Israel asked for explanation about killing of Jordanian man

AL-MOGHEER, Jordan (AP) — Jordan has demanded a detailed explanation from Israel about the killing of a 28-year-old Jordanian by Israeli troops last week. Israeli police have said Said Amro came out of a gate of Jerusalem’s Old City with a knife in each hand, shouted “God is Great” and rushed at officers before being shot dead.

The state news agency Petra says Jordan’s information minister met Monday at the Foreign Ministry with the Israeli ambassador to Jordan and asked for explanations. Also Monday, hundreds attended Amro’s funeral in the town of al-Mogheer, chanting “Death to Israel.”  

Amro’s cousin Ramzi says his relative was “assassinated in a mean way.” Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1994, but the deal remains unpopular among Jordanians, in part because of Israel’s continued rule over Palestinians.

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