Man Protests Real-ID Drivers Licenses By Wearing A Native American Headdress


Phillip Hudok of West Virginia claims the Feds are violating his religious beliefs by requiring him to get a biometric drivers license.

According to the Associated Press, Hudok and 50-60 Christians have been exempt from DHS’s biometric database since 2008. 

“Instead of being stored digitally, an 8-by-11-inch hard copy of each picture will be printed out and kept in a file. All other information, including birth dates and driving records, will be in the computer system, State Division of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Joseph said.”

But last year, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, decided to change the law and force them to join Real-ID.

And that is what prompted Hudok to protest and show up at the Elkins Department of Motor Vehicles wearing Native American attire.

Gizmodo claims Hudock does not appear to be referencing any religion specifically, but dressed as a Native American caricature for shock value.

While I applaud his protest, it really didn’t accomplish anything, since his entire face is visible and easily identifiable.

The only way to trick facial biometrics that I am aware of is to use over-sized polarized sunglasses that obscure your eyes and cheekbones and wear a hat that covers your forehead..

3 thoughts on “Man Protests Real-ID Drivers Licenses By Wearing A Native American Headdress

    1. ‘While I applaud his protest, it really didn’t accomplish anything, since his entire face is visible and easily identifiable.’……………………..READ THIS…… and know this is not just a protest about biometrics but the expose of the corporate ‘government’ of West Virginia …. hmmm…makes me wonder about you Joe

  1. i can tell you now, i have 2 tipping points.. i like EVERYONE have and do put up with their horshit because you have to, to live. BUT.. 1) i WILL NOT get a ID that requires anything to do with DNA, retina scan, stuff like that. if they mandate this nationwide by 2020, I’m gonna have it rough but I’m NOT doing it!! 2) when the EPA comes for my relatives wood burning stove, I’m gonna make a mess of that situation. the only thing keeping me in my chair, on my keyboard talking tough is, my mother’s still living. i cannot bring my actions down on her. and i cannot begin to imagine what I’d do if they ever F’d with her.. well, i know exactly what I’d do. i won’t ramble. you know what I’m saying. we’ve gotta stop, people! the bully bullies til you crack his head. they’re never gonna stop, back up or slow down; not on their own.. they’re gonna need coaxing! consequences and repercussions. right now, they have no idea what those words mean. they’ve never seen any! ..Sunfire.. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. we all have it coming, we all know it’s coming and it still sux every time. i feel for you and we’re all thinking about you. I’m not trying to be insensitive but in 2 weeks, it’ll all be over. it’s a rough couple weeks but my dad’s been dead for 8 years already.. just like that. time flies, for good or bad. peace.

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