Los Angeles DUI Blog – by Betty Wang

During the 2013 Fourth of July holiday weekend in Los Angeles County, police made 43% more DUI-related arrests than they did the year before. According to NBC, nearly 500 people were arrested during a 2-day period (from Thursday to Saturday) in Los Angeles County.

The year prior, in 2012, the arrests numbered around 340.   Continue reading “Recent Holiday DUI Arrests Jump More Than 40%: 4 Tips”

0203-roseanne_full_600Collective Evolution – by Arjun Walia

For those of you that don’t know, Roseanne Barr is a well known actress, comedian, writer, television producer and director. She has won several awards which include Emmy awards, Golden Globe awards, People’s Choice awards and more. She has been in the industry for over twenty years and has gained much respect from many of her Hollywood colleagues who she is now speaking on behalf of.

I just want to make it clear how long she has been inside the industry, and the connections she has to others within it. Industry insiders are feeling the need to share inspirational words and food for thought to the millions of people that pay attention to them as of late. We saw this recently with Ashton Kutcher. Celebrities have a voice that can reach a large sum of people, they can be a threat to corporate interests and the controlling elite and as Roseanne states, many celebrities bite their tongue and live in a culture of fear.   Continue reading “Roseanne Barr: “MK Ultra Rules In Hollywood””

police militarizationHuffington Post – by Radley Balko

One of the central themes of my book is that that too many cops today have been conditioned to see the people they serve not as citizens with rights, but as an enemy. My argument is that this battlefield mindset is the product of a generation of politicians telling police that they’re at war with things — drugs, terrorism, crime, etc. — and have then equipped them with the uniforms, tactics, weapons, and other accoutrements of war.   Continue reading “SWAT Cop Says American Neighborhoods Are ‘Battlefields,’ Claims Cops Face Same Dangers As Soldiers In Afghanistan”

Common Dreams – by Matt Sledge

FORT MEADE, Md. — Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesday for releasing 700,000 documents about the United States’ worldwide diplomacy and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Manning was a 25-year-old Army private first class at the time of his arrest. He saw himself as an idealist acting to end the wars, and said in online chats with hacker Adrian Lamo that he was particularly concerned about the abuse of detainees in Iraq. No political or military higher-ups have ever been prosecuted for detainee abuse or torture in Iraq, Afghanistan or at Guantanamo Bay.   Continue reading “Bradley Manning Headed To Prison, While Those Who Authorized Torture Go Free”

File photo shows a Syrian victim who has suffered injuries in a chemical attack at SyriaPress TV

On Wednesday – just hours after the massacre of hundreds of Syrians with chemical weapons – Israeli Minister of Military Affairs Moshe Yaalon claimed he knew who did it: The Syrian government.

Other world leaders, including US President Barack Obama, did not rush to judgment. Instead, they called for a United Nations investigation. Many experts, including the BBC’s Frank Gardner, former UN weapons inspector Rolf Ekeus, and Swedish chemical weapons expert, Ake Sellstrom, ridiculed or cast doubt on the notion that Syrian President Assad would launch a chemical attack at the exact moment weapons inspectors arrived in Syria. The Russian Foreign Ministry came right out and called the chemical attack “a provocation planned in advance.”    Continue reading “Syria chemical mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag?”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: I have seen no photos or video of mass bodies. Maybe 20 at the most wrapped in white. If hundreds or thousands were killed in the “chemical attacks” where are they? This article says they were buried in a mass grave. If this story were true we would see those pictures. This is an attempt by the West to justify the coming military campaign on Syria. The plans have already been made per Dempsey. They just need a reason, did they just get it? Isaiah 17:1   Continue reading “Damascus Bombed: Syrian Forces Bomb Area of Alleged Chemical Attack”

AlterNet – by Alex Henderson

In a democratic republic, the “innocent until proven guilty” concept is supposed to be sacrosanct. Jurors, police officers, judges and prosecuting attorneys—at least in theory—are required to err on the side of caution, and if a guilty person occasionally goes free, so be it. But with the war on drugs, the concept of innocent until proven guilty has fallen by the wayside on countless occasions. The war on drugs is not only fought aggressively, it is fought carelessly and haphazardly, and a long list of innocent victims have been killed or maimed in the process.   Continue reading “10 Shocking Examples of Police Killing Innocent People in the “War on Drugs””

Gun ConfiscationAmmoLand – by AWR Hawkins

Washington DC – -(Ammoland.com)- As former Australian politician Tim Fischer turns the shooting of Christopher Lane into an opportunity to push a travel boycott until the U.S. changes its gun laws, police in Sydney launched “a new plan to tackle out-of-control gun violence” there.

The new action against gun violence was launched on August 21 and will pull together various police-sponsored gun control operations into one. The name of the new effort is Operation Talon.   Continue reading “Gun Crime ‘Out of Control’ Despite Strict Australia Laws”

130819-hosni-mubarak-630a.photoblog600Pat Dollard

Excerpted from Israel National News – Egypt’s prime minister has ordered that former president Hosni Mubarak be placed under house arrest when he is released from prison after more than two years, it was reported Wednesday evening.

The country’s interim Prime Minister, Hazem el-Beblawi, reportedly said in a statement that he ordered Mubarak put under house arrest as part of the emergency measures put in place this month.   Continue reading “Mubarak To Be Placed Under House Arrest”

Dressing up as police officers67 Not Out – by Mike Perry

There’s a lesson in this short coincidence story for those who like dressing up as police officers.

One gentleman in northern New Mexico had all the police gear: police lights on his vehicle, a real police weapon etc. “So,” he must have thought, “let’s put this equipment to good use.”    Continue reading “Fake Police Officer Pulls Over Real Police Officers”

Ladar Levison.(Screenshot from RT video)RT News

The owner of the now-shuttered encrypted email service used by Edward Snowden told RT that he plans to fight for a strong precedent via the court system so that US internet providers can refuse to hand over customers’ personal info and communications.

Ladar Levison abruptly shut down his company, Lavabit LLC, on August 8 to avoid being forced to hand over customers’ personal information and communications.     Continue reading “Lavabit owner eyes legal precedent to rid cloud-data companies of govt surveillance”

Press TV

The British Navy has put a flotilla of warships and support vessels on standby to evacuate British tourists from Egypt amid escalating violence in the country.

Egyptian security forces have been leading a brutal crackdown on supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, killing more than 800 people and injuring hundreds of others since Wednesday.    Continue reading “UK Navy warships on standby for evacuation of nationals from Egypt”

radiationNatural News – by Mike Adams

The following is a first-person account of the attempt by the Japanese government to brainwash victims of Fukushima radiation poisoning into believing radiation would not harm them if they simply “smile.” Natural News is the first U.S. news source to publish this account in English. The name of the original author is Uwamae Masako, who now lives in Taiwan after escaping Fukushima and leaving behind many friends and family members.

As you’ll see below, the Japanese government’s Fukushima Radiation Health Risk Advisor uses a hypnotic, droning speech pattern to try to convince his audience of absolutely bizarre quack science beliefs like “people who drink aren’t affected by radiation” or that “laughter will remove your radiation phobia.”   Continue reading “Fukushima victim exposes Japanese government’s attempted bizarre brainwashing of radiation victims”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

We human beings have seemingly forgotten the old truth, “What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.” If that is true, and it is, then we humans will truly in very, very bad shape in the near future as this story from ENENews demonstrates. With dolphins dying up and down the East Coast in record numbers, now comes this story from Canada where Pacific Herrings are now dying off in record numbers as well, bleeding out from their eyeballs, faces, fins and tails. What may have caused this? Fukushima radiation? Has the BP oil spill and Corexit made it into the Pacific Ocean now? These mass animal die-offs going on around the world have been big news over the last several years and have poisoned our entire food chain; should this be blamed upon something other than mankind? Government officials were notified of this hemorrhaging shortly after the Fukushima catastrophe on March 11th, 2011 but they ignored it….Why? The story below.   Continue reading “Fish Bleeding From Eyeballs, Faces, Fins & Tails In Pacific Ocean & Canada”

obamacare, strikes,, and, forever, 21, cuts, employees, hours, Policy Mic – by Maggie O’Neill

The predictions and fears of the Affordable Care Act’s adversaries have begun to materialize, specifically fears that the law will encourage employers to demote their employees to part-time positions in order to evade federal health care requirements. Popular clothing company Forever 21 is the first of what might be many companies to limit its non-management workers’ hours to 29.5 a week, just below the 30-hour minimum that the ACA deems full-time work.   Continue reading “Obamacare Strikes, and Forever 21 Cuts Employees’ Hours”