped connections – the list goes on.

    To protect your privacy, security, health and right to drive without being tracked, go to and type in this docket number – NHTSA-2016-0126 – and make a comment. Tell them NO.

    Comment period closes April 12, 2017

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