Multiple Witnesses Say ‘2 Men Were In BMW’ During Shooting

Published on May 25, 2014 by DAHBOO77

Multiple witnesses say they saw two people inside the suspect’s vehicle, however, during the press conference, Sheriff Brown would neither confirm nor deny whether there was a passenger in the car.

Michael Vitak, a student from the Czech Republic, told Sanchez what he witnessed.

“Guys in a BMW. Maybe they were trying to prove they’re tough,” Vitak said during a live televised interview. Vitak saw them shooting at two girls; one was shot dead, the other was critically hurt.

One woman identified as Sierra told Sanchez she was approached by two men in a black BMW. The driver flashed a small black handgun and asked ‘”Hey, what’s up?”‘…………

6 thoughts on “Multiple Witnesses Say ‘2 Men Were In BMW’ During Shooting

  1. Really? I thought they said it was just one. Amazing how multiple shooters were always reported but in the end they are dismissed by the MSM so they and our treasonous government can continue with their lone wolf shooter propaganda. Unfrigginbelievable.

  2. NO, NO, NO!!!!!



    Who’s screwing with the script?

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