Johnny Gosch abduction Disturbing interview from 2005 – Elite’s pedophile playground

Published on Aug 18, 2012 by elevenplaneteleven

2005 Noreen Gosch interview with Alex Merklinger about her son that was kidnapped and covered up by the authorities which involves pedophilia at the highest levels of government. The mainstream media have reported on this case, but edit out the details that expose it as a cover up at the highest levels of government from what I have seen in my research on this. The Host of this interview Alex Merklinger is now in jail on fraud charges, people involved with trying to expose the truth with this case have served long jail sentences on bogus charges , met untimely deaths etc etc.

One thought on “Johnny Gosch abduction Disturbing interview from 2005 – Elite’s pedophile playground

  1. another sick aspect to this case is they’ve allowed the mother to live to tell the story knowing full well nothing will ever become of it. they love to brag about their misdeeds even if its through someone else through the bought off scripted news agencies which if you think about it is their modus operandi. a means to an end for them and I hope they all rot in hell!

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