6 thoughts on “Limited time only.

  1. Hahahaha,… Now That’s Funny (… and I know funny!)

    Chi-Chi-Commie!,…. Chi-Chi-Commie!

    That’s right folks,… now YOU! can own your own Chi-Commie Pet!

    Chi-Chi-Commie!,…. Chi-Chi-Commie!

    Order Yours,… TOOOO DDDAAYYYYYY!!!!

    JD – Apologies to cheap tv merchandising everywhere!


  2. LOL! I would almost buy one just to sit the trumpette right side to the window/light to watch the hair grow to the right~too funny!

  3. The orange pallor of herr trump-stein is incredibly accurate.

    The hair not so much. Is chia kosher? If not, ALL of them are in violation.

    1. Funny you mention that.. I cant wait to find a hundred of these in my local goodwill store..
      buying paper targets and other types of targets gets to be expensive after a while

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