Homeland Security, incorporated in 9/12/01 is profiting from pot businesses, breathalyzers and pot kiosks


Soon, Police State America will force motorists to submit to pot breathalyzers. A company called theHomeland Security Corporation (HSC) part of the Department of Homeland Security is profiting off of the pot business!

DHS stands to profit from pot breathalyzers!

The Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer System has signed a collaboration agreement with Field Forensics Inc. to develop a roadside test kit for use with its Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer:  

Field Forensics Inc. (FFI) a leading developer and manufacturer of forensics sampling and identification devices for law enforcement and DHS has begun development of a potential test kit that would be used in combination with Cannabix’s breath testing technology to determine the presence of THC (the psychoactive component of marijuana that causes impairment) at the roadside by law enforcement and in the workplace. FFI produces a host of products including explosives detection, drug detection, and field and laboratory chemical sampling devices in addition to research and development services for defense, security, and law enforcement, and training services in homeland security applications.

Another company called Hound Labs expects pot breathalyzers to hit the market late next year and will theirs so affordable every police department will purchase them!

Law enforcement-oriented breathalyzers, he says, will be sold for “well under a thousand dollars.” A consumer-oriented version that’s less durable will sell for less. The machines will require single-use cartridges that likely will cost a few dollars.

“It’s not as if every breathalyzer will be replaced overnight but it will completely change the ability to recognize stoned drivers…” Lynn said.

Last year, I warned everyone what the future of driving in Police State America will look like. Soon, acop can stop and test motorists for any number of various offenses.

The facts are, drunk driving is decreasing and the alleged drugged driving epidemic is a lie.

Last year, during a congressional hearing on the threat posed by stoned drivers, a representative of the NHTSA was asked how many crash fatalities are caused by marijuana each year. “That’s difficult to say, replied Jeff Michael, NHTSA’s associate administrator for research and program development. We don’t have a precise estimate. The most he was willing to affirm was that the number is probably not zero.”

How accurate are pot breathalyzers?

According to a 2014 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) study, marijuana road side breathalyzers can only detect pot 1-2 hours after smoking…

Our method allows a window of detection of only 1 to 2 hours after smoking,” NIDA study leader Sarah Himes says. “There’s still a lot of work to be done to improve sensitivity and increase detection at later time points.” Ideally, a roadside-testing device should reliably yield positive results for as long as a smoker’s driving remains impaired, or for at least 6 hours.

Earlier this year, I reported how police hide inaccurate drug testing results from the public…

“We will be evaluating the accuracy of the devices against the most accurate laboratory standard available – GC/MS testing. However, perhaps the key distinguishing feature of this project is that it is a field test. NHTSA and the Center for Human Toxicology have already conducted a thorough laboratory test of the leading on-site drug screening devices. The goal of this project is to assess how well these devices perform when placed in the hands of trained law enforcement personnel as they conduct their routine duties. Techniques that perform well in the laboratory may falter when brought into the “real world” of law enforcement. The research will evaluate how law enforcement officers can use these screening devices as supporting evidence in the detection of drugs in the driving population.”

Studies be damned, soon police will be using devices like the Alere DDS2 and Cannabix  pot breathalyzer to arrest motorists.

image credit: AlereDD2

Take a close look at Alere’s pot breathalyzer, do you see anything unusual?  The person in the picture is wearing sterile gloves, do you think the cop who tests motorists for pot will be wearing sterile gloves? Do you think police cars and police departments are sterile environments?  Like breathalyzers and LIDAR speed cameras they are supposed to be tested daily for accuracy! Do you think the accused will ever get to see Alere’s software codes?

HSC/DHS stand to make millions, possibly billions by investing in the legal marijuana market.

The war on drugs, is an outright lie.

In February 2013 the HSC announced its expansion into the Marijuana (both Medical Marijuana-MMJ and Recreational Marijuana-MJ) and Hemp marketplaces providing services ranging from legal and regulatory compliance to security surveillance. HSC monitors all aspects of the industry are monitored with 24 hour video surveillance and this includes, Growers, Producers, Dispensaries, Infused Products Kitchens, and even down to waste disposal.

“Our (HSC) strategy is to to meet the changing demands of the industrial security, process monitoring, and general security environments as well as the security and compliance aspects of thefast growing MMJ/MJ/Hemp industries to capture contracts and revenue for the company.”

“We are on track to meet and exceed our 2014 projections for a continued profitable core business and explosive growth in the MJ sector.”

HSC’s primary customer base has been major fortune 100 companies and Federal, State, and Municipalities. During this period they have provided security systems for Camp Pendleton Marine Base in California, Florida Veterans Administration, Oregon Fish and Game Department and subcontractor for Fluor Energy on the Tennessee River Dams.

Legal marijuana is the fastest-growing industry in the US and if the trend toward legalization spreads to all 50 states, marijuana could become larger than the organic food industry.

According to a report by the ArcView Group titled “The State of Legal Marijuana Markets” will beworth $19 billion by 2019.

Homeland Security Corporation was incorporated on 9/12/2001

David Shade, is Chairman and CEO of HSC and has worked for DHS for 13 years. HSC was incorporated in California in September 12, 2001. It was known as Caribbean Motor Works USA until it changed to its current name in 2005, it’s valued at nearly $800,000. Click here to find out more about HSC’s incorporation and click here to view HSC’s Facebook page.

According to direct incorporation.com: it takes about 4 weeks to become incorporated in California; about 2 weeks if expedited.”

Another website called Northwest Registered Agent claims it can take anywhere from 1-3 business days to become registered in California.

“It will take the California Secretary of State about 25 business days to process your California incorporation if you file via paper.  If you pay an additional expedite fee the state will process your filing in 1-3 business days.”

There’s the smoking gun… either the Bush Administration allowed 9-11 to happen or they needed an excuse to create Homeland Security!

“HSC was incorporated for the purpose of distributing security and surveillance products through the Internet. Currently, the Company has access through various vendors, to over 10,000 security, surveillance, and counter-surveillance products.”

According to Bloomberg, David Shade is also the Chairman of Diamond Hitts Productions…

Diamond Hitts Production Inc. is in the process of reinventing its business from a pure dot-com company to a multifaceted entertainment/Hollywood-active production company. The Company’s business is to seek and acquire profitable entertainment assets and liquidate, modify, extend or otherwise satisfy its indebtedness. 

This reeks of a DHS run front company, seeking to purchase a production company to produce government approved TV shows and movies!

“Effective February 16, 2001, the Company determined that its dot-com assets were not cost-effective, and sold a majority of such assets. Effective March 29, 2001, the Company changed its name from Hitsgalore.com, Inc. to Diamond Hitts Production, Inc. The Company was engaged in the development of a pornography-free business-to-business Internet search engine. The hitsgalore.com Website provided a searchable database for businesses seeking to bring visitors (hits) to their Websites.”

HSC, also has close ties to the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA), Nate Bradley a former cop and sheriff is CCIA’s Executive Director.

DHS is also developing marijuana kiosk dispensers!

Dore Scott Perler former CEO of HSC now works with Yahoo as VP of sales. Mr. Perler is also the CEO of Profile Solutions, Inc. (PSI) which is located in NYC close to Times Square. PSI specializes in servicing Fortune 100 Customers, Law Enforcement and Government Agencies/Facilities, Medical and Recreational cannabis industry-related businesses.

PSI has also created solutions for prison/work/release/treatment center/fingerprint access solution and transportation and cargo tracking.

HSC/DHS is developing a marijuana kiosk dispenser called Canna Vend:

image credit: Profile Solutions

How long before DHS begins using drones to deliver pot?

For more info about police pot breathalyzers, read: “Roadside marijuana breathalyzers coming to a police department near you and “Pot breathalyzers coming to a police department near you.”


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