Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, on his way to a Senate session in Washington DC, was detained at the Nashville Airport in Tennessee this morning. Apparently Senator Paul, after going through a full body screen was told that there was an object on his knee. The Senator raised his pant leg to show there was nothing there and offered to take another dose of radiation by going through the screen again to resolve the issue. This is when Senator Paul was told he would have to undergo a full body pat down, which he refused and this is when he was detained.
People, we are talking about a United States Senator here who was on his way to the Capital. The U.S. Constitution protects federal lawmakers from detention while they’re on their way to the Capital. I guess that is another part of our Constitution that is no longer in effect as a result of the Patriot Act and the Indefinite Detention Clause in the National Defense Authorization Act signed by Obama on New Year’s Eve.
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