Northeastern University to Arm Campus Police With Rifles in Wake of Mass Shootings

ABC News

In the wake of a series of mass shootings around the country, one university is beefing up security by arming campus police with semi-automatic rifles.

Northeastern University, in the heart of Boston, has announced a controversial plan to arm campus officers, despite opposition from city law enforcement officials.  

The rifles will be deployed in campus police vehicles during high-level threats, the university said.

“Our officers are trained to employ a number of capabilities to protect the campus community, including the use of tactical rifles, if necessary,” Northeastern said.

But the Boston Police Department doesn’t think arming campus police is necessary, and has some concerns.

“What concerns the BPD is when we hear of certain campus police departments that are nestled within city neighborhoods making decisions like this without including the Boston Police and other community stakeholders,” the Boston Police Department told ABC News.

4 thoughts on “Northeastern University to Arm Campus Police With Rifles in Wake of Mass Shootings

  1. But I thought those rifles had no purpose other than to “kill the maximum number of people as quickly as possible”? And why are they called “tactical rifles” when the pigs have them, but “assault weapons” when citizens have them?

    1. Exactly!

      our employees are off the reservation.. and need to be reminded who signs their checks , or at least who will be on their jury

      never forget the terminology used by them , and use it back at them every chance they bring

  2. They just won’t stop until every form of security type personnel has “rifles”and the laypeople have none. Then the executions and depopulation can take place for them.

    Can’t wait to hang every last one of them Zionist Jews. 😡

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