Gluten-free foods found saturated with glyphosate weed killer: Video documentary reveals shocking details that may make you question gluten-free

Natural News – by Mike Adams

In recent laboratory tests, many gluten-free foods were found to containing alarmingly high levels of glyphosate weed killer, a chemical described as a “probable carcinogen” by a scientific subgroup of the World Health Organization.

Gluten-free foods are widely consumed by people who aren’t even gluten sensitive in the first place. As I explain in the eye-opening mini-documentary video below, many people mistakenly believe they have a “gluten insensitivity” when, in reality, they are experiencing the toxic effects of glyphosate in wheat products.

Even worse, most gluten-free foods that are labeled “gluten-free” are heavily processed, non-organic junk foods that tend to lack the very kinds of natural fresh plant fibers that promote healthy digestion and elimination. Many foods labeled “gluten-free” are loaded with crazy levels of processed sugars and refined carbohydrates, too.

Don’t fall for the myth that “gluten-free” automatically means clean and healthy. If it’s not organic, it’s probably laced with pesticides and herbicides. If you do buy gluten-free foods, always buy organic.

Watch my full mini-documentary to learn more:

One thought on “Gluten-free foods found saturated with glyphosate weed killer: Video documentary reveals shocking details that may make you question gluten-free

  1. “Even worse, most gluten-free foods that are labeled “gluten-free” are heavily processed, non-organic junk foods that tend to lack the very kinds of natural fresh plant fibers that promote healthy digestion and elimination.”

    Guess I called that one right.

    I’ve ALWAYS avoided anything labeled ‘gluten-free’.

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