Mass Shootings the New Norm – How the Weak Are Sucked In

The psychology behind these mass attacks is something of a brilliantly thought out plot by the anti-gun agents. It’s become obvious to me that when the weak minded among us see these brilliantly executed missions, in which huge numbers of innocent people are executed to do nothing more than try and confiscate American firearms, they want to copy for their own pleasure.

This has become the new weapon against the pro-gun American National. 

Obviously, they are counting on the weak among us to carry out their agenda, counting on the drugged, weak minded and the clueless among us. If you think about it, it’s a brilliant plan.

Having to do nothing more than to sit back and wait for some weak, drugged out maniac to do the job for the agents wanting to take control of Americans freedoms, simple as that. All that was needed was a couple of high profile incidents, and the gates are opened the inevitable.

We can sit here and argue about all the implications of this and the how could this be garbage, but prove that I’m wrong.

Simple and effective, get used to it.

5 thoughts on “Mass Shootings the New Norm – How the Weak Are Sucked In

  1. If they really thought they could get the guns they’d have done it.

    Living in what is supposed to be an open and free society is not always pleasant as things like this happen, if it even happened.

  2. Of course it’s not about the guns. It’s rules #9 through #13 in the Rules for Radicals. The other rules build up to it.

    9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

    10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

    11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.

    12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

    13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

    1. Thing is, pretty soon “Rules for Radicals” will be so over-used they’ll have to come up with something even more “radical.” Saul Alinsky will then roll over in his grave (if he has one…is this SOB still alive?)
      Certainly the “threat” of November 4 was more “terrifying” than the thing itself, which was a joke—some “pressure” on the opposition! What “counterside”? and what is Soros’ alternative–because while his son is supposedly running things now, is his son exactly like him? As for polarization, you can only divide and conquer so much before even the useful idiots cave in to sanity.

      Which is why, in over four thousand years, the criminal psycho elites have NOT been able to bring about their Satanic final solution. And speaking of Satan–he is the ultimate deceiver, after all. And no one is more deceived than the criminal psycho elites.

  3. Thanks, Mark, and yes, it’s been nuts. I’ll just add that the psychological component is also a full court press, not just in keeping the masses nervous and afraid, but in taking so much of the energy and time we invest in trying to keep up with their ugly shenanigans. Their intent (root word of “intentional”) is seemingly to keep us petrified and confused. These can be trumped by poise, focus, logic and common sense, but most don’t choose that route. I think things could take a turn for the better if they were “the new norm.”


  4. “… counting on the drugged, weak minded and the clueless among us.”

    Was just talking about this with a friend this morning. There is one group we won’t have to worry about concerning which ‘side’ they’re on. That would be those morons who are literally addicted to the ‘social media’. I see them every day… instead of making GOOD use of the greatest information source ever devised, they use the internet for nothing more than ENTERTAINMENT.

    Once the grid goes down, they’ll be committing suicide… en masse.

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