Odessa Residents Hang Red Neckties for Saakashvili to Gobble Up

Russia Insider

This is wonderful:

Sounding a note of dark humor, residents of Odessa, a port city in southern Ukraine and the site of recent tensions between pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian elements, hung red neckties all over their town as a response to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s appointment of former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili as governor of the Odessa region. Saakashvili was the leader of the bloodless 2003 Rose Revolution that swept away pro-Russian leadership in Georgia and brought a pro-Western government to power. The neckties are a reference to the infamous video of Saakashvili nervously chewing on his tie during Georgia’s 2008 conflict with Russia.

We can already see the headlines in Kiev: “Pro-Russian Terrorists Disrespect New European Governor”…


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