Handicapped man with no legs and caregiver assaulted by cops


QUEENSLAND, Ga. (INTELLIHUB.COM) — The whole encounter was caught on video, as three rookie cops assaulted a man with no legs and his caregiver at a local food court in front of dozens of onlookers.

“Get your hands behind your back”, yelled one out of control officer before his female victim replied, “let me sit up you are hurting me!”.

“I got it all [on film] brother”, said the man filming with his phone, continuing on to say, “You are going to break his fucking arms. What the fuck?”

Apparently the rookies were having a tough time restraining the legless man and his female caregiver, requiring three of them to do the dirty work.

One woman was outraged telling the police that “This is not legal”. One officer responded lawlessly “It’s very legal”.


4 thoughts on “Handicapped man with no legs and caregiver assaulted by cops

  1. Is it my imagination, or are cops usually beating up on disabled people, little girls, old men, and pregnant women?

    Hasn’t that always been the hallmark of a spineless, cowardly, and weak little punk in our culture?

    It’s going to be a lot of fun watching these sniveling little pansies beg for their lives….. in vain.

    1. “It’s going to be a lot of fun watching these sniveling little pansies beg for their lives….. in vain.”

      That was my thoughts exactly! When the SHTF, these “officers” will only find people joining those who seek their lives. When you act like a criminal, you will eventually get the punishment due a criminal.

  2. I could never understand police unions supporting any officer no matter what horrible things they have done. It just makes the rest of them look bad when they do this. Same with teachers, nurses, and doctors unions. It just undermines the credibility of the whole system.

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