House Republicans, With Democrat Support, Pass Bill to Force Biden to Send Israel Bombs

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

House Republicans together with a group of AIPAC-funded Democrats passed a bill on Thursday to force President Biden to provide Israel with thousands of additional bombs to drop on Gaza without any conditions.

The bill will “de-fund the Defense Department, State Department, and National Security Council unless and until Joe Biden agrees to facilitate the totally uninhibited, conditions-free transfer of US arms to Israel,” Michael Tracey reports.

From the AP, “House votes to require delivery of bombs to Israel in GOP-led rebuke of Biden policies”:

The House delivered a rebuke to President Joe Biden Thursday for pausing a shipment of bombs to Israel, passing legislation that seeks to force the weapons transfer as Republicans worked to highlight Democratic divisions over the Israel-Hamas war.

Seeking to discourage Israel from its offensive on the crowded southern Gaza city of Rafah, the Biden administration this month put on hold a weapons shipment of 3,500 bombs — some as large as 2,000 pounds — that are capable of killing hundreds in populated areas. Republicans were outraged, accusing Biden of abandoning the closest U.S. ally in the Middle East.

Debate over the bill, rushed to the House floor by GOP leadership this week, showed Washington’s deeply fractured outlook on the Israel-Hamas war. The White House and Democratic leadership scrambled to rally support from a House caucus that ranges from moderates frustrated that the president would allow any daylight between the U.S. and Israel to progressives outraged that he is still sending any weapons at all.

The bill passed comfortably 224-187 as 16 Democrats joined with most Republicans to vote in favor. Three Republicans voted against it.

[…] The House bill condemns Biden for initiating the pause on the bomb shipment and would withhold funding for the State Department, Department of Defense and the National Security Council until the delivery is made.

Biden can easily veto the bill but they don’t care as this is just yet another pledge of allegiance to Israel.

According to AIPAC’s new attack ad targeting Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), the House has done at least 15 votes for Israel just in April.

Vote after vote explicitly revolves around putting the interests of Israel before America, whether it’s stripping Biden of the authority to halt the shipment of bunker busters and thousands of other bombs or stripping Americans of their free speech rights to silence criticism of Jews and Israel.

These sellouts market themselves as “America First” yet consistently put the interests of Israel First because they’re being flooded with donations from AIPAC and Zionist megadonors.

6 thoughts on “House Republicans, With Democrat Support, Pass Bill to Force Biden to Send Israel Bombs

  1. Glad to know Israel is more important than America. I remember one of our founding fathers saying something about “not getting involved in foreign entanglements”.

    Apparently they don’t read very well but they can somehow pass a 2000 page bill within 24 hours of receiving it. Amazing! They must have like superpowers or something when they want to.



  2. They’re getting their asses handed to them by Hamas and the resistance in Lebanon, Syria and Iran, so they need to drop as many bombs as possible on the civilians because the military targets that are beating the crap out of the IOF are out of reach. They want that oil! At all costs!

    1. Dianna, Israel created Hamas. See:

      Seems all the war theaters, big or small, are just serving Israel’s bigger objective of owning everything and dominating the world, and also of keeping the world in chaos with the fear of never-ending threats as they assure their place at the top. There certainly are some fighters in both Hamas and Hezbollah, etc, that really believe they’re fighting for their freedom by fighting Israel, just like western soldiers are duped into thinking they are fighting a noble cause, but tragically all have been deluded.

      Someone, and I can’t remember who, when talking about making peace gave a starting point. All he said was: “First don’t kill.” That always struck me and I thought to myself that real leaders would see the value of that and move to finding ways to resolve conflict without raining horrors on humanity. But greed does not value common sense. In its insecurity it wants more and more. So today we have those who are the greediest ever torturing and genociding innocent people, just to have more for themselves.

      And one last thing. THERE IS ENOUGH. By that I mean what they sell as scarcity or shortage is to scare us or to make us think we have to take from others and hoard. This earth is so abundant. It is the gross mismanagement and exploitation of it that keeps the lie of lack alive.

      Yeah, I know you already know about all this. I make simplistic and elementary points but I just had to state them.


      1. galen! I am so glad you gave this one out today. It all boils down to who’s going to take the big prize if, and after the genocide is complete, and as you say, the greediest take all, through torture techniques, among other war crimes, they brought along the way with them, from their gulags, war camps, battlefields and prisons, and taught to whom we are led to believe are the resistance, which they actually bought! It has always been about Israel’s bigger objective of owning everything and dominating the world. They care not who gets killed, tortured and/or abused, whether they be the people on one side of their wall or the other. As long as the killing goes on, they meet their depopulation goals and clear the way to get to all of the oil that belongs to everyone else in the region, the resistance will do what the resistance has always done, to keep what belongs to them, from falling into enemy hands. Sadly, the traitors among them took the money and sold themselves and the people they claim to represent, to the devil. No returns!

        1. In addition to my previous comment, I can’t help but liken the resistance of Hamas (created by Israel, now reaping what it has sown) and the other groups of Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and additional groups in Palestine, among others yet to be revealed, that they, like the American Nationals, who own what is being taken from them without any due process of the law, are defending what has always belonged to them, but their law is for their people on their land.

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