Klaus Schwab says the world will no longer be run by superpowers like America… it will be run by the World Economic Forum stakeholders, such as BlackRock and Bill Gates.

2 thoughts on “Klaus Schwab says the world will no longer be run by superpowers like America… it will be run by the World Economic Forum stakeholders, such as BlackRock and Bill Gates.

  1. Very fancy double-speak, but I guess he doesn’t want to just come right out and say, FASCISM!!

    And I was looking at that abstract to the right of his right shoulder. I see a rifle at the bottom; and at the top, Karl Marx. Can you find him? Are these images supposed to be a subliminal message to us: Surrender of die?

    Poor Klaus, he really thinks he’ll push 8 billion wherever the hell he wants to. Talk about an overdue rude awakening.


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