Obama’s National Address *Edited for Accuracy

Truthstream Media – by Aaron and Melissa Dykes

On December 6th, Obama addressed the nation on the San Bernardino shooting and ISIS.

This is a condensed version, edited for accuracy.  

(But seriously, he did call on Congress to officially declare war in Syria — think of how far that agenda has come from just two years ago — and he also asked them to ban anyone on the no-fly list from buying a gun… what better way to strip people’s 2nd Amendment rights away without any due process considering how big of a fail that list is. Last we heard, there was even an 18-month-old baby on there…)


5 thoughts on “Obama’s National Address *Edited for Accuracy

  1. It was good, but I couldn’t look at his mug long enough to watch the whole thing.

    I’ve never felt this kind of hatred for anyone before. Obama and Hillary have brought me to a new level of disgust that no human has been able to inspire in me in the past. It’s really kind of amazing.

  2. Dang, wish I could have just watched this condensed version, instead of the 13 minute video. Made a lot more sense to me, and it seemed like he wasn’t lying to me the entire clip. Love the work.

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