UPDATE: Joe Biden took his nap and ate his food like a big boy. He even showed his handlers that he made a happy plate!!
"He actually showed me his plate!" pic.twitter.com/DizyV4ndSP
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) July 22, 2022
Posted: July 23, 2022
Categories: Videos
Pathetic. They’re actually pandering to him and taking delight in his immaturity. After he cleaned his plate like a good boy, did they tuck him in?
…as planned…
…or not…
“You never let
a serious crisis(the optics) go to waste. And what I mean by that: it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”~ Rahm Emanuel
Whenever “Clown(s)” are in the news, the circus is sure to follow.
I am ashamed for my country
Plant a seed
It breaks ground
It withers and dies.
Every now and then one flourishes.
It’s tough to read your comment.
Sadly I feel the same.