Jan 16 2020 Call Out for CRISIS ACTOR in Virginia..As GOV Declares State of Emergency

Hard News TV 2

Jan 16, 2020

Virginia has an open casting call right now for “crisis actors”…at the same time a massive pro gun rally is to take place.


LINK: https://www.film.virginia.org/hotline…

ONE DAY AGO- VIRGINIA GOV DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY AHEAD OF GUNS RIGHTS RALLY, citing “credible” threats of violence https://www.google.com/search?q=virgi…

UPDATE!!!! an HOUR AGO: FBI ARRESTS # NEO-NAZIS BEFORE GUN RALLY https://www.google.com/search?q=virgi…

**************MUST SEE VIDEO VIRGINIA GOVERNOR DECLARING STATE OF EMERGENCY***** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynDlo…

24 thoughts on “Jan 16 2020 Call Out for CRISIS ACTOR in Virginia..As GOV Declares State of Emergency

  1. I posted it at ‘VIRGINIA STATE OF EMERGENCY!!!’ and at ‘Red Flag Bill Submitted In Mississippi’

      1. This video on the crisis actors is my video. Thank you for sharing. My video today! look whats happening in KENTUCKY! Nazi police “show us your papers” Jan 19 2020 Nazi Police In Kentucky: “Show Us Your Papers” ALERT: “Who are you and what are you doing?” Answer or be detained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDwdLbT7M34

    1. True. The video mary posted again has the link in the show more if you go to youtube under the video. I clicked on the link and it says Missing Reel (404) Sorry for the inconvenience.

      I clicked on the link when it was first posted a few nights ago and it worked.

      So yes, it has been removed.

  2. Everyone get the word out now, tell your friends, family, FB, Twitter.. So that when MSM and DS and Dems try to turn this into something worst than Charlotteville… We told them TRUTH first.

  3. This video on the crisis actors is my video. Thank you for sharing. My video today! look whats happening in KENTUCKY! Nazi police “show us your papers” Jan 19 2020 Nazi Police In Kentucky: “Show Us Your Papers” ALERT: “Who are you and what are you doing?” Answer or be detained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDwdLbT7M34

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