OH NO MEASLES, WE’RE ALL GONNA D— Wait, Do You Wanna See What Measles Looked Like Before Vaccinations?

vaccine2The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

(The video I’m talking about in the title is at the end for people who want to skip this rant about brainwashing and predictive programming and get right to the point.)

Today I have been called all manner of names and even been told people hope my children die simply for pointing out the fact that vaccines can cause outbreaks for the very diseases they are advertised to protect against on record.  

See, I was behind on the level of frenzy they’ve whipped everyone up to with the measles because I don’t own cable TV, so I don’t pay to have government propaganda piped directly into my home. I didn’t realize that a large majority of the country is freaking out about vaccinations and measles to a completely irrational level.

(I’m sure this, by the way, has nothing to due with the fact that vaccine rates have slumped due to the CDC Whistleblower scandal on top of the flu shot admittedly not working this year…)

Right now, while a large swath of the American population runs around screaming that we’re all gonna die of measles like frightened sheep (the majority of whom are afraid of whatever the television tells them to be at the moment… ISIS, Ebola, whatever suits the establishment agenda) because a whopping 100 or so people have contracted measles from going to Disneyland (100 people out of the 15 MILLION who visit that park each year), it’s already been proven on record that a vaccinated person can start an outbreak of measles.

That’s not me saying that. That’s a report in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases as reported by the American Association for the Academy of Sciences saying that.

On top of that, the CDC’s own data shows that this “potentially lethal” disease only killed a grand total of FIVE people between 2004 and 2010… out of 300-plus MILLION people living in the U.S.

Five. Five people! Five people who were likely immune-compromised to begin with!


Potentially lethal? What a scaremongering semantics game. Slipping and falling on my bathroom floor is potentially lethal! Driving a car, drinking alcohol, climbing a ladder, eating a sandwich, water — all of these things can be considered “potentially lethal” because potentially lethal just means anything that could kill you. It doesn’t mean it will. Those are two different things.

Seriously. CALM DOWN, people!

But instead of just calmly using logic and common sense and realizing that we are supposed to have rights here in the United States, the good little vaccinated sheep trapped in their television-induced fear cycle are now hysterically screaming for people’s rights to be taken away even more than they already are in post-9/11 America… And, apparently a couple of them are wishing my children dead for merely mentioning that fully vaccinated people can cause outbreaks, that fully vaccinated people can still contract and spread the measles, that it isn’t deadly and the majority of people who get it won’t die, the people that do are usually immune compromised and live in places with poor or no sanitation, and basically for even talking about how ridiculous a lot of this hype is over on my blog. (Guess I’m not allowed to type, either.)

Pediatricians have gone on record to say measles poses no risks to healthy children and is ultimately a benign disease.

The older generation is utterly confused, by the way. You find them all over these scaremongering mainstream media articles in comments sections telling people that, back before the days of vaccines needing to be sold, parents took their children to other kids’ houses who had measles specifically to make them get it so they could build up a natural immunity and get over it.


And yet… here we are. Whatever the television tells people to be afraid of next week (terrorists, school shootings, some other disease, a piece of space junk falling on them from outer space and killing them instantly as they walk down the sidewalk, Hillary Clinton running for president), sure enough, they’ll run around screaming like we’re all gonna die as they’ve been told to.

This whole situation just proves brainwashing and predictive programming works.

I mean, wow. Now they’re even calling for “anti-vaxxers” to be jailed, sued, and publicly ridiculed and shamed. The witch hunt is ON. Next it’ll be public floggings and burnings at the stake in the town square.

BUT OVER MEASLES of all things???

I mean, back when people were freaking out that Ebola-laced ISIS members were going to attack our city streets, that was one thing (a ridiculous thing, but still). But measles?

Do you want to know how ridiculous this whole situation is?

Here is what measles looked like back in the 1950s and early 1960s pre-measles vaccination:


Getting the measles was a sitcom PUNCHLINE.

Which, if I might add, is exactly what living in America today is like, watching people running around screaming and freaking out over a small measles outbreak to the point that they are advocating we not only take away people’s basic freedoms but literally jail them for daring to make their own decisions about whether or not to vaccinate their children.

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Melissa Melton of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Melton is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

– See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/oh-no-measles-were-all-gonna-d-wait-do-you-wanna-see-what-measles-looked-like-before-vaccinations_012015#sthash.LK6n9TOY.dpuf

13 thoughts on “OH NO MEASLES, WE’RE ALL GONNA D— Wait, Do You Wanna See What Measles Looked Like Before Vaccinations?

  1. “F#@K big pharma’s propaganda, the “medical industrial complex” is suppressing negative research outcomes and making up fairy tales about how wonderful their poisons are. They can “wish” all the people they want dead. I wish more people would educate themselves and pull their heads out of their backsides.

    1. Im so startled Millard.
      Will you save me and keep me protected? I dont think I can go on with such diseases constantly trying to kill me. (lol sarcasm)

      I hear pulling ones head out of their backside increases the risks of measles. 🙂

      1. Hey Nottoobitter, I’d say it’s best to prepare to save yourself and your loved ones on your own. Anyone here thinking that the authorities will say “We are hear to save you” need their heads examined!

  2. “Today I have been called all manner of names and even been told people hope my children die simply for pointing out the fact that vaccines can cause outbreaks for the very diseases they are advertised to protect against on record.”

    Yep, that sounds exactly what I hear when I try to explain the vaccination scam to some sheeple. However, since I don’t have children, they still say that as if I did.

    Oh well, that’s what they get for listening to the idiotbox. They’ll find out soon enough, I guess.

    1. I watch the “idiot” box just to know what were up against. However, I cannot watch AJ without nausea leading to “projectile vomiting”! As diggerdan would say, “I had to get the “bile bucket” out!

  3. I could understand concern about chicken pox, having had shingles at 55 years old. My concern about measles and some other relatively benign childhood illnesses is for later generations. One theory I read re:why the Spanish flu was so devastating was that it had been more than a generation since the strain had been through the population AND breast-feeding was out of fashion. Women were actually discouraged from breast feeding, so the natural immunities, even weak, were not passed along. The 1918 strain hit a defenseless population. It’s not nice to fool mother nature. Who knows whzt she can do with measles!

    1. The millions of deaths, estimates range from 20 to 50 million, from 1918 to 1923 were not due to the Spanish flu, which began with multiple epicenters in the US in and near army bases.

      The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 Was Caused by Vaccinations

      Bayer and Death: 1918 and Aspirin

      Spanish Flu and Aspirin

      There’s a boatload more of information at whaleto.net if you’re interested in a little self education.

    2. Especially when they “gene splice” other man-made nightmares into the mix and release it into an unbeknownst population.

  4. Great video to present society’s widely accepted view of the: dah-duh-Duuuhhh….. DEADLY SCOURGE OF MEASLES from the “alternative universe” of 50-60 years ago. Please send the link of this article to everyone on your email/social network list, and ask them to forward it. Let’s counter the big pharma propaganda, and see how long it is before they counter by shutting down the video, or coming out with a response to it; which I believe would be a lie about how today’s measles are so much worse than those old fashioned measles.
    Yah Bless The Republic!
    Death to the New World “Odor”

  5. OOPs, I forgot the joo boys own the media and they don’t approve of what were up to here in “The Trenches”. I submit, MEASLES, MEASLES, MEASLES. EBOLA, EBOLA, EBOLA, TERRORISTS, TERRORISTS, TERRORISTS. There now, you can elevate the threat level to orange!

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