On the one hand:
U.S. Frees 36,007 Illegal Aliens With Serious Criminal Convictions
Immigrants with criminal records go free in U.S. because home countries refuse to accept them
Then on the other hand and army of police marching in formation as the military they truly are to get two escaped murderers.
I guess the difference is the former was just released on us without a care to our safety and the latter is being used to play police state. I hear they will be going house to house in Vermont next.
This is the stinkiest of the stinky bullshit.
That’s my take on it, Henry.
They’ll (inadvertently, no doubt) somehow end up with weapons they had to ‘confiscate’ (from legal gun owners) in the process of ‘searching’ for these most dangerous criminals.
That’s the real question.
Has anyone been able to verify that these 2 characters are actual living human beings who were in prison, or is this another media fairy tale in the style of Eric Frein?
But… but… but…
… they got pichers an’ all.
An’ some pichers have big ears: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_yhF23us-0Nk/SonxzkGABII/AAAAAAAABCo/cjzxK0F7LLc/s400/MAN%2BWITH%2BBIG%2BEARS.jpg
An’ some pichers have upside down vulcan ears: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/images/2008/06/16/rossperotap.jpg
(an’ this response is utterly inane, just like the “prisoner” psyops scam)
From “Monsters vs. Aliens”
General W.R. Monger: “This place is an X-file, wrapped in a cover-up and deep-fried in a paranoid conspiracy.”
Need I say more?
I checked ny inmate locator and initially I thought I was onto something but click prisoner number and they are listed as escapees.
Unlike Eric Frein in pa inmate locator and Paul Ciancia(cia-n-cia) in ca inmate locator who don’t exist at ALL.
Doesn’t mean they’re real at all. Only means they took the time to perform data entry.